Juan Gea

Juan Gea


Juan Gea
Juan Gea


Hopelessly Devout
A woman in a Catholic brotherhood in the south of Spain tries to be president in a world traditionally reserved to men.
Pablo Ortiz
Two journalists investigate the criminal activities of the GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación), a secret terrorist organization founded in the eighties and financed by leading figures in the Spanish government and security forces to hunt down and exterminate both members and collaborators of the terrorist gang ETA.
Собака на сене
Богатая и знатная сеньора Диана терзается сомнениями: ей нужно выбрать между достойными ее руки женихами и личным секретарем - красавцем и ловеласом. А тот, в свою очередь, не может решить, кто ему больше по сердцу - его обворожительная хозяйка или ее прелестная служанка…
Турецкая страсть
Дезидерия Оливан находится на самом пике кризиса среднего возраста. Ее брак с Рамиро, со стороны кажущийся счастливым, грозит распасться из-за отсутствия детей и импотенции мужа. Чтобы как-то спасти ситуацию, супруг уговаривают Дезидерию отправиться в туристическую поездку в Турцию вместе с друзьями. На берегах Босфора Рамиро умудряется не заметить бурный роман собственной жены с турецким экскурсоводом Яманом. По возвращению в Испанию Дезидерия узнает, что беременна...
How to Be a Woman and Not Die in the Attempt
Carmen, a journalist with two children, is on her third marriage, to Antonio, a record producer. Over the course of a year, we follow her through her discontents: Antonio's lateness, his fatigue when she wants to make love, his insistence on her company when she prefers solitude, his treating her work as less important than his, his casual and cruel dismissal of her opinions, her boss assigning her an incompetent editor, bartenders ignoring her, her passage into middle age. She can be feisty and edgy, which sometimes gets in the way of what would make her happy. And she regularly threatens to leave Antonio. Will she, and on what terms? What will he do?
El crimen del expreso de Andalucía
Duque de Barleta
Madrid, 1924. A ne'er-do-well in his 30s, perpetual disappointment to his aging military father, hatches a plan to rob the mail train to Andalusia. He intends the hit to be bloodless, but complications arise soon.
The Things of Love
In 1940's Madrid. Juan plays piano for Pepita and her on-stage partner Mario. Although Mario really wants to steal Juan for himself, Juan is not interested and Mario resorts to a string of lovers as consolation. When he loves (and leaves) a young nobleman, the young man wants revenge.