Production Design
Словно ангелы в «небе над Берлином», они парят над городом подобно влюблённым Марка Шагала. Рассказчица, будто сказочная Шахерезада, плетёт кружева городских историй, заглядывает за закрытые окна и проникает в чужие сны, наблюдая за чередой событий обычной жизни с её банальностью и красотой.
Hans-Erik Norberg has chosen to live trapped in his own "bubble". After a childhood marked by illness, abuse and bullying, he decided to and break all contact with the outside world and say no to friendship. Overall, he spent 45 years in self-imposed isolation behind barred windows in Fittja. The only thing that made him get up in the morning was the construction of a seven meter luxury cruiser in the living room. After meeting with the crew his life changed and suddenly he leaves the protective cover of the bubble ...