Миллионер Михаэль и певица Кити влюблены друг в друга. У их друзей - бродвейской дивы Брук и игрока Джонни тоже завязался роман. Когда между служанкой Брук и камердинером Михаэля тоже вспыхивает страсть - начинается настоящая неразбериха.
Workman (uncredited)
Нью-Йорк. 1890 год. «Миссис Долли Левай, организует знакомства в атмосфере элегантности и утонченности с целью заключения брака!» Такими словами начинается этот киномюзикл. Простая история о свахе, которая находит всем мужей и жен и не забывает про себя, превращена в феерическое шоу с участием актеров, певцов и танцоров.
Husband in Elevator
A man on the verge of divorce is shocked by his wife's glamorous makeover.
Dr. John (uncredited)
Этот фильм посвящен событиям 1925 года в Дейтоне, штат Теннесси, когда школьный учитель был осужден за преподавание эволюционной теории, что в то время было запрещено. Несмотря на моральную победу адвоката (ранее протестовавшего против такого запрета) в этих дебатах, учитель был осужден и приговорен к штрафу в 100 долларов.
Malone's Secretary
A prostitute sets out to frame a cop.
Cab Dispatcher
Джонни Бродерик, следователь группы по поджогам, и его помощник Бен Ховард расследуют пожар на складе и находят доказательства поджога. Адвокат Уильям Ярбо стоит за серией зажигательных пожаров, охвативших город. Кили Харисс, актриса, унаследовала склад от своего отца. Ябро звонит ей и говорит, что они с отцом сильно застраховали здание и планировали сжечь его и собрать, а также говорит ей, что она должна принять половину страховых денег, иначе он увидит, что она обвиняется в поджоге. «Поп» Берген, отец Мэрили Берген, работает факелом, нанятым Ярбо, и погибает в одном из пожаров. Ярбо узнает, что Кили сотрудничает с Бродериком, и входит в киностудию, где она работает, решив убить ее.
Dryden Philpott
A kid who wants to enter his car in the drag races joins a rock band to make enough money to do it.
Informant (uncredited)
История легендарной преступницы 30-х годов, девушки-гангстера Бонни Паркер.
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Во время работы в летнем лагере, юная студентка Марджори Моргенштерн влюбляется в 32-летнего драматурга Ноэля Эйрмана. Как и Марджори, Ноэль принадлежит к крупному буржуазному классу нью-йоркских евреев, однако он был разорён, вследствие чего, родители девушки возражают против их отношений. Ноэль честно предупреждает Марджори, что она слишком наивна и заблуждается в нём, но ни это, ни категоричный протест родителей не мешают влюблённым быть вместе. Их отношения развиваются непросто. Они то сходятся, то расходятся. Вскоре, Марджори заканчивает своё обучение в колледже, и начинает заниматься актёрской карьерой, в то время как Ноэль заканчивает писать мюзикл, работу над которым начал ещё до встречи с Марджори.
Male Secretary (bit)
A warlord from Mars recruits an Earth industrialist with a Nazi past to manufacture weapons by means of which Mars can take over the Earth. Feature version of the 1951 movie serial "Flying Disc Man from Mars".
Harry (uncredited)
Joe McDoakes' wife Alice wants to return to work to add income to the household. Joe would rather she stay at home to tend to domestic duties. When Alice threatens to return to her old job, a reluctant Joe agrees to her request to get her a job at his office. How will this work out?
Eddie the Bartender (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe and Alice McDoakes each wish their looks were better.
City Official at Parade (uncredited)
Эта картина по праву считается классикой Голливуда и главным фильмом Джеймса Дина — блестящего актера, бунтаря и знаменитости своего времени. Его, еще до окончания съемок, уже прозвали вторым Брандо. «К востоку от рая» — экранизация знаменитого романа Стейнбека, романа о семейной драме юноши, который ревнует и страдает, видя как его отец отдает незаслуженное предпочтение другому своему сыну — любимцу. И чем сильнее его отчаяние, чем оно безнадежней, — тем сильнее желание обрести забытую родительскую любовь.
Gas Station Attendant
Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them.
Army Doctor (uncredited)
Sgt. Thorne Ryan, who once fought bravely in Korea, now serves as a hard-nosed drill instructor to new Army recruits at Fort Bliss, Texas. But is he really the man he is often described as? His fellow instructor, and friend helps him to face the ghosts of his past experiences in Korea. One night in a bar across the border in Juarez, Mexico, Sgt. Ryan meets a lady who begins to turn his life around. Will this be enough to help him deal with the past? Or will he continue to be so hard on his troops?
Father Diego (uncredited)
Журналист Чарльз Тэйтум, работавший ранее на крупную нью-йоркскую газету, вынужден из-за своего пьянства сменить место работы и перебирается в глухую провинцию. Он надеется дать новый старт своей карьере, однако, в течение целого года не может найти достойную тему. Однажды он узнает, что неподалеку некий Лео Миноза застрял в старой индейской шахте и не может оттуда выбраться. Чарльз решает, что это именно то, что он так долго искал, и начинает раздувать из этой истории большую сенсацию…
After being hit by rustlers, a group of Montana ranchers asks the governor to send state rangers for protection. State Ranger Rocky Lane becomes involved in a mystery surrounding a gang of horse rustlers and a young rancher who is blamed falsely for a killing. Lane helps uncover the real killers and unmasks the ringleader of the rustlers.
Postville Deputy (uncredited)
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
Mota is a Martian representative, who has come to impose interplanetary law on the Earth (which has become too dangerous); opposing his authority is Kent Fowler, who resists the alien plot, without understanding its details.
