Luigi Uzzo

Luigi Uzzo

Рождение : 1943-03-07, Napoli, Italy

Смерть : 1990-04-22


Luigi Uzzo


Фантоцци уходит на пенсию
Direttore del Caprice
После 30-ти лет работы в Мегафирме Фантоцци уходит на пенсию. 30 лет рабства! Но оказывается, что пенсия — не освобождение. Она — лишь продолжение хлопот. Точнее — начало новых проблем.
The Third Solution
The Roman Catholic Pope is planning a reconciliatory meeting with the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, an event awaited for many generations. But suddenly, right while the Pope is addressing the crowds gathered in the Piazza Navone, a nun is assassinated by a Ukrainian, placing the upcoming talks between the two leaders in jeopardy. And the head of the American diplomatic corps (the nun was an American) assigns the investigation of the killing to one of his underlings, which leads the young man to investigate the Russicum, a center for the study of Russia within the Vatican city. And from there he finds himself caught up in an intrigue of international proportions, filled with agents and double agents, and ending with a revelation most unexpected.
Il mistero di Bellavista
Armando, il portiere
Thus Spoke Bellavista
Armando Il Portiere
In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.
Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio
commissario (episodio "Il pelo della disgrazia")
The film is divided into two episodes, The Hair of Disgrace and The Magician, both focusing on the theme of the occult and beliefs.
Laura... a 16 anni mi dicesti sì
A young fisherman from Pozzuoli, Gino Esposito, is in love with the sixteen-year-old Laura who reciprocates him with passion; but her family is opposed to the idyll and even goes so wildly to beat the young man. The two pigeons, however, on the advice of the common friend Tito, flee to Venice but are immediately resumed; she is brought back home, he in prison for a minor rat. Laura marries Tito to save Gino from prison. So they spend about ten years, the two lovers meet again by chance in the record store that he has opened and they discover they still love each other. Gino remained a widower with a lively little boy, Duccio; Laura has a daughter Lisa, whom her father Titus adores. The marriage without love of Laura, after the meeting with Gino, goes into crisis. Tito is jealous of his wife who now hates him; so to take revenge on his rival he decided to have a bomb put in Gino's shop.
Sorry for the Delay
Vincenzo, a 30 years old apathetic and lazy man who still lives with his mother, has no job and no desire to improve. He meets Anna and fell in love with her but to keep the relationship alive he has to learn to accept more responsibility.
giardiniere di villa Ascalone
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.
I Carabbinieri
Il contratto
Лицеистка, дьявол и святая вода
un angelo
Фильм-антология в котором ангел-хранитель влюбляется в красивую танцовщицу, полицейский должен следить за арестованным трансгендером, а зубной техник продает свою душу дьяволу, но не удовлетворен результатом.
The Nurse in the Military Madhouse
A story about a singer/showgirl who poses as a nurse to recover some stolen paintings, which for some reason are hidden in a military insane asylum.
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.
Quei figuri di tanti anni fa
Gennaro Fierro
Репетиция Оркестра
В древней часовне телевизионная группа устраивает запись репетиции оркестра, но рутинная работа неожиданно перерастает в противостояние.
Matteo, maestro di disegno
Gennareniello, a crazy inventor, is married to Concettina and lives at home with his son Tommasino, full of tics, his spinster sister and with Matteo, a drawing master who makes plans for his inventions. Driven by his friends, the man courts the young teacher Anna and when his wife notices it, he is forced to run away from home, overwhelmed by the scorn of derision of friends and acquaintances who come to disguise him as a dandy, thus offending his dignity.
Le voci di dentro
Natale in casa Cupiello
Luca Cupiello, like every Christmas, prepares the crib, amid the disinterest of his wife Concetta and his son Tommasino. Ninuccia, the other daughter, writes a letter to her husband in which she communicates that she leaves him for her lover. The letter happens in the hands of Luca who hands it over to his son-in-law, who thus learns of his wife's betrayal. During lunch on Christmas Eve, the two rivals, who were confronted by Luca's carelessness, clash violently.
Дамы и господа, спокойной ночи!
funzionario di polizia
Нам предлагают насладиться прямым эфиром идиотского канала 3TG в компании неотразимого ведущего. Сегодня в программе: выпуск новостей с сосредоточенным ковырянием в носу; урок английского языка со стриптизом и смертоубийством; телефильм «Бомба» о комиссариате городка Монтенеро, где раздается зловещие тиканье; познавательное интервью с профессором Шмидтом, предлагающим здоровый каннибализм в качестве средства от перенаселения; драматическая история генерала, пропустившего военный парад из-за аварии в санузле, а также увлекательное игровое шоу «Злой Рок-ометр», победителя которого ждет смерть от электрошока!
Тодо Модо
Aldo Lombo
Заброшенный Рим. Волонте направляется в духовный центр Зафер на встречу политических и экономических деятелей с представителями католического духовенства. Но религиозные обряды - только ширма. Видный государственный деятель бесследно исчезает, священники взяты в заложники, сенатор изрешечен пулями. Директор центра священник Дон Гаетано совершает самоубийство. Оставшись один на один с трупами, Волонте понимает, что стал жертвой заговора.
Quale onore!
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
Стареющая певичка Флора Торрес, раздражительная и обиженная на весь мир, не знает, как свести концы с концами. Неожиданно ее приглашают выступить в госпитале перед солдатами. Флора согласилась, думая поправить свое положение. Рисунок ее концертного наряда повторяет итальянский флаг и соответствует подготовленной программе. Однако, увидев совсем юных солдат, изувеченных на фронтах Первой мировой войны, Флора запела совсем иную песню.
Рабочий класс идет в рай
Добросовестный работник с завода остается без пальца. Инцидент приводит к тому, что за него разворачивается настоящая война между политиками, революционерами и управлением завода.
Between Miracles
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.