War Sailor is a magnificent drama that tells the story of the more than 30,000 Norwegian war sailors and their families' fate during and after the Second World War.
After taking several years off to have children, nurse Clara Horn returns to work and begins to feel the effects of the much tougher daily routine at the clinic - pressure, stress and tension are the order of the day. But she soon realizes that there is much more going on in her clinic: Apparently, one of her colleagues is deliberately killing patients. Clara must overcome not only her own doubts, but also massive resistance among her colleagues in order to convict the perpetrator, Rico Weber.
Морской биолог Ясвиндер находится в большой опасности: ей приходят письма с угрозами, вор врывается в ее ирландскую лабораторию и, наконец, она бесследно исчезает с борта своего исследовательского судна. К счастью, ее сын Тарун со своей подругой Алисой — настоящие детективы из табакерки. Они берутся за новое дело и раскрывают его с храбростью и смекалкой.
TV post-war drama about a gruesome chapter of the Nazi era. Nadja Uhl reveals "wild" euthanasia in psychiatry. Oldenburg, 1948: For Margaret Oelkers (Uhl) and her two little sons, the pension is not enough as a war-wittwe behind and in front. But the authorities are working hard, not even because of their lack of credentials on the employment of their killed in the war. After an energetic appearance at the office, she is briefly put into the psychiatry of the Wehnen nursing home as a trainee. The consequences are bitter: one attests to their schizophrenia, takes away the children and brings them to the sister in the country. For a year, Margarete was kept in the hospital against her will, and forced to do so with electric shocks. After her release, she was placed under the guardianship of her neighbor Erich Windhorst (Martin Wuttke), a man with an SS past...
Mia and her partner Benny, along with Mia's sister, Alicia, will be in charge of solving some puzzling cases that are happening in their city Hamburg. Surrounded by ghosts and mysterious characters this group of friends, accompanied by other young people, follow their clues.
Раймунд Григориус, швейцарский профессор древних языков, спасает португальскую женщину от самоубийства и находит у нее книгу, написанную португальским автором Амадеу ди Праду, о сопротивлении диктаторскому режиму Антонио ди Оливейра Салазара. Полностью поглощенный книгой главный герой посвящает свою жизнь изучению португальской истории в целом, и в часности работам Амадеу ди Праду.