2020 marks 100 years since the birth of Federico Fellini, the most prominent Italian director and one of the symbols of the insuperable cinematic heyday of mid-20th century. Fellini had always been a mysterious director, not only in his cryptic symbolism but also in his idiosyncratic, excessive mixture of psychoanalysis, Catholicism and faith in the mysterious. In this documentary, his relationship with the paranormal, luck and fate, alongside the coexistence of organized discourse and transcendence to the imaginary, is examined via friends, collaborators and distinguished fans (Friedkin, Gilliam, Chazelle). A great testimony to why rationalists and ideologists have a hard time with his work, ‘Fellini and the Spirits’ is an appropriate yet unexpected tribute.
Из Неаполя отплывает роскошный лайнер, на борту которого страстные почитатели оперы провожают на родину прах оперной дивы Эдме Тетуа. По палубе слоняются ее многочисленные друзья и поклонники, жизнь кажется прекрасной. По пути корабль подбирает потерпевших кораблекрушение сербских беженцев. Австро-венгерский броненосец требует их выдачи. Завязывается сражение.