Atsuko Ishizuka

Atsuko Ishizuka

Рождение : 1981-09-03, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan


During her education at art school, Ishizuka made a number of short animated films for her own enjoyment, often set to music. One of these films, Gravitation, which was later featured at the 2005 Tehran International Short Film Festival, caught the attention of both the Japanese broadcasting giant NHK and Madhouse. NHK quickly contacted Atsuko with an offer to have her animate a music video segment for the popular and long running short film program Minna no Uta (Everyone's Songs), which was designed to highlight upcoming independent animators and musicians. However, by this time Ishizuka had already been hired by Madhouse as a production assistant, and feeling that it would not be right to accept freelance work outside of the studio, she turned them down. However, the Minna no Uta staff was unwilling to give up, and they requested that Madhouse take on the music video project with Ishizuka as director. The studio agreed, and in 2004, Atsuko rose through the ranks for her first professional film, The Moon Waltz.


Atsuko Ishizuka
Atsuko Ishizuka


Goodbye, Don Glees!
Second Unit Director
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Goodbye, Don Glees!
Storyboard Artist
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Goodbye, Don Glees!
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Goodbye, Don Glees!
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Нет игры - нет жизни: Начало
Эта история происходит за шесть тысяч лет до того, как Сора и Сиро появились в истории Дисборда. Война уничтожила землю, разрывая небеса, разрушая звёзды и даже угрожая уничтожить всё человечество. Среди хаоса и разрушения молодой человек по имени Рику ведёт человечество к завтрашнему дню по велению своего сердца. В один прекрасный день, в руинах города эльфов, он встречает Шуви, девушку-изгнанницу Экс-Машин, которая просит научить её, что значит иметь человеческое сердце.
Рояль в лесу
Assistant Director
Хулиганистый парень Кай случайно находит рояль в лесу. Сын знаменитого пианиста Сюхэй недавно переехал в город. Ребята подружились, и Сюхэй подталкивает Кая развивать музыкальный талант после того, как они узнали, что прежним владельцем пианино был учитель музыки из их школы. Но чем лучше становится Кай, тем больше растет соперничество между друзьями, оба стремятся к победе в музыкальном конкурсе.
The Moon Waltz
In a dark alley with only one street lamp, a red-eyed young girl is admiring a music box. When the music starts, the imaginary (or not?) adventure of our protagonist begins, who will tour dark caves and starry skies, first running and later flying, to finally reach the Palace of the Moon (named Chandra Mahal in the song), where time flows in a different way...First "professional" animation work by Atsuko Ishizuka of MADHOUSE.