Chung Kai-Man


Mad About Music
When a murder occurs in a nightclub, dancers Pak Lai Hung and Lam Yin Fei meet the murderer and run into a college to hide. The next day, they perform on the beach in place of female students Zhu Man Zhen and Liang Mei Fang, but they are expelled by the police because they are not licensed to perform. The next day, they perform on the beach in place of female students Chu Man-chun and Leung Mei-fong. On the night of the charity show, Hung and Fei are watching the performance on stage, but the murderer follows them, fortunately, Fang finds him and calls the teachers and students and the police to arrest him.
Ladies First
Executive Producer
Chen Liujin and Zhang Lihong have a chance encounter with Wang Shu and Li Rong during an outing to the beach. Chen admires Wang, but Wang has fallen for Zhang's charm; Zhang fancies Li, whose heart is set on Chen ironically. The two young men seek to approach their objects of affection on the pretext of inviting the dream date of each other to an outing in the country during which they are teased and made fun of by the two women. To wipe away the shame, Wang and Li plot to intoxicate the women, who pretend to be in a drunken stupor while calling for help from their uncle and father respectively. In front of the elders, Chen declares her love for Wang, and Zhang for Li. Hit with the realisation of the women's sentiments, the two men reciprocate their respective admirers with their well-deserved love.
Star of Hong Kong
Executive Producer
Love story of a Japanese man (Takarada) and a Chinese medical student (Yu Ming).
Lily of the Valley
It's Always Spring
Singaporean diva Li Ailian has arrived in Hong Kong to further her singing career. Xu Zhaofeng helps her land a job at Spring Wind Palace. Provoked by jealousy, Xu's long-time girlfriend Tao Haiyin, a local diva, insists on performing at the Palace, too. And when two divas strut their stuff, it's great tunes and hot action. Haiyin's brother Zhengsheng, the bandleader, has fallen out with his sister due to his infatuation with Li. Li misunderstands Zhengsheng's intentions initially but his devotion speaks volumes. Haiyin and Xu also reconcile.
Уроки любви
Молодая выскочка из среднего класса Линь Чинг Йи неохотно берет на себя задачу быть дублером своего больного отца-учителя. Чуткий коллега Кит Чан поддерживает ее во всех вопросах. С ростом связей со своими учениками и школой, Линь считает, что должна принять вызов, который связан с образованием своей общины и с ее собственным образованием любви.
Гонконгская ночь
Романтическая мелодрама, действие которой происходит в современном Гонконге, Японии и Лаосе. Хироши Танака (Такарада) — японский журналист в командировке в Гонконге, который встречает и влюбляется в Ву Ли Хунга (Мин). Он делает предложение Ву Ли, но она отвергает его из-за своего отвращения к смешанным бракам (ее мать была японкой, но бросила семью и вернулась в Японию во время Второй мировой войны). Танака находит мать Ву Ли и безуспешно пытается воссоединить их, но в конце концов Ву Ли принимает его предложение. Радостный Танака улетает в Лаос, чтобы выполнить задание, но накануне свадьбы его там убивают.
June Bride
To marry her fiance Dong Jifang, Wang Danlin and her father Zhuoran take the cruise home to Hong Kong. The daughter fails to see eye to eye with her father who covets after Dong's money for speculation. On the ship, she suffers intensive courtship from the Filipino Chinese Lin Yamang. Meanwhile, Dong is eager to match his old frame Bai Jin with the sailor Mai Qin, but Mai mistakes Danlin for Bai and falls in love with her, resulting in a morass of troubles. Finding out Dong's affair with Bai, Danlin calls off the wedding in anger. Dong responds by deciding to marry Jin. Their nuptials are saved with the timely intervention of Mai.
Corpses at Large
Hong Kong horror / mystery.
Air Hostess
Back in 1959, air hostess was considered one of the most glamorous and privileged occupations for young girls with a dream. This first colour production of MP & GI details the ins and outs of the profession and takes the three lead actresses, Ge Lan (Grace Chang), Julia Ye Feng and Dolly Su Feng through a series of tough training. After their graduation, the film then brings them, and the audience, to exotic places like Bangkok, Singapore and Taiwan.
