Mrs. József Antall, Klára Fülepp
The fresh president of Hungary find himself in trouble with taxi drivers. The taxi drives are disappointed in the democracy and protesting against the drasticly raising gas prices. The drivers build blockades all over the capital.
Tapolyai Emöke
Hilda is forced to follow helplessly the tragic death of her mountaineer husband Zsolt Eröss. As the heir of the deceased Hilda tries to cope with public expectations with her husband's attitude. It takes time for her to admit, that she needs help in dealing with the tragedy.
В конце XIX — начале XX века широкое распространение получило понятие «пост мортем» — посмертные снимки в память об умерших близких. Фотографа Томаса приглашают в опустошенную эпидемией «испанки» деревню. Вскоре он узнает, что это место проклято, а потусторонние силы не дают местным покоя. Ему и 10-летней сироте Анне предстоит понять намерения призраков и столкнуться с величайшим ужасом в их жизни.
Zoltán Farkas, a well-known constructor, lives his life as Don Juan, while his young wife (Éva) want to divorce and has a lover, who is a young lieutenant. They go there last trip together to Zoltán's birthplace, where no one knows, that they will divorce, until some secrets getting revealed. Based on Ferenc Herczeg's novel.
Isti anyja
For old Margaret, who lives alone, unexpected and tragic news bring positive change in her life. Doctors predict that she has only a few months left, but she starts to live again just now.
Ildikó / Piroska
Kata nayja
Детство у Атиллы было счастливым. Но когда умерла бабушка, мальчик попал в приемную семью, затем в интернат и в учреждение для малолетних преступников. Уже взрослым он решился на побег из тоталитарной Румынии в спокойную Венгрию. И теперь его, грабителя банков по прозвищу Виски, знает вся Венгрия. Перед тем как идти на дело, он всегда пьёт виски.
The Aurora Borealis is a story of family that is rich in twists and turns. It breaks the depths of the relationship between mother and daughter. A successful lawyer in Vienna, Olga is called back to Hungary when her old mother, Mary suddenly falls into a coma. While Mary is floating between life and death, Olga finds a deeply silent secret. The increasingly passionate research leads back to the post-war Europe of the '50s.
Pusztagazda felesége
István Sinka, known in the farm world of the Great Plains only as Black Burdock, is a decent, honest fellow. He stands out among his peers with his education and literacy. He and his love, Piroska, are happily planning their lives when an unexpected tragedy occurs.
This is a story of a special relationship between two women, a writer and her maid.
Mrs. Szirmai
Остро нуждающийся в деньгах на лечение своей больной матери помощник патологоанатома Малкав Тибор принимает предложение незнакомца убить некого человека, о котором Тибор ничего не знает.
Underrated in light of its current (February 4, 2007) IMDb score of 6.4, this film reminded me of what Joseph Heller's 'Something Happened' could look like if a film was to be made out of it. Our middle-aged character's life is in a fragile balance at the start and soon that balance will, of course, be disturbed. Even without much in the way of drama at first, an at times nightmarish reality intermingles with nightmares, and, typically for a movie from this region, state bureaucracy and the absurdities of a semi-legal order play a role in moving developments along. So what is it that awaits our hero down the informal road he is officially sent? Complete deconstruction? Or the 'unbearable lightness of being'? If you give the movie the time to unfold, it will reward you revealing an entertaining concept by the end.
Lina Szentkálnay
Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself.
Russian girl
This time, Kapa and Pepe are first of all prisoners of war – and convicts taken to forced labor service, Jews, Hungarian soldiers, German soldiers. Once they are to be executed, then again they are to perform executions. The film tells in spectacular episodes about the fact that in the past more than one century and a half we kept marching from war to war; occupation and liberation turned out to be indifferent, and why couldn’t the Jews execute the SS-guys? Our heroes hover about dilapidated barracks, then again on the bridges of the capital they guess whose satellites or eternal friends for all times we might be just now. In the cupboard, among the preserved fruit bottles, Stalin is still hiding. The authors of the film are cited before court, then in a showcase hospital they are waiting for the end to come. A Soviet soldier-maid closes the film with a Péter Nádas-quote.
When the home where they grew up and spent the best days of their childhood is threatened, a group of kids bands together to try and save it.
Pékné, Rózsika
A new socialistic city is being built on the Danube's riverbank in the early 50's. The story is about a teacher who's living there.
Comedy about a man whose face is stuck in a grimace after making a ‘lemon face’.
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place.
Фильм рассказывает об удачах и неудачах заказного убийцы - снайпера Гэри Кемпа, работа которого осложняется тем обстоятельством, что его все время преследует что-то вроде снов или видений, связанных с прошлыми веками, чёртиком и спасительницей девой Марией.
Olga and Márta take possession of the old family estate after the political transition. Márta and Viktor arrive from abroad, Olga and her daughter come from Budapest in order to spend the summer there and have the house renovated.
Ambrus, the canon pretender and Gerzson, the stinking rich lawyer, taking advantage of a sect and a fake hospice, are engaged in doing unsuspecting old people out of their money.
The film is a modernised version of the Chekhov drama, put in Budapest, Hungary, in a Soviet barracks between 1987 and 1991.
Three generations live side by side. The wilful, jack-in-all-pots grandmother blackmails the family with fake faintings, while grandpa suffers from cerebral sclerosis. Mother manages a fashionable hotel, she needs to look smart and unyielding, even when their weird uncle drives into the restaurant drunk. Father is an introverted, solitary teacher, who from time to time turns the home inside out in pursuit of his hobby, i.e. topography, and his mental balance. Suddenly unexpected things come to light about their teen-age daughter, Juli.