Elda Alvigini

Elda Alvigini

Рождение : 1968-05-01,


Elda Alvigini


Compromessi sposi
A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?
Il premio
After winning the Nobel Prize, Giovanni Passamonte decides to drive to Stockholm with his sons and assistant rather than fly.
Nine and a Half Moons
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Le leggi del desiderio
Giovanni is a famous life coach who claims he can make any desire come true. One day he announces a competition in which three people dissatisfied with their lives will win the chance to be followed by him for six months.
Bloody Sin: Abonimations of the Third Reich
A team of researchers investigates a European castle that was used for sadistic tortures during the inquisition, as well as horrifying and abominable Nazi experiments on innocent people. Riddled with history, the demonically possessed castle overtakes the crew turning their nightmares into a terrifying reality.
Cara, ti amo...
The Museum of Wonders
When the beautiful dancer Salome learns that the dwarf circus owner Marcel has just received an inheritance, she marries the lovesick, diminutive performer, all the while planning to steal his fortune and run off with her lover, strong man Sansone. When Marcel and fellow performers discover her evil plan, they band together to carry out a brutal revenge.
Учебник любви
Мужчина и женщина. Влюбленность, кризис, предательство, расставание… Как пережить эти тяжелые минуты? Как вынести эту сердечную рану? Оказывается, растерзанные страстным чувством жертвы Амура могут найти много добрых советов в аудио-книге под названием «Учебник любви». Четыре романтические и в то же время смешные истории из жизни четырех влюбленных пар.
L'eretico - Un gesto di coraggio
Al cuore si comanda
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband "for rent".
Una famiglia per caso
Emma sono io
Francesco Falaschi's comedy I Am Emma stars Cecilia Dazzi as a woman who suffers from an unusual disorder. Emma is a town councilwoman whose husband (Marco Giallini) has taken a mistress because he dislikes her repressed behavior. Her demeanor changes radically when the town pharmacist runs out of Emma's daily dose of depressants. Emma has a disorder in which she is naturally outgoing and upbeat. Her marriage gets rocky as she expresses her true self. The town responds poorly to a woman being so brazen, but Emma's best friend (Elda Alvigini) is inspired by Emma to make a major life change.
Cuore di donna
La verità, vi prego, sull'amore
Zora la vampira
Pierced girl
Count Dracula trades Transylvania for Italy in search of fresh blood and Western standards of living, but finds instead his ancient love Zora, reincarnated as a young graffiti artist from the Roman hip-hop scene.
Начало ХХ века, Рим. Профессор Мори нанимает для своего новорожденного сына кормилицу, молодую деревенскую женщину Аннетт. Она заботится о малыше, как о родном, но ее присутствие в доме вызывает у матери ребенка, Виктории, смутное беспокойство, постепенно перерастающее в панику. И тогда она ставит мужа перед выбором: "Или я, или кормилица". Чувственная мелодрама без модного истерического монтажа и примитивных супергероев, но с проработанным сюжетом, глубокими психологическими портретами персонажей, сильным внутренним драматизмом, тщательно продуманными деталями. Такой фильм сегодня — редчайшее событие...
Начало ХХ века, Рим. Профессор Мори нанимает для своего новорожденного сына кормилицу, молодую деревенскую женщину Аннетт. Она заботится о малыше, как о родном, но ее присутствие в доме вызывает у матери ребенка, Виктории, смутное беспокойство, постепенно перерастающее в панику. И тогда она ставит мужа перед выбором: "Или я, или кормилица". Чувственная мелодрама без модного истерического монтажа и примитивных супергероев, но с проработанным сюжетом, глубокими психологическими портретами персонажей, сильным внутренним драматизмом, тщательно продуманными деталями. Такой фильм сегодня — редчайшее событие...
I fobici
Commuter (segment "Turno di notte")
Four stories about phobias, manias and other complexes.
The Scent of the Night
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.
В сицилийский город Трапани приезжает новый прокурор Микеле Де Франческо. У него репутация смелого и неподкупного человека. Одна из его задач – раскрыть недавнее убийство судьи Риццо. Самым верным помощниками прокурора становятся четверо его охранников. Формально их обязанность – прикрывать своего подопечного. Но они подходят к своей работе неформально.
The Invisible Wall
(non accreditata)
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.