Noel works at an indoor baseball facility with her father where her day-to-day existence is overshadowed by the curse of her family’s lineage: every family member must hit 100 baseballs everyday or the love of their life will die.
Алекс — первокурсник, которому сложно заводить новых друзей. Студенческая жизнь начинает налаживаться, когда на бурной вечеринке он встречает решительную и обаятельную Мэг. Вот только сможет ли красавчик-тихоня завоевать сердце бунтарки?
Terrified that his mother may not find the important mental stimulation he believes will stave off Alzheimer's Disease, Sam sets out to find her the Perfect Best Friend within her new retirement community, with hilarious and poignant results.
Необычная история о двух братьях: успешном адвокате и семьянине Нике и его своенравном брате Конраде, который внезапно оказывается в Лос-Анджелесе. Несмотря на то, что они никогда особо не ладили друг с другом, Ник решает показать брату город — однако, выясняется, что Конрада в городе ангелов интересует только одно: места, где убивала своих жертв семья Чарльза Мэнсона.
Annie and Darren have been married for seven years, and they love each other as much as the day they were wed; they're affectionate, have fun together, and enjoy games such as crossword puzzle races. They would seem to have a perfect relationship, except for one thing -- they haven't had sex in ages, and seem to have lost all interest in making love with one another, no matter how they try to put each other in the mood. Hoping to put some adventure back into their lives, Annie and Darren come up with an unusual idea -- they each get one night in which they're free to find someone and have sex with them, scot-free. But is this going to help their relationship, or is it just going to turn a small problem into a big problem?