Rodrigo Fernandes

Rodrigo Fernandes


Rodrigo Fernandes


Um Tira Chamado Perigo
Edward Johnson McCoy, a cop, and his partner Rolando Valdez are on a mission in New York.
Um Tira Chamado Perigo
Edward Johnson McCoy, a cop, and his partner Rolando Valdez are on a mission in New York.
Second Date
Second Date
Second Date
Second Date
Hit the Road
Short film based on real events published in the book "It Had Everything to Work If It Wasn't Me".
Hit the Road
Short film based on real events published in the book "It Had Everything to Work If It Wasn't Me".
Hit the Road
Short film based on real events published in the book "It Had Everything to Work If It Wasn't Me".
Бинго – король утреннего эфира
Palhaço 1
Аугусто грезит о славе великого актера. Когда ему предлагают вести, казалось бы, заурядную детскую передачу на телевидении, он понимает, что это его шанс. Нарушая все каноны телеэфира 80-х годов и шокируя публику, его утреннее шоу прогремит на всю Бразилию. Однако долгожданная популярность остается недостижимой мечтой — загримированному под клоуна Бинго Аугусто запрещено раскрывать свою личность.
Ele Mesmo
It's a love story between a fashion blogger and a video game blogger. The beauty and the nerd.
Eu Fico Loko
The biography of the Brazilian YouTuber Christian Figueiredo.
Apnea presents a week in the life of Chris and her friends. Chris does not want to sleep. Afraid of her sleep apnea and her own unconsciousness, Chris stays up several nights in search of some sort of sense to her life that she did not see during the day, always living on the edge of her own body, and of existence itself, and dragging everything around with her.
Laughter of Others
There are limits to jokes? What is the politically incorrect humor? A joke has the power to offend? It is these issues that 'Laughter of Others' discusses interviewing personalities such as comedians Danilo Gentili and Rafinha Bastos, cartoonist Laerte and Congressman Jean Wyllys, among others. The documentary delves into the world of Stand Up Comedy to discuss the fine line between comedy and offense, between legal and what creates endless lawsuits.
Bruno Motta - O Show do Ano