Betty Morrissey

Рождение : 1907-09-14, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1944-04-20


Honor Among Lovers
Party Guest
Jerry Stafford falls for his secretary, Julia Traynor, but instead she marries a shady character who causes trouble for both of them.
The Vanishing Lady
Грустная комедия о приключениях Чарли в составе гастролирующего цирка. «Цирк» одна из самых популярных и удачных его картин, где редкое сочетание комического с лирическим, талант сатирика, изобличающего все, что мешает людям, нашли зримое воплощение.
Skinner's Dress Suit
Miss Smith
Honey Skinner is proud of her successful husband. When he tells her he's going to ask for a raise, she knows he'll get it. He asks his boss just as their big client announces he's not renewing his contract. He doesn't get the raise, but he's too embarrassed to tell his wife the truth. She starts making plans to spend that extra $10 a week; the first thing is a new dress suit for him and a new outfit for her so they can fit in at a swanky party. They're the hit of the party, and Honey is embraced by the 'smart set.' Meanwhile, business is bad and Skinner loses his job. The tailor is after him for payment on the suit, and Honey is still spending the salary he doesn't have.
Золотая лихорадка
Georgia's Friend (uncredited)
История о злоключениях извечного любимца публики, маленького бродяги, который на этот раз отправляется на золотые прииски Аляски и как всегда порадует вас бесконечным калейдоскопом трюков и комических ситуаций.
Lady of the Night
Molly's Friend Gertie
The story of two baby girls, born near in proximity, but worlds apart in life: Molly Helmer, the daughter of a thief, and Florence Banning, the daughter of the judge who would send Molly's father to prison. The girls' lives come together as young women at eighteen as Florence leaves the security of the exclusive Girls Select School, and Molly, now orphaned, begins her life free from reform school.
The Fast Worker
'Kath' Rodney
Roxbury asks his friend Terry to assume his identity and go on vacation with his wife, Edith, and their daughter. When Terry falls in love with Edith's sister, a scandal erupts at the resort.
Мари Сент-Клер и Жан Миле решают уехать в Париж от родителей, которые противятся их союзу. Но внезапно отец Жана умирает. Мари решает ехать в Париж одна. Через год жизни в Париже Мари встречает Жана. Теперь ей предстоит сделать выбор между респектабельной жизнью с состоятельным мужчиной и настоящей любовью.