Matthews (uncredited)
Маленький туристический самолет, летящий над Сьерра-Невадой, разбивается в горах. В катастрофе погибает семейная пара, но их приемный ребенок остается жив. Спасатели отправляются на его поиски. У подножия горы, в толпе зевак, привлеченных происшествием, особую тревогу проявляют три женщины. Судя по дате рождения ребенка и некоторым сведениям, каждая из трех может оказаться его родной матерью. Чтобы заглушить страх ожидания, они вспоминают прошлое…
Bartender Pete
Under the leadership of a cutthroat named Grif, a band of outlaws has systematically been robbing and murdering settlers bound for the large Chandler ranch which has been cut up into small parcels of land for purchase.
Young auto mechanic Dan Brady takes $20 from a cash register at work to go on a date with blonde femme fatale Vera Novak. Brady intends to put the money back before it is missed, but the garage's bookkeeper shows up earlier than scheduled. As Brady scrambles to cover evidence of his petty theft, he fast finds himself drawn into an ever worsening "quicksand" of crime.
Eddie, the Bartender (uncredited)
Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.
Jane Bandle has recently married, but Bill, her husband's brother, tries to wreck her marriage because Jane rejected his sexual advances before her marriage.
Groom (uncredited)
Действие фильма происходит в 1840-ых годах в Нью-Йорке. Кэтрин живет со своим отцом, доктором Слопером. Ее мать умерла за несколько лет до этого, и доктор Слопер постоянно сравнивает свою дочь с ней, не в пользу первой. Кэтрин знакомится с Морисом Тоунсендом, красивым, но ветренным молодым человеком, и через некоторое время он делает ей предложение. Доктор Слопер уверен, что он хочет жениться на ней из-за наследства и противится их браку.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Архитектор Говард Рорк — творец «новой волны» в архитектуре. Он стремится покончить с классическим дизайном зданий и окрылён идеями новых решений. К сожалению, проекты его авангардных домов общество не принимает, заказчики требует традиционных решений.
В ответ на это герой сознательно разрушает свою зарождающую карьеру, вступая в противостояние со всем миром, борясь за иллюзорное право на творчество. Говард — самовлюблённый эгоист высшей пробы, общество в его жизни играет второстепенную роль. Процесс созидания ради созидания — вот его личное счастье и благополучие, вся его творческая деятельность направлена на торжество личного Эго…
Townsman (uncredited)
Дело было в начале двадцатого века — жил, не тужил в штате Коннектикут, на американском континенте простой и не амбициозный кузнец по имени Хэнк Мартин, трудился себе спокойно в собственной мастерской, да заодно изучал устройство сногсшибательной новинки автомобиля. И вот как-то он очень торопился и выехал из дома на лошадке в жуткую грозу. Скакал он быстро, поторапливал кобылку, но тут ударила молния, наш герой упал, потерял сознание. Очнулся и…
Commercial Fisherman
After straight-arrow district attorney Joseph Foster says in frustration that he would sell his soul to bring down a local mob boss, a smooth-talking stranger named Nick Beal shows up with enough evidence to seal a conviction. When that success leads Foster to run for governor, Beal's unearthly hold on him turns the previously honest man corrupt, much to the displeasure of his wife and his steadfast minister.
Andreas Molnar
In Hungary, a rich baron discovers that there are extensive oil deposits underneath nearby properties owned by villagers. He manages to convince all the property owners to sell to him, except for a few properties owned by Jewish families. Infuriated at their refusal to sell to him, he attempts, with the help of some corrupt local police, to have the men charged with the murder of a local woman, who in reality actually committed suicide.
When the bank is robbed, Gene and the boys are singing nearby and the Chief arrests them as gang members but lets them go thinking they will lead them to the others.
Dingle's Casino Boss (uncredited)
A boy haunted by nightmares about the night his entire family was murdered is brought up by a neighboring family in the 1880s. He falls for his lovely adoptive sister but his nasty adoptive brother and mysterious uncle want him dead.
Apartment House Clerk (uncredited)
Raised by Natalie Brennan, a flamboyant and irresponsible mother, Ziggy Brennan gets involved in hustling men at a young age. She hangs around with a wild crowd and learns gets her "street smarts" first from her mother, who wants everyone to think they are sisters, and then from Denny Reagan, an older man. He starts teaching her his tricks of the trade and she falls right in line with his crooked ways. Then one night she meets Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson, a tall, handsome, honest farmer boy who's a sailor and they fall in love. While he's away fighting the war, she discovers she's pregnant.
Slip (Leo Gorcey), Sach (Huntz Hall), Bobby (Bobby Jordan), Whitey (William Benedict) and Chuck (David Gorcey) unsuccessfully try to sell a dilapidated car to a street cleaner for a fabulous amount, so they can get enough money to save Louie's (Bernard Gorcey) Malt Shop. Sidewalk photographer Cathy Smith (Teala Loring) snaps a pictures of three bank robbers as they are fleeing a robbery but when the Bowery Boys and Cathy realize that Sach is also in the photograph, they break into the photo lab to destroy the negative, which might make the police think Sach was involved in the robbery.
Pete Ramson (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
Assistant Director (uncredited)
Фильме, где смешались живые актеры и мультипликация. Два моряка ищут в Голливуде очаровательных юных кинозвезд, а находят любовь, танцуют с мышонком из мультфильма, помогают юной звезде найти себя – и все за это за время одной увольнительной на берег.
