Nicolas Buysse

Nicolas Buysse


Nicolas Buysse


Temps mort
Jean - frère de Bonnard
Seule la mer
The Summer Holidays
Cow (voice)
School is out, and Indian and Cowboy are bored. Watching an old pirate film gets them out of their funk and they decide to build a ship and go off on an adventure. But their first try is a disaster. With the help of some animals, they finally manage to launch their proud vessel and everything is ready for their departure. But of course, nothing goes to plan... And the catastrophes come thick and fast.
Panique au village : La Foire Agricole
Indian and Cowboy finally pass their exams. Horse buys them tickets for the County Fair. But at the last moment, he slips and comes crashing down on his head. He wakes up with no idea where he hid the tickets. So begins a race against time for them two to find the passes before it's too late.
Back to School
Vache (voice)
Indian and Cowboy are about to set off on a magnificent cruise on a luxury liner, but they have made a big mistake. They completely forgot that today is the first day of school! Goodbye tropical islands, our friends are back at their desks in school listening as the teacher drones on and on.
Jacques a vu
In their momentum for a neo-rural life in the Belgian Ardennes countryside, Brice and Lara soon have to face the imminent construction of a holiday resort nearby. A true race against time then starts for the young couple and revolves around Brice's quirky cousin Jacques, a native from the village, prone to mystical visions that will eventually lead them all to the Vatican! In a climate of provincial burlesque comedy both tender and grotesque, the Chapon-Laroche village microcosm, especially our endearing trio, will inexorably undergo a series of metamorphoses.
The Christmas Log
Renne (voice)
The year’s end celebrations are coming. Christmas : the tree, the dinner, the presents. Indian and Cowboy are expecting their presents eagerly. Overexcited by the organisation of the celebration, they fight and destroy the Yule log on which Horse was putting the last touch. Horse is livid and cancels the gifts from Santa Claus. How will they win back the favours of Horse and The Old Bearded Man? How will they retrieve their gifts ? For Indian and Cowboy begins a long, very long Christmas Eve.
I'm a Standard Supporter
Milou is a football addict. His life is dedicated to his local team: Le Standard de Liège. Milou has no limit when it comes to his football club. But, when he meets Martine, he will soon find good reasons to start his football therapy..
Оскар и Розовая дама
Le professeur
Оскар, десятилетний мальчонка, вот уже несколько месяцев пребывает в госпитале. Ни его родители, ни врачи не хотят говорить ему о его болезни. Только Роз — ворчливая доставщица пиццы — общается с ним открыто и прямо. Чтобы как-то его развлечь, Роз придумывает игру: каждый из 12-ти оставшихся дней его жизни считать за десять лет. Так он проживает целую жизнь. А чтобы делиться впечатлениями, тревогами и радостями своей жизни, Оскар пишет письма Богу, и Роз отправляет их на воздушном шарике в небо. Оба они и не подозревают, насколько повлияет на них их дружба...
Le Capitaine Fracasse
Dame Léonarde + Vidalinc
Паника в деревне
Mouton / Jean-Paul (voice)
Приключения героев начинаются с благой идеи. Ковбой и Индеец решили подарить Лошади «вещь», сделанную своими руками. Идея оказалась не самой лучшей: нежданный подарок разрушил дом Лошади.
Дом возле канала
После смерти своих родителей молодая женщина с неудачными результатами возвращается к своим неискушенным родственникам.