Yeom Bok-sun

Yeom Bok-sun

Рождение : 1952-01-01,


Yeom Bok-Sun is a South-Korean actress.


Yeom Bok-sun


Korean Ghost Story – Ieodo
Korean Ghost Story was a popular TV series telling tales of the eerie and the uncanny. This episode took its inspiration from a legend that originated on Cheju island, whose inhabitants claim that fishermen who vanished around Socora Rock were now in Ieodo, an empire ruled by women who didn’t allow any man to leave. The legend, it seems, was popular in the 1970s.
While working on a case with farmers, lawyer Heo Seung comes to believe that the rural development movement is the only lasting way to preserve the identity of the country. With conviction, Seung throws himself into the rural area. However, this position is against the Japanese occupation policies and eventually, even his wife, Yun Jung-sun, ends up leaving him. The Japanese judge Masaki Hiroshi determines that Seung's rural development activities are actually a rebellion against Japan. He has Seung imprisoned as an ideology criminal. After spending five years in jail, Seung returns to the country to see his wife, Jung-sun, continuing her husband's work and waiting for him.
Chang-Su's Heydays
A sequel to Yeong-ja's Heydays follows the career of Yeong-ja’s first love, Chang-su, and his faithful love for her.
Расцвет мисс Ён-джа
Чан Су вспоминает девушку, которую он любил до того, как поступил на военную службу. В то время она работала домработницей. Спустя годы они снова встречаются в полицейском участке, и девушка, Ён-Чжа, рассказывает, что бросила работу после того, как ее изнасиловал сын ее работодателя. Ее жизнь становилась все хуже, пока она не потеряла руку в автомобильной аварии и была вынуждена работать проституткой, чтобы оплатить протез.