Eleonore Weisgerber

Eleonore Weisgerber

Рождение : 1947-08-18, Wiesbaden, Germany


Eleonore Weisgerber


Auf dem Grund
Zimmer mit Stall - Schwiegermutter im Anflug
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she temporarily stores all municipal waste on her own yard. The improvisation artist gets active support from Felix, who appeares virtually with a paraglider out of the blue and skilfully turnes Sophie's head. Just now, Sophie's ex-mother-in-law Brigitte is at the door. The grande dame from Paris wants Sophie to return to her son Phillippe to prevent the unsuitable young successor who, in her opinion, does not come from a good family and only wants to take over the business. While Leonie is happy about her grandmother's visit, Sophie wants to know as little as possible about her. She is amazed at the unexpected magic that the sophisticated Brigitte unleashes on her grumpy barn occupier Barthl. He buys an elegant suit and dresses up neatly to impress the elegant elderly woman. But unfortunately more uninvited guests show up.
Ottilie von Faber-Castell - Eine mutige Frau
Ottilie von Faber senior
Head of the famous pencil corporation tries to make his 16 year old granddaughter ready to take his place.
Любовь между строк
Эмми Ротнер хочет всего лишь отказаться от подписки на газету, но совершает опечатку в адресе получателя. Письмо оказывается в почтовом ящике Лео Лайке, с этого и начинается их долгая переписка и любовная история.
A Gschicht über d'Lieb
die Badnerin
In 1950s Germany, a farmer's children face an excruciating dilemma when the son resists expectations to take over the family farm.
Villa Eva
Eva Marie-Luise von Aspach-Ne
Das Leben vor mir
25 years ago, Cornelius left his then girlfriend Julia to live with Frank. After Julia fled to the USA at the time, she is now returning and wants to live in the former common house, which puts the relationship between Cornelius and Frank to the test.
Bist du glücklich?
After 13 years, Sonja and Marc have separated. The love was lost to them like other people a stick or hat. To sell their weekend home, the two embark on a final trip together. Along the way, they realize that by far not all is said and that they still feel connected to each other - despite all the injuries and blame. When the planned sale is delayed, they have to spend the night in their house. It is their last chance to find answers to all the questions that are better asked late than never.
Ich werde nicht schweigen
Erna Trauernicht
TV post-war drama about a gruesome chapter of the Nazi era. Nadja Uhl reveals "wild" euthanasia in psychiatry. Oldenburg, 1948: For Margaret Oelkers (Uhl) and her two little sons, the pension is not enough as a war-wittwe behind and in front. But the authorities are working hard, not even because of their lack of credentials on the employment of their killed in the war. After an energetic appearance at the office, she is briefly put into the psychiatry of the Wehnen nursing home as a trainee. The consequences are bitter: one attests to their schizophrenia, takes away the children and brings them to the sister in the country. For a year, Margarete was kept in the hospital against her will, and forced to do so with electric shocks. After her release, she was placed under the guardianship of her neighbor Erich Windhorst (Martin Wuttke), a man with an SS past...
Chaos - Queens - Für jede Lösung ein Problem
Gerri does not like anymore. Stylishly she wants to promote herself to the hereafter. She does not mince words in her farewell letters. But then the tablets do not work. "You are not the problem, you are the solution!" Her friend Charly tries to comfort her. And she's right: Gerri grabs himself by the head, pulls himself out of the mess and orders the chaos that has triggered them.
Dimitrios Schulze
Eszter Petöfi
Nacht der Angst
Mutter auf Streife
Helga Bischoff
Sternstunde ihres Lebens
Helene Wessel
Bonn 1948. The member of parliament and lawyer Elisabeth Selbert fights tirelessly for the inclusion of the sentence "Men and women have equal rights" in the Basic Law of the future Federal Republic of Germany. Despite the opposition she encounters during sessions in the Parliamentary Council , there is _she does not stop and stubbornly sticks to her plan . Selbert experiences a grandiose triumph when her application is included in the new Basic Law under Article 3, Paragraph 2 . In doing so , she lays the foundation for what has now been a 65-year political and social debate on the subjectEqual rights.
