Lise Ringheim

Lise Ringheim

Рождение : 1926-05-15, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark

Смерть : 1994-09-25


Lise Ringheim (15 May 1926 – 25 September 1994) was a Danish film actress. She appeared in 37 films between 1943 and 1993. She was born in Frederiksberg, Denmark and died in Denmark. Source: Article "Lise Ringheim" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Lise Ringheim
Lise Ringheim
Lise Ringheim
Lise Ringheim


The Screaming Throats
Copenhagen 1984. Ronni is a young, mediocre punk-guitarist, eager to make it big in the death obsessed late-punk milieu. But his girlfriend has left him, the other members of his band are fed up with his incompetence and insecure attitude, he has a problem with his stomach, his doctor wants to abuse him sexually and the former manager of the band thinks Ronni owes him some money. It seems to reach an ultimate low, when Ronni collapses onstage during an all-important concert, but it turns out to be his ticket to glory as he claims to be mortally ill
Heaven and Hell
Maria grows up in a seedy 1960s working class neighborhood, the daughter of an ambitious emigrant father and soon caught up in her own dangerously one track-minded pursuit of a violinist's career. A rich gallery of highly original characters contribute, for better and for worse, to Maria's coming of age. Based on Kirsten Thorup's critically acclaimed 1982 novel, filmed by Morten Arnfred.
Your Money or Your Life
The Misanthrope
Bergman took one of his favourite plays to Copenhagen for a guest performance, which was even broadcast on Danish TV. In his Copenhagen The Misanthrope, Bergman maintained a dual approach. On the one hand, a production of Molière's play as a theatrical game performed in style and intellectually conceived; on the other hand, an exposure, through physical and psychological intensity, of the emotional tragedy in which Alceste and Celemine are both victims. Expectations were high prior to Bergman's production of The Misanthrope. A reviewer wrote, 'For the first time Molière's connection to the Danish stage is intercepted by a director whose forte is physiological tragedy, Strindberg over Holberg'. Many reviews had expected Bergman to put his very personal stamp on the production. Instead they experienced 'a clean Molière' and were struck by Bergman's faithfulness to the original mise-en-scene and to the classical rhythm of Molière's text.
I Adams verden
Ibs mor
Farvel Thomas
Paradise and Back
The Pig Boy and The Princess and the Pea
Two of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales in a blend of animation and live-action.
The Maids
Solange and Claire are two housemaids who construct elaborate and subversive sadomasochistic rituals when their mistress is away.
Милое семейство
Действие происходит в Копенгагене. Богатый купец и судовладелец Якоб Фрийс удачно, с его точки зрения, выдав двух своих старших дочерей замуж, ищет «блестящую» партию для своей последней, младшей дочери Иды. Он мечтает о том. чтобы мужем её был человек с графским титулом. Но события сложились таким образом, что Ида в конце концов выходит замуж за своего кузена Вальдемара, с которым её с детства связывает дружба.
The Boy Who Loved Horses
Ridelærerens kone
Eventyr på Mallorca
Harry and the Butler
A gentle comedy offering the promise of easy social consensus. Harry (Helmuth) is a simple old-time shop porter offered a chance at self-realisation when he's bequeathed a sum by an unknown relative (via several levels of fiscal blood suckers). He decides to engage a butler to take good care of him for a time. This is a man of distinguished upper class service, but a generous nature which happily integrates with Harry's small but colourful world of drinking buddies and crackpot neighbourhood kids.
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