Bakin Takizawa
Oei, later known as Katsushika Oi, was born the third daughter of Edo’s talented painter Katsushika Hokusai and his second wife Koto. Although Oei became the wife of a town painter for a time, her love of the paintbrush more than her husband spelt disaster and she comes back home to Hokusai from the family she had married into. This is how Oei starts to help her father out in his painting of the “insurmountable high wall”. Meanwhile, Oei can only talk to the painter Ikeda Zenjiro, who is her father’s student, about her pain and worries. Zenjiro has taken Edo by storm as Keisai Eisen, the master of ukiyo-e portraying beautiful women. He visits regularly because he admires Hokusai and secretly likes Oei although their relationship is like childhood friends. Oei respects her father whose paintings fascinated her and continues to work as a painter who supports him behind the scenes. When Hokusai’s masterpiece Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji was completed, she was also by his side.
Yuichiro wants to be an film director but his widowed mother wants him to become a doctor. As radiation leaks permeate the city, he tries to clear his debts by signing up for a dangerous medical experiment...
Shingo Kamiyama
A simple funeral turns a man's world Topsy turvy. He wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before.
School Teacher
Third installment of the "Gakko No Kaidan" series follows the trek of several elementary school students as they wander into an alternate world that exists on the opposite side of a school mirror. Nishida Naomi (the hapless teacher in "Gakko No Kaidan 2") returns as the teacher who accompanies the children on their journey into the surreal universe.
Однажды вечером на пороге дома бедняка Тайдзю оказалась красивая гостья. Она назвалась Цуру и сказала, что пришла, чтобы стать его женой. Цуру привела избу в порядок и заботливо ухаживала за свекровью. Увидев ткацкий станок, стала ткать на нём, но при этом попросила, чтобы никто не заглядывал, когда она будет работать. Цуру соткала ткань невиданной красоты. Тайдзю немедленно отправился продавать ткань местному старосте Ханава, даже не заметив, что его жена немного похудела. Благодаря ткани, сотканной Цуру, Тайдзю и его мать стали жить лучше. Но староста потребовал, чтобы Цуру соткала ещё одну красивую ткань. Она отказалась, сказав, что такую ткань можно соткать только один раз в жизни. Но, пожалев Тайдзю, всё же решилась, и на этот раз строго наказав, чтобы во время работы не заглядывали к ней. Утром Тайдзю не утерпел и заглянул…