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Michael Strong
У некоторых семей происходит воссоединение, у этой же есть алиби! В этой щекочущей нервы картине, Чарли Чан вступает в конфликт с целой семьей, каждый из членов которой может оказаться убийцей. «С помощью» псевдо - интеллектуала «сына № 4» и его истеричного ассистента Бирмингема Брауна. Чарли расследует недавнее убийство блестящего, но всеми ненавидимого учёного, который изобрел газ, делающий дерево таким же прочным как железо. Работу Чарли очень облегчает общение со знойными сёстрами, молчащей кузиной и дворецким, который слишком высокого о себе мнения.
Reporter (uncredited)
Лайза Эллиотт - успешный главный редактор модного журнала, выпускаемого Кендаллом Несбиттом. Эллиотт состоит в серьезных отношениях с Несбиттом. Они хотят пожениться, они не могут, поскольку проживающая отдельно жена Кендалла отказывается дать развод. У Лайзы недавно начались головные боли и странные дурные сны. Вдобавок ко всему ей приходится иметь дело с менеджером по маркетингу Чарли Джонсоном, который сильно ее раздражает и гордится этим. Лайза соглашается пройти сеансы психоанализа у доктора Алекса Брукса...
Reporter #1
A team of two-fisted insurance investigators (one of whom disguises himself as The Masked Marvel) endeavor to discover and thwart the loathsome saboteur Sakima.
Carter (uncredited)
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
1st Ship Fitter
Flagwaving story of a new American destroyer, the JOHN PAUL JONES, from the day her keel is laid, to what was very nearly her last voyage. Among the crew, is Steve Boleslavski, a shipyard welder that helped build her, who reenlists, with his old rank of Chief bosuns mate. After failing her sea trials, she is assigned to the mail run, until caught up in a disparate battle with a Japanese sub. After getting torpedoed, and on the verge of sinking, the Captain, and crew hatch a plan to try and save the ship, and destroy the sub.
Agent on Plane
Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.
Eddie's Henchman (edited from 'Smashing the Vice Trust') (archive footage) (uncredited)
On the eve of his execution, a vice-rackets bigshot recalls his various exploits in crimes such as abortion and white slavery, in which he frequently operated under an alias.
Bank Teller
Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Citizen (uncredited)
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast about his new department, the Mobilization of Woman Power for War. He takes a cab driven by Dixie Dugan, who hopes that being a cabbie while the country's men are away fighting will help the war effort. Her incompetent driving, however, results in an accident for which Roger must take responsibility in order to reach the radio station in time. Dixie then returns home, where she lives with her father Timothy, who is constantly practicing his air raid warden duties, her mother Gladys, an aspiring Red Cross worker, and cousin Imogene, who studies incessantly to become a "quiz kid." The Dugans rent out their spare rooms to Dixie's fiancé, Matt Hogan, and to blustering Judge J. J. Lawson. Matt, who works in a munitions factory, wants Dixie to settle down and marry him, but Dixie is determined to help her country.
Reporter (uncredited)
История Джима Корбетта, прозванного одним из «отцов современного бокса». В новую эру бокса он применил инновационные тренировки и отстаивал соблюдение джентльменских правил во время поединков.
Stage Manager (uncredited)
ША. 1916 год. Молодые актеры прибывают в маленький городок на гастроли, один из них Гарри Палмер - популярный американский комик и танцор. Во время гастролей герой знакомится с молодой актрисой Джо, и пробует ухаживать за ней, но девушка не проявляет к нему интереса. Путем всяческих хитросплетений он добивается ее расположения, и в итоге они создают творческий дуэт. В это время США вступает в войну в Европе. Гарри ломает пальцы, чтобы получить отсрочку и участвовать в запланированном шоу. Узнав об этом, девушка в отчаянии обвиняет своего любимого в трусости. Чтобы оправдать себя он идет в добровольцы, но его отстраняют в виду проблем со здоровьем. Тогда Гарри идет работать в состав театральных фронтовых бригад, поднимая боевой дух солдат веселым куплетом и зажигательным танцем.
Otto Stahl
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Middle Barber [script name: Harry]
A police lieutenant and a patriotic professional gambler, rivals in life and love, combine efforts to corner a gang of Nazi saboteurs operating out of a barber shop, in which their mutual girlfriend works, and unmask its secret leader.
Marine in Trench (uncredited)
Декабрь 1941. Без всякой надежды на помощь, небольшой гарнизон на островах Уилкс, Уэйк и Пил, в течение двух недель отражал яростные атаки японского флота.
Photographer (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
1st Circus Attendant (uncredited)
After Buckwheat tells the gang he's seen a big monkey, Spanky, Froggy and Mickey decide to teach him once and for all not to lie. What the gang doesn't know is that the monkey is real, and hilarity will ensue.
Henry - Desk Clerk (uncredited)
It is the Christmas Holidays and reformed thief, Boston Blackie goes to Castle Theater to pick up players who will perform for prisoners that are still in prison. He takes a girl with him who has a brother already in prison. She has visited the prison twice in the month, so is not suppose to visit again. However when the group is completed the girl is included as well as Inspector Farrady. One of the clowns in the show is kidnapped and replaced by a con who wants to get even with two ex-partners. Boston Blackie figures out that a con has replaced one of his clowns but is unable to stop him. Blackie's clothes are stolen and a murder is committed. Of course, the Inspector immediately suspects Blackie of being involved. Now it is Blackie's job to find the killer, exonerate himself and help the girl free her brother.
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Rankin's Chauffeur (uncredited)
A struggling singer, devoted to his young son, fears the child's super-spoiled, unloving but wealthy mother will gain custody of the boy.