Tessa Hennig - Mutti steigt aus
Vorzimmer zur Hölle III - Plötzlich Boss
Annedore Zimmermann
Ein weites Herz
Mutter Oberin
Katie Fforde - Sommer der Wahrheit
Fiona Summer
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-The Reunion
Long-forgotten scandals from the Aird clan's ancestral history continue to be exposed, and the chain of revelations reaches a shocking conclusion.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-The Scandal
Laura Aird becomes a successful publishing executive, returning from America and moving to London. However, when her grandmother Violet dies, she leaves her share of the family company to a woman named Olivia Thorpe.
Сумма всех моих частей
Frau Dr. König
Цифры — это единственное, чему доверяет Мартин. Совсем недавно он был гениальным математиком, делал карьеру в хорошей фирме, отлично зарабатывал, у него была подруга. В общем, вел нормальную жизнь. Работал на износ, пока однажды силы не иссякли, и мир не распался на тысячу отдельных частей. Выйдя из психиатрической лечебницы, он остается без работы, забирает вещи от подруги и решает уединиться. Мартину кажется, что за ним следят, и ему все труднее обуздать окружающий мир с помощью своих цифр. На краю города он встречает загадочного мальчика, который говорит только по-русски. Вместе они отправляются в лес и начинают там новую жизнь вдали от мирской суеты. Строят хижину и становятся друзьями. Они бродят по лесам и по долам и наблюдают мир дикой природы. Но останется ли Мартин здесь надолго?
Die geerbte Familie
Norma Desmond
Vorzimmer zur Hölle - Streng geheim!
Annedore Zimmermann
Rosamunde Pilcher: Shades of Love-A Healing Heart
In a flashback, Laura Aird is seen withdrawing totally from society after tragedy strikes. Hamish Balmerino is concerned about her state of mind, and the forthcoming ball does nothing to improve matters, so her father decides to make her sister Alexa's husband the head of the family business.
Morgen musst du sterben
Albert Schweitzer - Anatomie eines Heiligen
Oberschwester Anna
Utta Danella - Eine Nonne zum Verlieben
Frau Reicherts
The story of a seemingly settled bank employee who breaks the shackles of his everyday life and becomes a wanderer between worlds. Frederik is an up-and-coming young bank employee who lives an ordinary life. When a bank customer, whom Frederik has denied a loan in the face of the bank crisis, shoots himself in front of Frederik, he snaps. Together with ex-con Vince,he begins to live out a new, dark side of himself. He robs his rich bank customers' homes and gives the money to the needy. The initial rush of crossing social boundaries soon develops into an addiction to ever greater thrills.
Katie Fforde - Eine Liebe in den Highlands
Ruth Dalmain
Albert Schweitzer
Senior Nurse Anna
1949 the early years of the Cold War. Albert Schweitzer has become one of the most admired men in the world. The "jungle doctor" Albert Schweitzer tells the story of a philosopher and physician who promoted peace during the Cold War, built a hospital in what is now Gabon and proved stronger than the CIA.
Mrs. Sabatin
Рейзо — один из самых опасных убийц-ниндзя в мире. Еще ребенком его превратили в профессионального убийцу члены клана «Озуну» — секретной организации, чье существование до сих пор считалось выдумкой. Рейзо, преследуемый муками совести из-за беспощадного убийства своего друга кланом Озуну, сбегает от своих. Но тайные кланы не отпускают «своих» просто так…
Vorzimmer zur Hölle
Annedore Zimmermann
Juliane Engelhardt works at the reception of the cosmetics company "Winter Cosmetics International". Not exactly her dream job, but better than nothing. But then the great opportunity opens up for her: After dropping out of medical school, Jule is not quite sure where to go. When the long-time chief secretary of the CEO, Annedore Zimmermann, collapses with a heart attack, Dr. Phillip Richter is quick to replace. Since Jules' presence of mind saved Ms. Zimmermann's life, she suggests Jule as assistant secretary. Jules Start in the anteroom of the CEO looks like a ...
