Alfred, a resident of a retirement home, can no longer get to sleep, disturbed by the incessant bedhopping of the other residents. Exasperated, he decides to leave in the middle of the night to sleep outside. But between the anti-homeless furniture and the surveillance robots, sleeping has become a luxury and Alfred doesn't know it yet.
Alfred, a resident of a retirement home, can no longer get to sleep, disturbed by the incessant bedhopping of the other residents. Exasperated, he decides to leave in the middle of the night to sleep outside. But between the anti-homeless furniture and the surveillance robots, sleeping has become a luxury and Alfred doesn't know it yet.
Tom is 17 years old and in love with Léa, a one-legged young girl fascinated by survival skills. The problem is his friend Quentin loves her too. When Léa challenges them to butcher a rabbit, competition starts to set in between the two boys.
Tom is 17 years old and in love with Léa, a one-legged young girl fascinated by survival skills. The problem is his friend Quentin loves her too. When Léa challenges them to butcher a rabbit, competition starts to set in between the two boys.
Два бывших солдата Ирака в отставке, чокнулись на почве безделья на гражданке и решили устроить в лесу тюрьму, разыгрывая там настоящих тюремщиков и следователей, с целью выявления террористов, угрожающих Соединенным Штатам. Эти садисты и психопаты похищают путешественников с единственной целью унижать, пытать и убивать…