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
Concessionaire (uncredited)
A woman who refuses to become involved with a dedicated police officer unknowingly dates a man who is in cahoots with a criminal mastermind.
Information Attendant
Joan Daley, a New York booking/press agent, attempts to recruit two local stand-ins, Jinx Terry and Lois Morgan, when the Cuban sister-act, Marianela and Rosita she as booked into the nightclub for which she works fails to materialize. Complications arrive when the real Cuban sisters show up.
Photographer at Crystal Room (uncredited)
Импресарио Мартин Кофтленд, намереваясь приударить за Шейлой, лучшей танцовщицей своей труппы, покупает ей в подарок бриллиантовый браслет. Жене он покупает… чесалку для спины. Увы, он путает подарки и браслет попадает в руки ревнивой жены. Чтобы отвести подозрения от шефа, хореограф Роберт Кёртис, завзятый холостяк, объявляет браслет своим и начинает демонстративно ухаживать за Шейлой. Но события принимают такой оборот, что даже уход на службу в армию не спасает Роберта от любовного безумия.
Secret agent Roger Pryor is dispatched below the border to protect an important scientific formula. Believe it or don't, this mixture has the ability to render things invisible.
Swithboard Operator
While on their honeymoon, a reporter and his new bride stumble upon a ring of fifth columnists.
Travel Agent
Perky young Nanette attempts to save the marriage of her uncle and aunt by untangling Uncle Jimmy from several innocent but ensnaring flirtations. Attempting one such unentanglement, Nanette enlists the help of theatrical producer Bill Trainor, who promptly falls in love with her. The same thing happens when artist Tom Gillespie is called on for help. But soon Uncle Jimmy's flirtations become too numerous, and Nanette's romances with Tom and Bill run into trouble. Will Uncle Jimmy's marriage survive, and will Nanette find happiness with Tom, Bill, or somebody else?
Rodeo Official
After a trip to Hollywood, two young ladies attempt to hitchhike home but end up at a star filled rodeo.
Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings
Reporter (uncredited)
Фрэнк клянется отомстить за предательское убийство брата. Но Фрэнку нужны деньги, и он идет на ограбление. Издатель ведущей газеты городка посылает журналистку Элинор Стоун добыть эксклюзивный материал…
Lecherous Driver (Uncredited)
A story of the great-depression era about women hobos, tramps, job-seekers, fugitives and runaways running from or toward something as they hitch-hiked their way across the United States, dodging the police, do-gooders, lustful men and pursuing-husbands in a bad mood. One of them is a killer, another is a girl hitch-hiking to her wedding in order to afford a wedding gown, and there is also the Governor's daughter who crusades on their behalf, while hitch-hiking along with them.
Assistant Paymaster
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Photographer (uncredited)
Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.
Auto Salesman
A businessman boasts he'll give his daughter a large amount of cash for her wedding, and then frantically tries to raise the money. This 1940 comedy stars Leon Errol, Marjorie Gateson, Dennis O'Keefe, Adele Pearce and Walter Catlett.
Welcoming Committee Man
The Saint Takes Over, released in 1940 by RKO Pictures, was the fifth motion picture featuring the adventures of Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint" the Robin Hood-inspired crimefighter created by Leslie Charteris. This film focuses on the character of Inspector Henry Farnack. When Farnack is framed by a gang he is investigating, it is up to The Saint to clear his name.
Cotton Club Doorman
The trials and tribulations of a group of newly sworn-in police officers.
Reporter (uncredited)
Eddie Kerns sells his song to a Broadway producer and also lands a job dancing in the musical. He sends for his dance partner-fiancée Molly Mahoney who brings her younger sister Pat. Upon seeing Molly and Pat dance, the producer picks Pat for the show and gives Molly a job selling cigarettes. A wealthy friend of the producer named "Chat" Chatsworth also has his eye on Pat. Pat is teamed with Eddie in the specialty number as Kerns and Mahoney. Pat and Eddie soon realize that they are in love and must tell Molly. Pat balks at hurting Molly and goes out with Chat who already has five ex-wives.
Patrolman at Altercation
A runaway boy pretends to be the son of a Navy man, only to turn both their lives upside down.
Henchman Lefty
The Royal Mounties are called in when one of the armored cars owned by Maxwell, containing a gold shipment, disappears with driver George Hill suspected of trying to get away with the gold. Actually, Maxwell and two henchmen had poured acid on the brake lines, causing the car to crash. Genevieve, daughter of the Mountie chief, suspects Maxwell and Thomas Hatch, president of the bank shipping the gold, but she quickly becomes more trouble than help to Sergeant Renfrew in charge of the investigation. Renfrew and Constable Kelly drive the next shipment but Maxwell plans to make them crash the same way as Hill did. Renfrew steers the vehicle into a hillside and this gives him an idea of what happened to the other car.
Slippy - a Fugitive
Newlyweds Dennis and Carmelita have several obstacles to deal with in their new marriage: Carmelita's fiery Latin temper, a meddling aunt and a conniving ex-fiancee who's determined to break up their marriage.
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Gray, gas station thug [Chs. 8-9]
Feature version of the American serial film, produced for export only, never exhibited in the USA, and believed to be a lost film.
