Julius Robinson


The Girl Who Invented Kissing
Music Supervisor
A nameless, pill-popping drifter girl steps off a bus and into a New Jersey neighborhood bar owned by two middle-age brothers, Jimmy & Victor. She quickly befriends older brother, Victor––a good-natured lummox whose mind was affected by a childhood accident. The mysterious "Girl" soon upsets the delicate balance of the brothers' lives while bringing both trouble and new life into their resigned world and town.
Tortilla Heaven
Isidor's Tortilla Heaven is the best restaurant in New Mexico maybe even the world. But though his tortillas are scrumptious, his enchiladas divine, Isidor has never made a dime. Why? He lives in Falfurrias, population 73. One Sunday, while all the town, including his wife and son, are piously praying mass, a miracle occurs. Upon one of his famous, hand-made tortillas appears the face of Jesus Christ.
Рик ищет стабильности в жизни. Он устал от наркотиков и вечеринок. Подсознательно он борется с трудностями, которые повлекло за собой отсутствие его отца. Рику кажется, что он никому не сможет доверять. Но однажды в его жизнь входит девушка, меняющая все на 180 градусов. Но Рику сложно привыкнуть к новому для него миру.