Ghalia Benali


Едва я открою глаза
Тунис, лето 2010 года, за несколько месяцев до Арабской весны. Восемнадцатилетняя Фара только что сдала выпускной экзамен, и родители очень надеются, что их дочь поступит в медицинский институт и станет врачом. Но Фаре не до этого. Она пишет политические песни, исполняет их в своей рок-группе и живёт на полную катушку. К ужасу своих родителей, которые прекрасно понимают, чем это может для неё закончиться.
In a suburb of Strasbourg, Alsace, France, ten year old boy, Max, spends his summer vacation with his grandmother. He hears Manouche gypsy Romani music being played in a local bar, and loves it. He goes to visit the gypsies in search of a guitar, where he meets a young Romani tomboy, 'Swing'. She introduces Max to her gypsy community who live in caravans and down-at-heel public housing. Over several days, Max is taken into the community to witness Romani lifestyle, traditions, knowledge of plants, and particularly their Manouche music. Max is particularly fascinated by Miraldo, the Romani guitarist he first heard in the bar, and asks to take guitar lessons with him (Miraldo is played by one of the greatest guitarists of gypsy jazz, Tchavolo Schmitt).
The Season of Men
An 18 year old on the island Djerba, Aicha, is married to Said, who works in Tunis for much of the year. Aicha breaks with tradition and decides to join Said in Tunis, weaving rugs to make money. Said asks that she give him a son, so Aicha lives under the rule of her mother-in-law.