Army Telegraph Operator
В фильме «Циско Кид и леди» главный герой — неуловимый грабитель банков и почтовых карет, но он защищает грудного ребёнка погибшего золотоискателя и крепко наказывает другого грабителя, имеющего среди городка благопристойную репутацию, но не имеющего совести. Словом — мотив популярной у всех народов темы благородного разбойника, Робин Гуда.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Могучие ветры Гражданской войны в один миг уносят беззаботную юность южанки Скарлетт О'Хара, когда привычный шум балов сменяется грохотом канонад на подступах к родному дому. Для молодой женщины, вынужденной бороться за новую жизнь на разорённой земле, испытания и лишения становятся шансом переосмыслить идеалы, обрести веру в себя и найти настоящую любовь.
Pomeroy's Butler (uncredited)
A New York City newspaper is sued for libel after reporting the wrong verdict in a murder trial.
Taylor's Stooge (uncredited)
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
Day Clerk (uncredited)
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
Horse Seller to Colonel March (uncredited)
A pigeon breeder is hired to train a racehorse that wins only when it drinks beer.
Second Hotel Desk clerk
A newsman helps a Brazilian singer get her brother out of trouble in New York.
Second Officer (uncredited)
Steady, dependable Coast Guard Lieutenant Raymond "Ray" Dower and reckless aviator Thomas "Speed" Bradshaw are the closest of friends. Ray saves the life of Captain Tobias Bliss, tramp steamer skipper, in a daring rescue at sea. Speed flies the injured man back to the base hospital, where the two officers later visit him. There Ray meets Nancy Bliss, Bliss' grand-daughter, and falls in love with her. Speed meets her at a dance and urges Ray to propose before some other guy does. Ray is assigned to flood rescue duty, and Speed and Nancy start going out together and discover they are in love.
Reporter (uncredited)
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
First Reporter on Telephone (uncredited)
An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.
Paymaster's Assistant
Ирландский заключенный, отправленный на каторгу в Австралию, сбегает из под стражи, отправляется в пустошь и там собирает банду таких же беглецов, чтобы бороться с коррумпированным землевладельцем.
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Real Ambulance Intern
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Frank Sidley, Loan Victim
The MGM crime reporter introduces Norman Kennedy, District Attorney of a large city, he who talks about the general want for money, and the extraordinary lengths some will go to to get it. The loan sharking business has that want for money on both sides. He tells the story of one such loan shark, Stephen Hanley, who tried to pass his company off as a legitimate loan business, but who charged exorbitant rates, and used extortion and fraud to get out of his customers even more than what they may have owed on paper.
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
An idealistic young newspaper reporter crusades against organized crime.
The Sloanes tie murder to the theft of a Shakespeare manuscript.
Ambulance Orderly
Young Women go through Nursing School together, each with there own motivation for being there. They learn more than how to be a Nurse.
In this newspaper drama, a female reporter and a newsreel cameraman are both assigned to cover the Sino-Japanese war. They meet on the boat ride over and decide to team up. They are further assisted by a Chinese cameraman. The three of them manage to expose of spy ring operating out of the Shanghai office of the woman's newspaper.
Sandy Doyle, gambler and political chief of a small border town, seeks to gain control of the Bar-X Ranch, owned by Rufe Rickson, to further some undercover activities of his own. He counts on Rickson's inability to stay away from gambling as the means to his ultimate success. Government investigator Oliver Shea and his assistant, Dan Haggerty, start a fight in Doyle's place when they see Rickson being cheated and are invited to the Bar-X where Oliver and Helen Rickson, Rufe's daughter, discover interest in each other and Dan finds himself pursued by Bell, the ranch cook. Sheriff Larson brings the prize money for the $5,000 race of the Rodeo Association, and that night it is stolen.
Bank Teller
On parole after three years in prison, a football player (Robert Kent) encounters the man (Sidney Blackmer) who framed him.
Gangster Shot by Brown
After being criticized by the Citizens' League for his inability to cope with a crime wave, Police Captain Haines orders his men in the Homicide Bureau to clean up all their cases, but without violating the constitutional rights of any suspect. Detective Jim Logan is ordered to meet the incoming new-head of the Police Department lab and internal affairs, J.G. Bliss, and takes an instant dislike to her over her attitude toward criminal's rights.
Amateur Actor (uncredited)
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
Circus Usher (uncredited)
Trouble-prone Billy Peck and his gang descend on a traveling circus that has just hit town, and before long their antics are causing the circus owner all kinds of problems.
Small-time showgirl poses as a stripper to infiltrate a nightclub whose owner is believed responsible for her father's murder.
A magazine reporter exposes a crooked District Attorney, resulting in his trial. Complications ensue, however, when the man is acquitted.
The Ritz Brothers go to the race track. They raise training end entrance money in a wrestling match and help a young man train the horse of his fiancée.
Railroad Detective (uncredited)
A group of African-American waiters on a railway believe they have made a deal to secure a railroad dining car that they set up on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles as a diner. To bring in customers, they sing, their voices providing most of the musical accompaniment as well. At the diner, in front of a crowd of swells, the police deliver the bad news.
Druggist (uncredited)
Public Defender Gary Franklin, frustrated by being unable to save criminal Dutch Adams from a death sentence by blaming the slums environment as the cause of Dutch's crimes, enlists the aid of Dutch's sister, Marcia Adams, to get the slum dwellers at appeal for public monies to provide recreational places for the slum kids.
Newsstand Man (uncredited)
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
Reporter (uncredited)
Тони — сын одного из самых богатых воротил бизнеса в Нью-Йорке влюблен в Алису — простую девушку секретаря и молодые хотят обвенчаться. Однако эксцентричное поведение родственников и друзей будущей невесты наводит родителей жениха на мысль, что у них с головами не все в порядке. Их дом — это клуб по интересам «городских сумасшедших».
