Alexandre von Sivers
Рождение : 1943-03-03, Poland
Emile Deschanel
1920. Georges Clémenceau just lost the french presidential elections to the unknown Paul Deschanel, an idealistic who wants to change the country. But, one day, Deschanel falls from a train and disappear. At daybreak, France is looking for its president, a great chance for the « Tiger » Georges Clémenceau.
14-years-old boy Mayeul is very popular, and he is a bully. When Louise comes back to school with an eye injury, Mayeul tries to hide his involvement, but has to deal with his guilt.
Le grand-père
Music is the story of a father and son. Or, rather, the story of the reunion between a father and son who have hardly seen each other over many years and who clumsily attempt to renew bonds. Unfortunately, too much time has already passed and it will be impossible to strengthen the ties. But although they lose each other again, the father will nevertheless pass on a legacy to his son: the love of music.
Notable (voice) / Chef de l'assemblée (voice) / Sentinelle (voice)
В третьей части граф с оруженосцем отправляются в самое сложное для Франции время — период Французской революции.
Le réceptionniste de l'hôtel
Молодая женщина, не имеющая ни родных, ни друзей, находит в багажнике шикарного автомобиля труп. Героиня становится жертвой старательно спланированного преступления. Попытка во всём разобраться самой, приводит к переосмыслению собственной жизни и к поиску своего истинного «я».
Mgr Philippart
In their momentum for a neo-rural life in the Belgian Ardennes countryside, Brice and Lara soon have to face the imminent construction of a holiday resort nearby. A true race against time then starts for the young couple and revolves around Brice's quirky cousin Jacques, a native from the village, prone to mystical visions that will eventually lead them all to the Vatican! In a climate of provincial burlesque comedy both tender and grotesque, the Chapon-Laroche village microcosm, especially our endearing trio, will inexorably undergo a series of metamorphoses.
Père de Christine
Paul is a chubby kind-‐hearted amateur detective. Dorothy is an intense upper class teenager. Paul is into quoting Sherlock Holmes and watching Derrick. Dorothy is into punk clothing and hating her mother. Paul is forty three, Dorothy is sixteen, and the only thing that links them is Paul’s knowledge that he is Dorothy’s biological father… over time, this has grown into a one way relationship with Paul spying on Dorothy as she grew up, always from a safe distance…They would never have met if Dorothy hadn’t heard of Paul’s amateur detective skills. She wants to use him to find her father…
Hans Pieters
Агент ЦРУ бросает работу, чтобы наладить отношения с дочерью, но вынужден защитить ее от своих же коллег, которые намерены убить ее по приказу начальства.
Scientifique 2 (voice)
Приключения героев начинаются с благой идеи. Ковбой и Индеец решили подарить Лошади «вещь», сделанную своими руками. Идея оказалась не самой лучшей: нежданный подарок разрушил дом Лошади.
An Ukranian woman enters Belgium illegally and hides in the van of a driver abandoned by his wife. He ends up helping her to find her husband who had emigrated long before. They are joined by his wacky Spanish mother and cute young daughter.
Bertrand Bonnet
Тома 32 года, он страдает агорафобией (боязнью открытого пространства) в острой форме. В течение восьми лет он не выходил из дома и никого не впускал к себе. Единственно возможный способ общения с другими людьми для него — через компьютер.
Большинство жизненных проблем, в том числе и проблему его психического здоровья, решает страховая компания. Ведя такое странное отшельническое существование, Тома почти счастлив. Но он одинок.
Его давняя виртуальная подружка наскучила ему, и его психоаналитик советует ему завести роман с реальной женщиной и с этой целью записывает Тома в интернетовский клуб знакомств.
Однако мало-помалу внешние вторжения в его чувства и в его частный внутренний мир начинают приводить в замешательство и беспокоить Тома. Неужели окружающие не могут просто оставить его в покое?
Five guys in a van are on their way to a perfectly planned heist job.
Судьбы совершенно разных людей подчас переплетаются самым невероятным образом. Гарри — простой клерк, расстался с женой, становится свидетелем того, как из психиатрической лечебницы убегает странный пациент по имени Жорж.Он так же, как и Гарри, одинок — он остался без матери, ему некуда идти и не к чему стремиться. Между этими, совершенно разными на первый взгляд людьми завязывается тесная дружба, которая помогает обоим преодолеть все невзгоды и начать новую, по — настоящему счастливую жизнь.
Honoré d'Aubec
A love and hatred story based on classic novel by Françoise Sagan.
The theme of death is heavily interwoven in Smolder’s surreal salute to Belgian painter Antoine Wiertz, a Hieronymus Bosch-type artist whose work centered on humans in various stages in torment, as depicted in expansive canvases with gore galore. Smolders has basically taken a standard documentary and chopped it up, using quotes from the long-dead artist, and periodic statements by a historian (Smolders) filling in a few bits of Wiertz’ life.
Deuxième théologien
The Inquisition is in full swing in 16th century Flanders. Wanted for his dissident writings, the alchemist doctor Zeno has been wandering Europe under an assumed name for twenty years. But he remains a non-conformist. He returns to his native Bruges, where he thinks he has been forgotten. In this silent labyrinth where the faces of the past resurface, he rediscovers his identity and thus signs his death warrant.
The monk
Three 'Bukowskian' torrid nights in the life of a man in search of love. Harry Voss, 12, is young and naive. Love, for him, is romantic love between princes and princesses demurely kissing each other on the mouth. His father is a hero who kidnapped his mother and married her on a lonely mountain peak... Later on, he'll do the same. But Harry has a lot to learn. He learns about 'being hot' and 'fucking' and about what you have to do when you're alone and 'feel the itch'. He also learns that there are handsome men and ugly ones, that love can be unfair. That one can find comfort in drinking... but above all he learns that man is capable of anything - absolutely anything! - to get his fair share of love.
A glimpse of the pre-history of cinema starting with the projections of Etienne Gaspard Robert (also known as M. Robertson), who used magic lanterns and other optical illusions to develop the genre of the Gothic phantasmagoria in the late eighteenth century.
В доме, где живёт инспектор судебной полиции Аурелия Модрю, совершено убийство. Ведущая расследование молодая женщина вынуждена подозревать и допрашивать своих соседей.
The Industrial
Children find a baby in the forest.
Lucie and Ines love each other and want to have a child, but they are missing something. After five attempts at MAP, they leave for a final test in Belgium. Then begins a crazy quest to find THE seed.