Park Seong-taek

Park Seong-taek


Korean actor.


Park Seong-taek


Yagwi (Ghost) - Goonjol
Чосон, страна находится под пятой династии Цин и платит дань. Недовольные подобным положением вещей строят заговор против правителя. У голландских купцов заговорщики покупают огнестрельное оружие и вместе с ним заносят в страну вирус, который превращает людей в обезумевших плотоядных тварей. Пытаясь спасти от смерти семьи пойманных сподвижников, лидер восстания наследный принц Ли Ён убивает себя на глазах короля, но перед этим шлет письмо младшему брату в Цин с просьбой вернуться. Принцу Ли Чхону неплохо жилось и в Китае, никаких претензий на чосонский трон у него нет, и он возвращается на родину только для того, чтобы забрать в Цин беременную жену брата.
Cats and Dogs
Animator Woo-Joo and webtoon writer Bo-Eun each begin to raise a stray cat and a stray dog. They meet at a veterinary clinic and they soon begin to date. They think their relationship is different from other couples. Is their relationship okay?
Queen of The Night
Captain of Police Substation
A timid husband discovers the shady hidden past of his supposedly perfect wife.
Dynamite Man
Two brothers try to break free of the gang life, only to be attacked in retaliation for their decision. The younger brother is seriously burned and dying in a hospital, which drives his older brother to take vicious revenge.
A Wonderful Moment
A musical director who craves advancement participates in a musical which picks the role of a king in a survival method as a mentor. There he meets a multicultural child who becomes partners with him and experiences his first intentions and inspiration.
Jon-hu (segment "Love for Sale")
A man searching for his missing ex-girlfriend uncovers the dark secret behind an organization selling romantic virtual reality experiences. A film director looking for artistic inspiration runs into a strange woman who may or may not be a ghost. An assassin and a target for in love with each other but the assassin must complete the assignment.
Men Without Women
Lim Ki-bong
Oishii Man
Jump instructor
Once a promising musician, Hyeon-seok has been living as a commoner after he found the symptom of Meniere’s syndrome. He had to stop playing music because his ears distorted sounds into noise. To run away from reality and depression he heads to Japan. Arriving at Monbetsu, a small city in Hokkaido, Japan, he meets Megumi at the train station, the local travel guide. Staying at ‘Megumi Inn’, they get to share emotions through music, natural sounds and having meals together.