Мать Алисы — Пенни пишет пьесы, потому что пишущую машинку когда-то доставили в их дом по ошибке. Ее бездарная сестра Эсси грезит балетом и берет уроки танца у сумасшедшего русского по имени Потап Коленков, который не прочь отобедать за чужой счет. Папа с друзьями Алисы тратит все свое время, создавая фейерверки и запуская их прямо в доме.
Но больше всех отличается эксцентричным поведением дедушка, который отказывается платить налоги по убеждениям. Весь этот балаган шумит, поёт, танцует и прыгает одновременно, под аккомпанемент губной гармоники дедушки и ксилофона мужа Эсси, мешая делать большой бизнес корпорации Энтони П. Кирби — отца Тони.
Injured Man
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
FBI agent Mac Richards takes his girlfriend, Helen Phillips, to a world championship boxing match only to learn that the event has been canceled because the titleholder has been kidnapped. Mac is entrusted with the ransom money, but the kidnappers discover that his fellow agents have surrounded the train station locker where the money was to be dropped and order the champ's manager to have the money delivered by an usher to a different location. With Helen disguised as the usher and Mac driving a cab, the pair set off to deliver the money. The gang isn't taking any chances, though - they waylay the cab and take both the ransom money and Helen to their hideout. Now Mac and his fellow agents must rescue both the champ and his sweetheart before they come to harm.
Joe the Bartender (uncredited)
В неком американском городке существует преступная организация торгующая наркотиками. Молодые люди, связанные с этой организацией, устроили в своей квартире притон и развивают свой прибыльный бизнес. Причем продают наркотики как взрослым, отвечающим за свои поступки людям, так и тинэйджерам. В общем, все кто был связан с этой квартирой, либо умирает, либо попадает в тюрьму, либо сходит с ума.
Bank Officer (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
Turf Club Representative
A group of stable hands is given a race horse when its owner retires from the business. They raise money to run the horse in the Hollywood Derby at Santa Anita race track. Many Hollywood personalities attend the event.
Jacob S. 'Jake' / 'John' Irbell (Uncredited)
A crime spree in New York forces the police commissioner to turn to Englishman Simon Templar, who fights lawlessness and corruption through unorthodox methods. Templar sets his sights on individual crimes bosses, and after bringing down two vicious leaders through disguise and deception, discovers that there is a mastermind behind all the city's crime.
News Photographer
A small town soda jerk discovers a gang of criminals staying at a local hotel. Comedy.
Pilot (uncredited)
Джим Лэйн - летчик-испытатель, который жить не может без полетов. Его можно назвать счастливчиком: у него есть верный друг, механик Ганнер, и любимая девушка Энн, согласившаяся стать его женой. Однако испытания ожидают Джима не только в небе, но и на земле.
Police Dispatcher
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Convict (uncredited)
A prisoner with a good singing voice escapes, only to grow jealous when an opera singer who looks like him is delivered back to the prison and receives attention, especially from Ann, the warden's daughter who leads the prison glee club.
Hotel Desk Clerk
In Vermont, college student Ives Towner refuses to marry his longtime girlfriend, Julie Weir, until he has a career. Soon after, Julie meets and grows infatuated with handsome writer Michael Shaw, and they marry and move to Paris. Years later, after Michael's accidental death, Julie and her daughter move back to Vermont to live with her aunt and Julie finds Ives, now a professor, disinterested in resuming their romantic relationship.
Firing Range Radio Operator (uncredited)
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Minor Role
История из времен создания знаменитой банковской компании "Уэллс Фарго" в 1850-х годах: погонщик дилижансов, период от "золотой лихорадки" в Калифорнии до Гражданской войны, разумеется, немного авторских домыслов, и всё в одном флаконе. "Вместе они покорят континент! Его жизнь - в череде увлекательных приключений, которые в результате соединят в одно целое страну, а она готова разделить эти приключения с человеком, которого любит!
Unable to get work in her home country, Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) travels to Vienna where her press agent, Joe Craig (Allyn Joslyn), convinces her to marry royalty. The lucky fellow is Prince Rupert (Patric Knowles), an impoverished nobleman now working as a waiter. Do the two of them fall in love despite this marriage of convenience?
Louis Lawson
While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.
Talking Reporter
A commercial pilot romances both a Hollywood actress and a female aviator. 1937.
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Man on Train (uncredited)
Юная Стелла Мартин, дочь фабричного рабочего, влюблена в Стивена Далласа — выходца из когда-то богатого рода, служащего на фабрике мелким начальником. Стивен бросает свою давнюю возлюбленную Хелен, так как боится, что недостаточно богат и высокопоставлен для неё. Стелла нечаянно сталкивается с ним, когда приходит на фабрику, чтобы отнести обед брату Чарли, и Стивен увлекается ею.
Native son returns from school in Spain to California in 1855 and finds corrupt politicians stealing land from old California families. He becomes a sort of Robin Hood in order to fight them.
Stock Investor (uncredited)
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Corridor Steward (uncredited)
Избалованный сын американского миллионера во время путешествия в Европу случайно упал за борт океанского лайнера. Его подбирает португальский рыбак Мануэль, который учит его премудростям жизни на рыбацкой шхуне. Через три месяца шхуна берёт курс на новоанглийский порт Глостер, но Мануэль по дороге погибает. Привязанность мальчика к старшему товарищу такова, что в память о нём он решает связать свою жизнь с морем. Однако это противоречит планам его отца…
Townsman Investor
A small town drugstore owner (Jed Prouty) hopes to strike it rich by investing his savings in an oil well. Comedy.
