Frank Wells

Рождение : 1902-10-31, Sandgate, Kent, England, UK

Смерть : 1982-12-14


Five on a Treasure Island
A story of the location of shipwrecked treasure (gold ingots) being hunted down by 4 children George, Julian, Dick and Ann (sic) and their dog Tim up against a couple of machinating baddies...
Supersonic Saucer
Original Story
A group of schoolchildren come upon an alien from Venus, and help him against a gang of criminals who are trying to kidnap him.
Supersonic Saucer
A group of schoolchildren come upon an alien from Venus, and help him against a gang of criminals who are trying to kidnap him.
The Gold Express
Claustrophobic train-set comedy-thriller (produced by H.G. Wells son) with an ace reporter coming up against crooks intent on stealing a gold shipment on the Scotland to London express. A scatterbrained scientist, a gun-toting dame with revenge on her mind and a pair of eccentric spinster crime novelists – who steal the film – round out the motley band of passengers who cross the path of our intrepid hero as he tries to get his big scoop.
Atomic Physics Part 1: The Atomic Theory
Production Supervisor
This documentary starts with the theory as proposed by John Dalton in 1808, and outlines the progress made during the nineteenth century bringing in Faraday's early experiments in electrolysis, Mendeleeff's Periodic Table, and ending with ideas of the size of molecules and atoms then current. (Part 1 of 6)
Под кардинальской мантией
Art Direction
Действие этого фильма происходит во Франции, в начале XVII-го века, в годы царствования Людовика XIII. Вся полнота власти принадлежала в то время кардиналу Ришелье, который беспощадно преследовал гугенотов — противников абсолютизма и католической церкви.
Облик грядущего
Assistant Art Director
Город Эвритаун, 1940 год. Канун Рождества. Люди готовятся к празднику, на улицах много гуляющих, звучат песни. Но в то же время повсюду рядом с надписями в честь Рождества — на плакатах, расклеенных на стенах, на трамваях, в крупных газетных заголовках — слово «война», «угроза войны», «мир на пороге войны», «европейский ультиматум». В уютной мирной квартире Джона Кэбела трое мужчин, в том числе Пиппа Пассуорти, обсуждают последние события.
His Lordship
Art Direction
The commoner is a happy cockney plumber by the name of Bert Gibbs. Bert comes into contact with the celebrated Russian movie star Ilya Myona. Desperate for publicity and aware that nobility make for good copy, Ilya persuades Bert to pose as her fiancé (with the possibility of persuading him to go through with the marriage if need be). Things are complicated by a pair of anarchic Bolsheviks, one of whom has a daughter named Lenina who knows Bert from his plumber days and is quite in love with him.
Art Direction
A man assists a woman to dispose of the body of her stepfather....
The Star Reporter
Art Direction
Major Starr is an ambitious newspaper reporter who has taken undercover employment as chauffeur to Lady Susan Loman in the hope of witnessing high-society goings-on which he can use in a feature article he is planning.
The Tonic
The family of the very wealthy but infirm Great Aunt Louisa await her untimely demise in the hopes of inheriting her great fortune.
Art Direction
A young cleaning woman in a boarding-house relieves the drudgery of her job by daydreaming that a foreign student at the house, who she believes is interested in her, is actually a wealthy nobleman who sweeps her off on a romantic journey.
A young cleaning woman in a boarding-house relieves the drudgery of her job by daydreaming that a foreign student at the house, who she believes is interested in her, is actually a wealthy nobleman who sweeps her off on a romantic journey.