Enzo Salvi

Enzo Salvi

Рождение : 1963-08-16, Roma, Italy


Diplomatosi all'Istituto Agrario, inizia a lavorare come giardiniere del comune di Roma: i colleghi, colpiti dalla sua caratteristica "battuta pronta", lo convincono ad intraprendere la carriera di cabarettista. Le esibizioni serali a Roma e dintorni riscuotono molto successo e lo portano al debutto in teatro, nel 1990, con la commedia di Plauto "Il Miles Gloriosus". Nel 1991 con Mariano D'Angelo fonda i “Mammamia che Impressione”, duo che conquista subito la piazza Romana. Mammamia comme sto! è il "tormentone" di “Er Cipolla”, " divenuto uno dei più celebri del Seven Show. In teatro commedie come Balle di Natale, Fiumi di forfora e A qualcuno piace Carlo - il suo esordio, tutto esaurito, al teatro Brancaccio - raccolgono subito il favore del pubblico. La notorietà su scala nazionale arriva grazie al grande schermo dove interpreta da protagonista Vacanze di Natale 2000, seguito da Bodyguards, Merry Christmas, Natale sul Nilo, Natale in India, Le barzellette e Il ritorno del Monnezza. In tv è apparso anche in Barbecue, nel film Di che peccato sei diretto da Pierfrancesco Pingitore, in Stracult Sogni e Striscia la notizia. Nel 2006, Enzo Salvi, entra nel cast del nuovo film di Natale Olé insieme, tra gli altri, a Massimo Boldi ed a Vincenzo Salemme. Nel 2006 è anche comparso in un cameo nei film culto Notte prima degli esami e Notte prima degli esami - Oggi. Nel 2007 ha avuto una piccola comparsa in 2061 - Un anno eccezionale di Carlo Vanzina, dove interpretava un becchino. Sempre nel 2007 interpreta Matrimonio alle Bahamas, dove il protagonista è Massimo Boldi; ha preso parte, l'anno successivo, alla quarta serie di Un ciclone in famiglia. Nel 2008 lo rivediamo protagonista nel film a episodi Un'estate al mare e nel nuovo film di Natale con Massimo Boldi La fidanzata di papà. Ha inventato il personaggio di "Agusto" lo scienziato del Wrestling, che va in onda sul canale GXT su Sky e sul canale K2 del digitale terrestre. Nel 2012 è tra gli inviati speciali della trasmissione televisiva Punto su di te su Rai 1. Dal luglio 2012 è il protagonista maschile di Ricci e capricci, una sitcom di Italia 1[1][2].


