
Ich werde nicht schweigen (2017)

Жанр : история, драма

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Esther Gronenborn

Краткое содержание

TV post-war drama about a gruesome chapter of the Nazi era. Nadja Uhl reveals "wild" euthanasia in psychiatry. Oldenburg, 1948: For Margaret Oelkers (Uhl) and her two little sons, the pension is not enough as a war-wittwe behind and in front. But the authorities are working hard, not even because of their lack of credentials on the employment of their killed in the war. After an energetic appearance at the office, she is briefly put into the psychiatry of the Wehnen nursing home as a trainee. The consequences are bitter: one attests to their schizophrenia, takes away the children and brings them to the sister in the country. For a year, Margarete was kept in the hospital against her will, and forced to do so with electric shocks. After her release, she was placed under the guardianship of her neighbor Erich Windhorst (Martin Wuttke), a man with an SS past...


Nadja Uhl
Nadja Uhl
Margarete Oelckers
Martin Wuttke
Martin Wuttke
Rudolf Kowalski
Rudolf Kowalski
Dr. Paul Ahrens
Eleonore Weisgerber
Eleonore Weisgerber
Erna Trauernicht
Katja Flint
Katja Flint
Frau Ahrens
Marek Harloff
Marek Harloff
Dr. Gruner
Matthias Lier
Matthias Lier
Dr. Jürgensen
Janina Fautz
Janina Fautz
Antje Eversen
Barbara Philipp
Barbara Philipp
Frau Schröder
Jens Schäfer
Jens Schäfer
Arnold Eversen
Patrik Gega
Patrik Gega
Jochen Oelkers
David Bredin
David Bredin
Jan Seba
Jan Seba
Karl Oelkers
Petra Zieser
Petra Zieser


Esther Gronenborn
Esther Gronenborn
Esther Gronenborn
Esther Gronenborn
Sönke Lars Neuwöhner
Sönke Lars Neuwöhner
Birgit Gudjonsdottir
Birgit Gudjonsdottir
Director of Photography
Gert Wilden Jr.
Gert Wilden Jr.
Kerstin Ramcke
Kerstin Ramcke


Судзумэ закрывает двери
17-летняя Судзумэ живёт в тихом городке на острове Кюсю. Однажды она встречает молодого путешественника, который ищет некую дверь. Вместе они находят старую дверь в горах посреди руин, и заворожённая Судзумэ открывает её. Вскоре загадочные двери открываются по всей Японии, впуская в наш мир различные стихийные бедствия. Чувствуя вину за произошедшее, Судзумэ отправляется в путешествие по неизведанному миру, чтобы закрыть все двери.
Песня любви
История об одинокой женщине, которая живёт в палаточном лагере и ждёт прибытия своего старого возлюбленного. Она не знает его намерений и стесняется своих собственных.
Документальный фильм об истории принцессы Дианы, рассказанный исключительно на основе ранее неопубликованных архивных материалах, создающий захватывающее повествование о ее жизни и смерти. Кроме того, исследуется глубокое влияние, которое эти события оказали на отношение общества к монархии.
Герои железных дорог
Фильм повествует о противояпонских подпольных вооруженных силах коммунистической партии в Шаньдуне во время Второй китайско-японской войны.
My Emptiness and I
Raphi, from France, fantasises about romances with princes, and about starting a traditional family. But in reality, things aren’t like that. She works in a call centre in Barcelona, struggles with at times embarrassing dates, and is diagnosed by her therapist as having gender dysphoria. During this confusing, yet valuable period, we follow this trans woman as she makes her transition, as well as in her everyday life. She talks candidly with colleagues, queer friends, and the men she meets through apps. In spite of all the advice she receives, it turns out that it is mostly time and experience that will help her embrace her place in this world.
Блюз джазмена
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Руби, собака-спасатель
Преследуя свою мечту присоединиться к элитному подразделению К-9, полицейский штата нанимает товарища-неудачника: умного, но непослушного щенка из приюта Руби.
What Lucia Saw
Follows the story and real testimony of Lucía, the only witness in the crime of the Jesuits in El Salvador.
Секс, стыд и слёзы 2
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One Week Friends
A new transfer student, Lin Xiangzhi (Zhao Jinmai), who is quiet and intelligent but always alone, does not make friends with the other students. However, she attracts the attention of Xu Youshu (Lin Yi), a scum of the class. In the process of trying to befriend Lin Xiangzhi, he, the eccentric Song Xiaonan (Shen Yue) and the cool-headed Jiang Wu (Wang Jiahui) discover Lin Xiangzhi's secret, that she suffers from a special disease and her memory of her friends is only seven days.
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A Christmas Fumble
Nicole Barnes gets the toughest assignment of her career when she’s asked to handle a breaking scandal for former pro footballer-turned-TV-commentator Jordan Davies, whose network contract isn’t going to be renewed because of a violation going back to his college days. However, Nicole fails to disclose that she and Jordan were once boyfriend and girlfriend — a conflict of interest that could end her own hopes of being made partner at her firm. To make matters worse, Nicole’s efforts to rehabilitate Jordan’s image are constantly undermined by Jordan’s shallow entertainment reporter fiancée.
B&B Merry
Tracey Wise is a renowned luxury travel blogger who is invited by Graham Cooper to a Christmas getaway in exchange for her review of his family’s small bed & breakfast, Silver Peak. Unfortunately, the humble B&B is facing tough competition from an upscale hotel resort nearby that has been stealing guests and threatening the survival of the family business.
13 изгнаний дьявола
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Cross the Line
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Наследник престола
Принц Карл Йохан ходит в обычную школу, а друзья называют его Калле. Когда в их классе появляется новенькая, Лена, между подростками завязываются теплые отношения. Но принцу нельзя забывать о том, какая на нем лежит ответственность. В свою очередь Лена пытается скрыть свое прошлое и большую тайну от наследного принца.
Дикий ветер
В то время как два продажных полицейских расследуют жестокое убийство молодой девушки, обстановка в их маленьком городке с расовой сегрегацией накаляется.
Santa's Got Style
When department store executive Madison is charged with coming up with a fresh idea for the holiday season, she decides that instead of a classic Santa, this year they would hire a young Santa with lots of fashionable style.
Crown Prince of Christmas
Madison, an aspiring musician, jokingly tells her overbearing family that she is dating the prince of a small European nation. The joke goes too far as her friend and co-worker Sebastian is roped into impersonating the prince while visiting her family in New Jersey. Little does Madison know that Sebastian happens to be hiding a royal secret.