Undercover agent Mark Owens is sent to aid the Border Patrol in the trans-border town of Hernandez in breaking up a well-organized band of smugglers.
Salesman (uncredited)
When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.
Henchman Doc (uncredited)
Rancher entertains girl in Nevada to get a divorce. Then her gangster husband shows up.
Eddie's Henchman (uncredited)
In a meeting with the leaders of his vice syndicate, gangster boss James "Lucky" Lombardo complains that his profits are down. He demands that his henchmen get new, younger and prettier girls for his bordellos.
Reporter at Dock
Ellery Queen solves a mystery involving a valuable stamp.
Reporter (uncredited)
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
Motor Vehicle Bureau Clerk
Larry Evans, champion race car driver, is envied by his chief rival, Eddie DeSylva, who has more ambitions than merely winning the races; he has designs on the motor patent held by Corbett (Tom Moore), Larry's employer. Eddie also has a yen for Corbett's daughter, Norma, who prefers Larry. Eddie intentionally causes a race wreck that injures Larry and sends him to the hospital.
Canning's Chauffeur (Uncredited)
Джон Грин — старший чиновник палаты мер и весов лежит в больнице, после того как попал в автомобильную аварию. Его навещает коллега Джонни Кэйв. Грин делится с ним своими предположениями о том, что авария подстроена бандой некого Всемогущего Кевена.
Джонни просит молодого человека занять его должность в палате мер и весов, чтобы вывести на чистую воду негодяев, подстроивших аварию, но Грин предупреждает, что банде покровительствует кто-то из правительства и, зная вспыльчивый характер парня, умоляет не пускать без причины в ход кулаки.
Кэйву предстоит единолично начать борьбу с владельцами магазинов и складов, которые обвешивают покупателей при помощи хитроумных уловок и приспособлений, ведь потери только за один год для граждан и государства, от деятельности этих непорядочных бизнесменов, составляет приличную сумму, равную оборонному бюджету страны…
Reporter (uncredited)
Mavis Arden is a sensational movie star. Her following spans the world and her personal appearance tours prove her popularity. On her way home from one such appearance, Arden's car breaks down. She orders her publicity man to find her a place to stay, suspicious that he planned the break down to keep her away from a man. However, she soon finds herself mooning over an attractive repairman in town and listening to his ideas about inventing equipment for film.
Buck Jones was producing as well as starring in his own western series by the time Ride 'Em Cowboy hit the screen. A heady combination of old and new, this one casts Jones as champeen auto racer Jess Burns, who reverts to his horse when called upon to rout the villains.
A well-bred young English lad living in lower Manhattan tries to gain acceptance from his not-so-well-bred peers at school.
Kansas City News Vendor
The "Caliban-Ariel" romance of fiftysomething John Barrymore and teenager Elaine Barrie is spoofed in this delightful 20th Century Fox musical. Adolphe Menjou plays the Barrymore counterpart, a loose-living movie star with a penchant for wine, women, and more wine. Alice Faye plays a nightclub singer hungry for publicity. Her agent (Gregory Ratoff) arranges a "romance" between Faye and Menjou. Eventually Faye winds up with Michael Whalen, allowing Menjou to continue his blissful, bibulous bachelorhood. Sing, Baby, Sing represented the feature-film debut of the Ritz Brothers, who are in top form in their specialty numbers--and who are awarded a final curtain call after the "The End" title, just so the audience won't forget them (The same device was used to introduce British actor George Sanders in Fox's Lancer Spy [37]).
Hotel Clerk
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Patrolman (uncredited)
A California Highway Patrolman gets involved with a smuggling ring.
Fingerprint Expert
When a play's two producers are murdered, the playwright tries to solve the crime.
A profligate, polo-playing playboy (Henry Fonda) is married to a beautiful but superficial heiress (Mary Brian). They divorce, and the wife gets all the money. But the humbled (and impoverished) Fonda finds true love in the arms of Pat Paterson, who cares nothing for material things.
New Year's Party Participant
John Foster and Kenneth Grainger are a couple of Englishmen stationed at a teak wood post. When Foster's fiancée, Mary Trevor, writes him that their engagement is off, he goes off to Mandalay.
Art Critic
When a wealthy heiress discovers the terrible family secret that has been hidden from her since birth, her world is turned upside down.
Job Applications Teller (uncredited)
Fate brings a job at Boulder Dam and romance with a saloon singer into the life of a young man on the run.
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
Reporter (Uncredited)
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Man in Crowd Outside the Thornton (uncredited)
Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
Driver (Uncredited)
Gossip columnist Tommy Tilton, who excels in slinging nonsense about, is not a timid bluffer when it comes to coaxing out a murderer.
Milkman (uncredited)
A young couple and their child fall prey to kidnappers when a storm drives them into a seemingly abandoned farmhouse.
Henchman Jimmy
A counterfeiter gives up her life of crime and goes straight. She gets a job in a bank, but the members of her former gang hear about it and try to blackmail her into helping them rob the bank.
Gas Station Attendant (uncredited)
Newspaperman Bill Bradford becomes a special agent for the tax service trying to end the career of racketeer Nick Carston. Julie Gardner is Carston's bookkeeper. Bradford enters Carston's organization and Julie cooperates with him to land Carston in jail. An informer squeals on them. Julie is kidnapped by Carston's henchmen as she is about to testify
Audience Member (uncredited)
In this musical, a songwriter goes to court to claim the rights to his song that was stolen by an unscrupulous music publisher. He brings his girlfriend with him. Also going to court are the Jubilee singers, hillbillies, and some cowboys and Indians who demonstrate that the composer wrote his song by rearranging four folk tunes. He wins his song back and $50,000 in damages. Songs include: "Heading Home," "Roll Along Prairie Moon," "Tender Is the Night," "You're My Thrill," "I'm Bound for Heaven," and "The Army Band."