Enzo Salvi
Enzo Salvi


Din Don 5 - Bianco Natale
Din Don 4 - Il paese dei balocchi
Din Don - Un paese in due
2 fantasmi di troppo
Free - Liberi
Solamente Tu
A manager and his company. Power, greed, decline. When the social relationships that wealth presupposed are broken, there seems to be nothing more than a bond of fidelity: that with a dog.
Solamente Tu
A manager and his company. Power, greed, decline. When the social relationships that wealth presupposed are broken, there seems to be nothing more than a bond of fidelity: that with a dog.
Локдаун по-итальянски
Frankman (voce)
Примерный муж Джованни Де Бернарди втайне от жены заводит интрижку с замужней кассиршей супермаркета. Оба брака трещат по швам. Герой торопится уйти к новой пассии, но власти Рима вводят жесткий карантин. И теперь супруги, пребывающие в разладе, вынуждены проводить круглые сутки под одной крышей.
Din Don - Il ritorno
Don Donato
Cattivi & Cattivi
A summer in the early 2001 set in the city of Riccione.
Natale a Roccaraso
Two boys inherit a hotel from their uncle.
Din Don - Una parrocchia in due
Super vacanze di Natale
A montage paying homage to old Cinepanettoni.
Natale da chef
Mario Linatucci
A bizarre group consisting of a refined chef with unusual recipes, an assistant cook with taste disturbances and an improvised pastry chef takes part in a competition between chefs to win the contract for the G7.
Felicissime condoglianze
A lawyer prepares for his wedding while his brother becomes a funeral planner.
Fausto & Furio
Fausto and Furio are two Romans with a precarious lifestyle. Fausto squanders his winnings while Furio lives thanks to small jobs. The death of their parents will make them meet because they inherit a repair shop. After some hesitation, the two, helped by an engineer with a mysterious past, will take the business over, but they will have to face a mafia boss who wants 200,000 euros, a debt matured by their fathers. The two will try to find a solution through clandestine races, drug trafficking, truck hijackings and the shared love for a fascinating bartender.
Fausto & Furio
Fausto and Furio are two Romans with a precarious lifestyle. Fausto squanders his winnings while Furio lives thanks to small jobs. The death of their parents will make them meet because they inherit a repair shop. After some hesitation, the two, helped by an engineer with a mysterious past, will take the business over, but they will have to face a mafia boss who wants 200,000 euros, a debt matured by their fathers. The two will try to find a solution through clandestine races, drug trafficking, truck hijackings and the shared love for a fascinating bartender.
Il velo di Maya
Un Natale al Sud
Milanese policeman Peppino and Neapolitan florist Ambrogio celebrate Christmas in the same ski resort town along with their families. After they discover that both their sons are dating, but have never met their girlfriends in person, the parents embark on a private war against those dating apps that seem to have reached almost everything and everyone.
Matrimonio al Sud
A Milanese businessman is beside himself when his son tells him he's going to marry the daughter of a pizza maker from Naples.
Моя единственная любовь
Giancarlo Showman
Кьяра и Дамьяно собираются пожениться в прекрасной Апулье. Они не знают, что их родители (мама Кьяры и отец Дамьяно) много лет назад тоже хотели стать мужем и женой, но их мечта не осуществилась. Молодым людям предстоит пройти через разные испытания, чтобы, наконец, постичь любовь.
Non escludo il ritorno
E Io Non Pago
Massimo Grilli
Two customs officers undercover, Marshal Remo Signorelli and Brigadier Riccardo Riva, try to stop Massimiliano Grilli, a master of evasion. On one occasion, Remo meets his old friend Fulvio who suspected he had an affair with his then girlfriend and now wife.
Operazione vacanze
Love is in the Air
Spettatore Burlesque
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.
Una notte da paura
Una notte da paura
Блокбастер 3D
Вы встретитесь с профессором Козлонгом — специалистом по символам, которому предстоит раскрыть похищение из Лувра самой бездарной картины «Старый пьяница». Вместе с Лиз Саламандер, девушкой с татуировкой дракона на мягком месте, ему предстоит проникнуть в секреты церкви Тухлого яйца и раскрыть код старого пьяницы. Вы также встретитесь с Минимусом — командующим легионами Рима, который вышел за хлебом а вернулся через шесть лет, за которые жена успела родить ему троих детей. Вы побываете на планете Виагратар, чьи плоды помогают усилить во сто крат мужскую силу, станете свидетелем тихой войнушки на борту подводной лодки стреляющей вместо торпед вантузом, отправитесь на последнее задание вместе со спецагентом 070, станете жертвой вампира на съемках фильма СЦУМЕРКИ, увидите как познакомятся Харри Сфоттер, Ронц Спизли и Фродоло из футбольной команды Средиземья и узнаете, наконец, кто же замочил последнего крестного отца!
Almeno tu nell'universo
Titolare del barcone
Una cella in due
Una cella in due
Женщины против мужчин
В центре действия картины «Женщины против мужчин» — три истории, в каждой из которых обыгрываются те или иные недостатки женщин. Первая история следует за супругами Анной и Пьеро, которые живут вместе уже двадцать лет. Отношения в семье давно стали скучными и обыденными, и, кажется, что уже ничто не может их исправить. Однако, в результате одного инцидента, муж теряет память. Воспользовавшись моментом, Анна решает переделать его в идеального человека. Второй рассказ — о мужчинах, вместе играющих в музыкальной группе. Их вторые половины, при этом, не одобряют подобного поведения, и героям картины «Женщины против мужчин» приходится водить их вокруг пальца. Третий сюжет посвящен пластическому хирургу Марчелло и его уже бывшей жене Паоле. Пара изображает из себя счастливую семью ради его мамы, восьмидесятилетней, больной женщины.
Wedding in Paris
A businessman in Italy, who doesn't pay any taxes, and a financier always on the hunt for tax evaders come into contact because their sons share an apartment in Paris.
A Natale mi sposo
Taxi driver
Ex is a 2009 film directed and co-written by Fausto Brizzi and interpreted by a rich and large cast of characters. The film, produced by Italian International Film, in co-production with the French company and Mes Films in collaboration with RAI Cinema. It was released February 6, 2009 in Italian cinema and has been recognized as "national cultural interest" by the Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
La fidanzata di papà
Eros Bondi
A man falling in love with a beautiful manager who live on Miami.
A summer at the sea
Set against the sun-soaked shores of Italy in the summertime, seven different tales unfold about life, love, loss, family, and friendship.
The Last in the Class
Michele is not so successful at school, and with the girls he is desperately unlucky. To bring up grades parents hired him a tutor. While browsing the Internet, Michele discovered that his teacher posed nude for an erotic calendar. In exchange for good grades Michele agrees with the beauty to recreate the photoshoot in real life ...
Matrimonio alle Bahamas
Oscar Corleone
Getting ready for the wedding that will unite two very different families- the humble Italian taxi driver Cristoforo Colombo and his wife Rosy, and the rich Italian-Americans Alessandro and Patricia Di Giacomo.
2061 - Un anno eccezionale
In a post-apocalyptic future, the Italian peninsula is going through a dark moment due to a terrible energy crisis.
The Night Before the Exams Today
ispettore Vannucci
Reunites the same cast, reprising their characters from the 2006 original film, but transplants them from the 1980s to the Italy of 2006. This leap allows the filmmaker to compare and contrast youth culture across generations, from the era of the call box to the era of cell phones, text messages and onli
Di Che Peccato Sei?
Enzo 'Figaro'
Two quarreling teachers vie for the same woman. In the same time the two will have to accompany a class on a trip in Spain.
Ночь накануне экзаменов
ispettore Manzi
Когда до экзамена осталась всего лишь ночь, ее можно потратить на чтение конспектов. А можно и повеселиться - как в последний раз...
Il ritorno del Monnezza
Domani è un'altra truffa
A movie by Pier Francesco Pingitore
The Jokes
Oscar\Enzo/Sandro/nonna/cliente al bar
In many small episodes, various characters represent the typical vices and comedy of Italian society in early 2000.
Natale in India
Vomito / Yoghi
Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.
Natale sul Nilo
Oscar Tufello
Womanizing lawyer Fabio follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his past infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is bumbling police chief Enrico, who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet on a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.
Merry Christmas
Cesare Mandrione
Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.
Body Guards - Guardie del corpo
Romolo "Er Cobra"
Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers from Rome, which together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent.
Vacanze di Natale 2000
Oscar "Er Cipolla"
Milanese and Naples people go to Cortina d'Ampezzo on Christmas holidays