Leo Mittler


Heimkehr des Helden
Песнь о России
Дирижер Джон Мередит и его менеджер Хэнк Хиггинс, отправились в Россию вскоре после начала Второй мировой войны. Мередит полюбил красивую советскую пианистку Надю Степанову во время их гастролей по сорока городам Советского Союза. По пути они встречали счастливых, здоровых, улыбающихся, свободных советских людей, гордо живущих в коммунистическом рае. Эта советская утопия растоптана немецкими захватчиками.
Молодой морской офицер Том Мерриам прибывает в порт Сан-Педро, чтобы занять должность третьего помощника капитана торгового судна «Альтаир». Перед посадкой на судно Мерриам встречает слепого нищего, который предупреждает его о том, что это плохой корабль. Это сообщение не вызывает у молодого человека ничего, кроме усмешки. Но не успел корабль отчалить, как один из членов экипажа был найден мёртвым. И вскоре трупов становится всё больше. Том Мерриам начинает подозревать, что во всём виноват капитан корабля Уилл Стоун, одержимый идеей власти и авторитета.
The Mayor's Dilemma
Scenario Writer
At the beginning of World War I in a village in the country of La Marne, two families are against the marriage of their children. The war changes the positions.
Cheer Up
An impoverished team of composer and songwriter try to secure financial backing for their new musical, with the assistance of a struggling actress working as a housemaid.
The Last Waltz
Count Dimitri is sentenced to death for hitting Prince Paul who was trying to steal a kiss from Countess Vera. Prince Paul pardons him because of a young girl who knew how to conquer his heart at the right time.
Honeymoon for Three
In this musical comedy, the trouble begins when a carefree playboy steals the virtue of a young French maiden and is forced to marry her when her angry father, a financier finds out. The playboy is flat broke, but does the honorable thing. The newlyweds then board a ship and sail off to the States. They are accompanied by the girl's ex-fiance. The plan was for the young marrieds to get a divorce as soon as possible, but then the groom realizes that he really does love the girl. Happiness ensues
La voix sans visage
The singer Saltore is accused of the murder of his wife's lover, and is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. His daughter proves his innocence when she discovers the culprit to be his wife, who wanted to end an embarrassing love affair.
The Night at the Hotel
In a palace on the Côte d'Azur, a whole fauna evolves: a colonel who cheats on his wife, the colonel's daughter who flirts with Fred, Fred's friend, Emmanuel, who is in love with Marion, and Marion who kills himself. believing that Emmanuel does not forgive him for having, out of idleness, yielded to Fred one day.
Nights in Port Said
The niece of a shady tavern-keeper of Port Said, surrounded by dangerous men who haunt the ports, meets a man whom she will love and with whom she flees.
The concert
A concert pianist, the romantic idol of many women, is seduced away from his wife. The seductress's husband takes in the pianist's wife, and all four pretend to be happy with the new arrangement.
Frivolous youth
Lydia is a spoiled young woman who thinks she can get anything for money. One day she causes an accident in which a motorcyclist is killed. At the trial she meets prosecutor Dan O'Bannon. She is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.
Tropical Nights
"Tropical Nights" - The young violinist Alma comes to Simbali with an orchestra led by conductor Zangiacoma, hired for a series of performances at the Schomberg hotel. Both the conductor Zangiacomo and Schomberg are obsessed with Alma. One evening, when Alma is, as usual, forced to entertain the guests she meets Mr. Heyst from his island Sourabaya, where he lives in solitude. He takes Alma to his place on the island.
Sunday of Life
Ellen Hobart is a gold-digging manicurist who sights her sights on David Stone, a wealthy young man. After they marry, Hobart is persuaded to accept $50,000 to give her husband up. She willingly goes along with this arrangement, only to realize she's genuinely in love with the boy when he falls dangerously ill. German-language version of the American pre-code film The Devil's Holiday.
Every Woman Has Something
The King of Paris
There is a woman who will never forget you
По ту сторону улицы
Девушка, развращенная долгой безработицей, замечает, что старый нищий находит на мостовой жемчужное ожерелье. Она подбивает молодого безработного рабочего, дружка этого нищего, украсть для нее драгоценность. Но затея проваливается, и рабочий возвращается ни с чем...
Serenissimus und die letzte Jungfrau