Ship Steward
A New York socialite travels to Shanghai to visit her ailing aunt and falls in love with a Russian banker, who harbors a family secret.
Waiter (uncredited)
Эллен Гарфилд отказывается выйти замуж за корреспондента из конкурирующей газеты Курта Девлина, пока он не признает, что она также хороша в своем ремесле как любой другой мужчина. Он старается отговорить Эллен от участия присутствовать вместе с другими журналистами при исполнении смертного приговора в тюрьме, но она настаивает на своем. Когда она падает в обморок, Девлин диктует свою статью в свою редакцию, а затем слово в слово и в ее редакцию. Утром вышли одинаковые статьи в разных газетах и конечно же редакторы обоих в бешенстве…
Dice Player (uncredited)
A wealthy man relates how gambling had tragic consequences for his family.
Seven Eleven Club Customer
In this drama an older actress plays her last role. The aging thespian is terribly depressed and ready to kill herself when she finds out that an older more successful friend has vanished. The missing actress's family is in a real quandry. To help them, the other impersonates the older actress. Loose ends are knitted together and then she admits her ruse.
Elevator Starter (uncredited)
Мультимиллионер решает бойкотировать безнравственные, по его мнению, бродвейские шоу…
Ladies' Table Dealer
Asaph (Charles Ruggles) is a meek, mild-mannered homebody who occasionally shows some backbone to his prudish, overbearing boss, only to be beaten down again. With the encouragement of his secretary Beulah (Ann Dvorak), his old college team-mate Wynn (Eugene Pallette) and some liquor, Asaph regains some of his wild-man soul. Watch out world!
Man in Courtroom
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
Ritzy's Trainer
An arrogant boxer (Pat O'Brien) discovers his wife (Glenda Farrell) had a hand in his success.
Reporter (Uncredited)
Арлин Брэдфорд — богатая и испорченная девушка из Сан-Франциско. Ей наплевать на закон, Арлин водит дружбу с гангстерами и вовлекла своего жениха Спенсера Карлтона в преступную деятельность. Эверетт Брэдфорд, отчим Арлин, возмущён поведением падчерицы. До поры до времени он терпит её выходки, но однажды начинает беспокоиться, что Арлин окажет дурное влияние на Вал, родную дочь Эверетта…
Court Recorder (uncredited)
Vicki Wallace takes great pleasure in teasing her husband Tony who takes no pleasure at all in being teased and it isn't long before he ups and clips her on the chin. Vicki's friend and attorney Vernon Thorpe secures a divorce for her, and Vicki and Vernon are soon married. Vicki's yen for wearing revealing clothes and a penchant for inviting ex-husband to dinner soon provokes the easily-provoked Vernon into belting one on her himself. She goes to Tony's apartment, where Tony is entertaining Bonnie, who is not all that entertained by the presence of Vicki, especially after Vicki shows every intent of moving in and staying.
Cartier's Secretary (uncredited)
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Villager at Dance
Love happens between the son of Polish immigrants settled in Maine and the daughter of a neighboring farm family.
Ship's Steward (uncredited)
A beautiful chorine marries a handsome rich socialite, but her idyllic life ends when she visits a dying old beau and is charged when he commits suicide.
Shooting Gallery Onlooker (Uncredited)
Alison Drake, the tough-minded executive of an automobile factory, succeeds in the man's world of business until she meets an independent design engineer.
Albany Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Flirtatious mix-ups abound when a celebrated novelist tangles with an old flame and her suspicious husband. Will the author's savvy secretary, who's secretly in love with him, save his neck?
Man in Radio Station
When she can't support her illegitimate child, an abandoned young woman puts her up for adoption and pursues a career as a torch singer. Years later, she then searches for the child she gave up.
Investment Clerk (uncredited)
Prohibition is ending so bootlegger Bugs Ahearn decides to crack California society. He leases a house from down-on-her-luck Ruth and hires her as social secretary. He rescues Polly Cass from a horsefall and goes home to meet her dad who sells him some phony stock certificates. When he learns about this he sends to Chicago for mob help.
Hotel Desk Clerk #3 (uncredited)
Aviator Jim Blaine and his brother Neil are rivals not only as daredevil flyers, but also for the love of parachutist Jill Collins.
Ed - Photographer (uncredited)
A hustling public relations man promotes a series of fads.
Hotel Desk Clerk
When a movie actor is shot and killed during production, the true feelings about the actor begin to surface. As the studio heads worry about negative publicity, one of the writers tags along as the killing is investigated and clues begin to surface.
Sailor (uncredited)
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
Lassiter's sister was killed and her young daughter taken and raised by outlaws. Years later Lassiter arrives at the Withersteen ranch looking for the now grown daughter. He immediately gets caught up in the ranch's struggle against rustlers. Trailing a rustled herd of horses leads him to the rustler's hideout and the missing daughter.
Two small town widows bring their children to Hollywood, where their children become competing film stars. The girl is sweet, the boy is a killjoy sissy. For publicity, the rival families go to London to meet a middle European boy King. The three kids decide they need to escape their stifling lives and run away to the docks and join a gang.
When the paperhangers go on strike, guests at a newlyweds' housewarming party try to finish the job with disastrous results.