Four years after the events of SHIROBAKO the series, Musashino Animation has gone through unprecedented changes and things are looking bleak for the studio. One day, Aoi Miyamori is offered a role managing a new theatrical animation project. With only a few months left before the deadline, can MusAni complete the project in its current state? It’s up to Aoi to work alongside both familiar faces and new to finish the project in time!
One day Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian and Suneo were shooting a film as space heroes. When they were shooting the film in the open lot a boy called Aron comes and alerts them of aliens attacking his planet. They agree to help him by turning into real superheroes, but it isn't as easy as it looks.
Действие фильма происходит в 2077 году. За 10 лет до этого Япония вышла из ООН и отгородилась от мира магнитным полем. Поводом для этого послужила резолюция ООН, которая запретила дальнейшее развитие робототехники и биотехнологий, угрожающих существованию человечества. И вот правительство США посылает в Японию спецподразделение SWORD под командованием женщины по имени Vexille. Задание - узнать, что за эти 10 лет случилось в Стране Восходящего Солнца, где запретные науки развивались абсолютно бесконтрольно. Однако оказывается, что тайны одна за одной скрывают другую и все это ведет к драматическому финалу…
When a group of students manage to complete Thomas Edison's unfinished "spirit phone" that allows communication with the dead, they are brought to the spirit world by an ancient Incan priest. There they meet historic figures such as Albert Einstein, Buddha, and Friedrich Nietzsche and learn the hidden truths of the cosmos, heaven, hell, and God.
The year is 21XX. Reploids are commonplace now, after Dr. Cain rediscovered Dr. Light's old lab and based several designs off of Dr. Light's original, called "Mega Man X". X, meanwhile, has joined the Maverick Hunters, and works with unit leader Zero under the command of Commander Sigma. It is their job to terminate reploids who have become violent.