Yuka Yamada

Рождение : 1968-03-16, Tokyo, Japan


WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me – Precious Friends
Tamayura: Graduation Photo Part 3 - Akogare
The third movie of a four-part finale of Tamayura.
Tamayura: Graduation Photo Part 2 - Hibiki
The second movie of a four-part finale of Tamayura.
Tamayura: Graduation Photo Part 1 - Kizashi
As Fu and her friends begin their third and final year of high school, the photography club gets two new members; freshman Takumi Shindou and sophomore Suzune Maekawa. Thinking about what to do after graduation, Fu decides she wants to pursue a career combining photography and travelling. Afterwards, Fu's family tell Fu about the time she took a picture of her father and first learned about "tamayura" from him. Later, as Chihiro and Tomo pay a visit for the Bamboo Festival, announcing that they plan to study abroad after graduation, Fu is shocked to learn that Riho is planning to leave town. During the festival the next day, as the girls get to see Kanae as part of Sayomi's explorer's club, Fu is approached by Riho, who explains she is going to Tokyo to open a gallery with her friend. Thankful for everything Riho has done for her, Fu promises the carry on her torch in pusuit of a career in photography.
Literature Girl Memoir I - Prelude of a Dreaming Girl
Series Composition
Tōko Amano is a high school student with the strange power of being able to experience books by eating them. While visiting the workplace of her deceased father, she stumbles upon the rejected drafts for a writing contest. One of them has such an impact on her that she asks her acquaintance there to give it one more chance
Литературная барышня
Загадочная школьная комедия разворачивается вокруг необычных членов школьного литературного кружка. Токо Амано — ученица выпускного класса, называющая себя «литературная девушка» будучи президентом клуба — на самом деле сверхъестественное создание, которое питается историями и рассказами, вырывая страницы из книг и поедая их. Её подчиненный по имени Коноха Иноуе — ученик второго класса старшей школы — каждый день пишет для нее новые истории, чтобы та могла ими питаться.
Literature Girl
Series Composition
Люпен III: Неуловимый, как туман
В 2883 году талантливый учёный Кёскэ Мамо создаёт машину времени. И, видимо, так он был увлечён своим творением, что совсем не уделял внимание своей девушке. Вскоре он узнаёт, что она встречается с другим парнем, и этим парнем оказывается потомок знаменитого афериста Арсена Люпена Третьего. Но Мамо не намерен с этим мириться, и он отправляется в прошлое, чтобы уничтожить Люпена, и чтобы его потомок никогда не появился на свет.
In a Distant Time
One rainy day, Akane crosses path with a kind young man who tacitly offers to her his coat. On their second encounter, he confesses that he has no recollection of who he is, his name or his past, but feels contented by just being with her. Besotted, Akane sets out to find his name, and to unravel his enigmatic connection with a famous cursed dance rumoured to kill anyone who attempts to perform it.