Calendar Girl
Executive Producer
Musician Sun Ping is estranged from his wife. Second daughter Yinzheng lives with Sun while eldest daughter Jinliu follows her mother. By coincidence, the sisters both enter the 'Calendar Girl' pageant but Jinliu deliberately lets her sister win the contest. Later, the sisters and Liu Bucheng perform in Sun's musical show. Though the show is a success, Yinzheng decides to quit in order to get married. Not wishing to disappoint their father, Jinliu devises a plan to make Yinzheng stay on, but the plan misfires. Yinzheng leaves angrily. She is at last brought back to the show due to Liu's mediation. The elders also reconcile as the sisters perform together on stage.
Spring Song
Teenage idols Grace Chang and Jeanette Lin Cui played competitive university freshman fighting against each other for almost anything : fame, recognition and, of course, guys, who were played by Cathay heart-throbs Peter Chen Hou end Roy Chiao.
A Lovely Girl's Lovely Dreams
Songstress Mui Yee-wah falls head over heels for painter Wai Tik-fung despite their age difference. Because Wai is a married man, Mui's mother is against the match. Mui falls ill from grief. Rich heir Siu Kar-wai seizes the chance to successfully propose to Mui. However, Siu is unable to let go of Mui's past. In a fit of anger, he fires a deadly shot at Wai.
The Tender Age
Executive Producer
Han Xiangying temporarily resides at her classmate Fan Daini's resplendent mansion. Mrs Fan eggs her on to attend a party at which she is raped by a rich businessman. It turns out that Mrs Fan is in fact a procuress exerting control over her three daughters of the ruined family. Han manages to escape the clutches of Mrs Fan with the assistance of the honest young man Gong Liqun.
The Sorrowful Lute
A Hong Kong drama
My Kingdom for a Husband
Executive Producer
Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort and chances to meet her majesty Law Yee. Law falls head over heels for Ali and they get married not long after. However, Ali finds royal formalities unbearable and decides to run away from the palace. Disregarding all rules, Law follows her man to wherever he goes.
The Battle of Love
Executive Producer
Yeh Wei-fang, a rich young lady, flirts with her suitors and hopes it would make Shi Rongsheng, the cousin she loves, angry. But Rongsheng doesn’t pay attention to that, and lectures her for lacking self-respect. Tao Wen-ping, Rongsheng's friend, gets to know Wei-fang. He invites her to go to the resort house borrowed from Rongsheng, but is fooled by her. Wen-ping gets to know Fang's sister, Wei-ling, by chance. Sharing common interests, Wei-ling grows a secret love for him. Wei-fang's home has a JP’s son as a guest. Rongsheng invites Wen-ping to join. Wei-fang knows that Wei-ling likes Wen-ping, but she shows intimacy towards him. Another guest, the antiquary Prof Ho Chi-hua, arrives, he is infatuated with Wei-fang. Wei-fang shows zeal for both, who in the end quarrel and fight. Wei-fang finally declares her love for Rongsheng under the pressure from Wen-ping and Chi-hua, who had a fight over her. Rongsheng's evasiveness proves weak for Wei-fang's quest for his love.
Love Lingers On
Tso Kea was adroit in adapting film and literary classics from the West, organically transplanting stories and characters onto Chinese soil and nurturing them to glorious fruition. Love Lingers On is based on the gothic novel Wuthering Heights and Tso shepherds Emily Brontë's tale of profound passion, thwarted love and bitter vengefulness with a perfect balance of broad narrative strokes and delicate orchestration of mise-enscene. He wisely concentrates on the lead characters' simmering mental troubles, greatly enhanced by stars Cheung Ying and Mui Yee, who overcome glaring age differences with their characters to bring life to this saga of vivid emotions.
Mambo Girl
A young woman in search of a lost identity, her long lost mother who abandoned her soon after her birth.
Golden Lotus
Executive Producer
A Hong Kong historical drama