Im Gehege
Charlotte Ewermann
Der Hochzeitswalzer
Annabel Basalle
Der falsche Tod
Von Müttern und Töchtern
Elisabeth Möller
Just when Lena, a single parent in her thirties, finally decided to move in with her new boyfriend Felix, Lena's mother Elisabeth turns up in surprise. She lodges with her daughter and whirls their lives together. The film tells a story of generational conflicts and love concerns, of the search for security and the normal, wonderful madness, which one calls "family", in a pointed mixture of turbulent love romance and smart mother-daughter duel.
Seven Weeks In Italy
Heidrun Boldrini
La dolce vita! Except life is anything but sweet for Jan (Kai Wiesinger), whose attempts to modernize an old luxury hotel in Italy are thwarted by the local competition’s mafia-like methods. Fortunately, help is at hand in the shapely form of Maria (Liane Forestieri), a German-Italian who originally came to fetch her young son. Together, they get the job done and, this being a romantic comedy, fall in love just as marketing director Susanne, who also happens to be Jans’ girlfriend, arrives to inspect the work. Her suspicions are soon aroused.
Marga Engel kocht vor Wut
Nele Ohrmann
Die Liebenden vom Alexanderplatz
Liz Weinberg
Drama about a former couple who met again 55 years after word war II.
Der Vamp im Schlafrock
The multiple burden as a mother, wife and author of successful historical romance novels Ellen swiss mastered always bravado. Actually, the attractive late forties could be satisfied with her life. But while it's just crackling with eroticism in her books, it only seems to exist for her husband as a housewife and mother. Gudrun Landgrebe plays the lead role in this quick-witted, aptly-watched comedy about the everyday chaos between kitchen, children, job and bed.
Die Meute der Erben
Thekla Bergmann
Frauen, die Prosecco trinken
The star reporter of a Berlin lifestyle magazine announces job and apartment to go with the married advertising boss of their newspaper to Paris, where a dream career as an editor of a prestigious fashion store awaits them. But when the lover lets the pregnant woman sit, who then neither gets the job in Paris nor can return to her old editorial office, the homeless career woman suddenly finds herself in the black.
Mit fünfzig küssen Männer anders
Anna Kötter
Rosamunde Pilcher: Rosen im Sturm
Barbara Harding
Die Fremde in meiner Brust
Beate Keller
Mein zweites Leben
Beate Keller
Living in Fear
Anne Steigberg
Cuba Libre
Guest star
Tom is constantly running into problems and gets beaten up time and time again.
Drifters tells of Karin, a past-her-prime cosmetics saleswoman, with her increasing exasperation with her life and her dreams of leaving it all behind and living in Paris. An unlikely but entertaining plot develops, where anything can happen.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Karussell des Lebens
Annabelle Collis
The young Prue Shackleton travels from London to Cornwall to visit her beloved aunt Phoebe, who has just become a widow. On the train she meets Charlotte, a sad little girl who comes from a broken home.
Ein Mord danach
Marianne Schäffler
Schulz & Schulz IV: Neue Welten, alte Lasten
Der Eindringling
Der Fälscher
Boundaries of Time - Caspar David Friedrich
Anna Arndt
A study of German 19th Century Romantic art through the writings and paintings of Carl David Friedrich and his fellow artist, Carl Gustav Carus.
Thriller set in a Chicago skyscraper.
Zerbrochene Brücken
Clara Zetkin
Die Klette
Käthe Kollwitz - Auf der Seite der Schwachen
Frau Juliane Winkler
Ein Tag ist schöner als der andere
Bel Ami
Susanne Walter