Judd Holdren
Рождение : 1915-10-16, Villisca, IA, USA
Смерть : 1974-03-11
Judd Clifton Holdren was an American film actor best known for his starring roles in the serials Captain Video: Master of the Stratosphere, Zombies of the Stratosphere, The Lost Planet, and the semi-serial Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe. He committed suicide in 1974.
Haberdashery Clerk (uncredited)
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewelry thieves. After a spell in jail, the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.
Maj. Reed
Во время англо-американской войны 1812 года генерал Эндрю Джексон располагает только 1200-ю солдатами для защиты Нового Орлеана от Британских кораблей, хотя знает, что британский флот в составе 60 кораблей и 16 тысяч человек вскоре прибудет, чтобы взять город. В этой ситуации особой стратегически важной зоной становится остров около города, но на беду он находится в руках последнего большого пирата Жана Лафита. Это самый известный среди флибустьеров пират, разбойник с повадками джентльмена и сердцем патриота. Его неотразимость разбила сердца всех женщин вокруг, а мужчины признавали его лидерство безоговорочно. Хотя Лафит никогда не нападает на американские суда, губернатор ненавидит его за то, что он продает товары без налогов, а граждане любят его по той же самой причине. Когда большое сражение становится неотвратимо, Лафит разрывается между двумя фронтами. Его сердце принадлежит Америке, но его люди убеждают его сотрудничать с теми, кто наверняка победит…
Larry Martin
Feature version of the 1951 American serial film, "Zombies of the Stratosphere".
Ranger Higgins
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger fights space pirates over an invisible spaceship.
Doctor Raines
A single woman tries to keep her sister from another man by framing her for her husband's murder.
Rex Barrow
Dr. Ernst Grood , having already dominated the planet Ergro, now intends to take over the control of the Earth. Unfortunately for him, reporters oppose his sinister designs.
Commando Cody
Dangerous climate changes are ravaging Earth and the U.S. government requests an investigation by masked super-scientist Commando Cody. He discovers that the disasters are being caused by space-alien forces from unknown planetary origins.
Larry Martin
Martians come to Earth to build an H-bomb strong enough to blast Earth out of orbit so that Mars can be moved into its place in closer proximity to the sun. Super-scientist Larry Martin, inventor of the first stratospheric-flight spaceship as well as a jet-powered personal flying suit with helmet, is called upon by the government to investigate ramped-up UFO reports occasioned by the Martians' spaceships. The Martians, meanwhile, led by Marex, engage a renegade earth scientist and a gaggle of gangsters to help them steal supplies, operate a menacing robot, and build their bomb. This movie serial in 12 chapters was originally planned as a sequel to "Radar Men From The Moon" with Commando Cody as the hero but at the last moment the main characters' names were changed and all other references to that serial removed from the script.
A female version of the man in the iron mask. In this version the mask is put on a princess (patricia medina) rather than a prince as in the original book by Alexander Dumas.
Jud Jerson
Magician-turned-actor John Calvert, previously the suave leading man of Film Classics' "Falcon" series, is a curious choice to star in the rough-and-tumble western Gold Fever. John Bonar (Calvert) and grizzled old prospector Nugget Jack (Ralph Morgan) strike it rich, whereupon they are besieged by Bill Johnson's (Gene Roth) outlaw gang. Heavily outnumbered, our heroes are forced to rely on brain rather than brawn.
Captain Video
Space hero Captain Video battles the evil Vultura on the planet Atoma.
Lt. Mike McCormick
A trio of singers is entertaining wounded soldiers of WWII. They encourage a mutilated soldier in his love to a nurse.
The naive Evelyn Warren, elected school teacher of the year by Time Magazine, goes to Las Vegas, where she loses a lot of money. In order to pay her debts, casino manager Matt Braddock asks her to take care of his sad little daughter Diana.
Accountant Augustis King discovers that his wife, Marfhe, is having an affair with his boss Sam Bellows. He telephones Internal Revenue Bureau that he can give evidence of a large tax-evasion racket. Before IRS-agent Steve Daniels arrives, King is murdered by a henchman of Bellows and his partner, Ernie Medford. Daniels discovers that Bellows and Medford are smuggling gold bullion from their mine in Mexico, and sell and bank the money under assumed names. they hide the bullion in a compartment welded to the bottom of a car.
Reporter #3 (uncredited)
Пятеро астронавтов отправляются на Луну, однако сбившись с курса, вынуждены приземлиться на Марсе. На красной планете они обнаруживают признаки существовавшей некогда могущественной цивилизации, и примитивное племя существ, невероятно похожих на людей…
Jack Steele
This film and the 1950 short "The Fargo Phantom" were edited together and released as a feature called "Tales of the West #2" in 1950.
Politician (Uncredited)
США. Мейзон-Сити, 1939 год. Преддверие Второй мировой войны. Вилли Старк — ультраправый политический деятель — стремится к монопольной власти в своем штате.
Его «выдрессированная» команда профессиональных журналистов и аналитиков, используя любые средства — подлог, обман, грязный шантаж, насилие и вымогательство, приводит своего лидера к победе на выборах. Старку принадлежит все, что есть в его штате — от скромной недвижимости до гигантских заводов. Он всемогущ и рвется в высшие эшелоны власти…