Jun'ichi Kikuchi

Рождение : , Japan


Talking the Pictures
Set at a movie theater in a small village around 100 years ago. Silent films are play at the movie theater. A young man aspires to become a benshi, a performer that provides live narration to silent films.
Чудеса универсама «Намия»
2012 год. Три подростка, изрядно нашкодив, бегут ночью от полиции и прячутся в стареньком универмаге под вывеской «Намия». Решив переждать здесь до утра, один из парней находит в почтовом ящике письмо, где неизвестный человек хочет проконсультироваться по поводу собственных проблем. Письмо датировано 1980-м годом, и ребята понимают, что почтовый ящик волшебным образом связан с прошлым. Они решают написать ответ.
Side Job
Based on the novel "Kanojo no Jinsei wa Machigai ja Nai" (literal translation: Her life is not at fault) by Director Hiroki, it is a powerful story of survivors, who are all trying to find their own silver linings in life.
Пи и ДжейКей
Школьница Како Мотоя серьезно переживает, что у неё до сих пор нет парня. Притворившись студенткой, она отправляется на коллективное свидание вслепую, где знакомится с красивым молодым человеком Котой Сагано. Кота старше её на шесть или семь лет, но во всём остальном у них просто идеальная химия. К сожалению, лишь до того момента, когда парень узнаёт, что она — несовершеннолетняя. Кота — полицейский, нарушать законы он не собирается, но и бросить девушку не может (она уже спасла ему жизнь), поэтому выход видит лишь один — пожениться.
Волчица и черный принц
Никто не хочет быть белой вороной и школьница Эрика не исключение. Все девочки в её классе только и поговаривают о своих парнях. Чтобы не отличаться от других, Эрика соврала, что у неё тоже есть парень. Но подозрительные одноклассницы потребовали доказательств. Эрика не придумала ничего лучшего, как сфотографировать первого попавшегося симпатичного парня и выдать его за своего возлюбленного. Всё бы ничего, но парень этот оказался школьным принцем. И, о чудо, он не против помочь Эрике изображать отношения, вот только за это она должна сделать невообразимое...
Ослеплена тобой
Порой кажется, что после признания в своих чувствах наступит или конец света, если тебе откажут, или самая большая радость в жизни. Но для Нинако это стало только началом нового жизненного периода, который принес новые мысли, вопросы и потребность в недетских решениях.
Her Granddaughter
Tsugumi Dozono works at a large electronics company in Tokyo. She likes to spend long vacations at her grandmother’s house in the countryside. When her grandmother dies, Tsugumi Dozono decides to live in the house full-time, and to work from there as well. However, one day she encounters a middle-aged man in the house, who tells Tsugumi that her grandmother gave him a key to the annex house when he was her student. The two share the property, although Tsugumi still does not know the exact relationship that her grandmother had with this man.
Kabukicho Love Hotel
This erotically charged drama traces the intersecting stories of a group of employees and visitors at a notorious "love hotel" in Tokyo's red-light district.
Crying 100 Times - Every Raindrop Falls
Shuichi had a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. Because of the accident, he lost the last year of his memory. One day, at a friend's wedding, Shuichi has a fateful meeting with Yoshimi. They enjoy happy times together and Shuichi thinks about marrying Yoshimi. Then Yoshimi becomes sick. A sad truth is hidden in the lost memory of Shuichi.
Nobody's Perfect
"Daijobu 3 Kumi" depicts the interactions between new teacher Shinnosuke Akao, who was born without arms and legs, and the 28 students in his 5th grade class, told from the vantage point of school board member Yusaku Shiraishi
Yellow Elephant
Married couple Aiko Tsumari and Ayumu Muko live a happy and peaceful life. Aiko is bit naive, while Ayumu works as a not so popular novelist. One day, a letter arrives for Ayumu. Because of this letter, the couple become estranged...
Последняя воля
Синдзо Еги болеет астмой и не хочет быть помещенным на искусственное жизнеобеспечение. В качестве последней просьбы Синдзо спрашивает своего врача Аяно - может ли она следовать его желанию. В итоге на Аяно заводят уголовное дело из-за принятого ей решения.
Для тебя
Ейдзи работает тюремным служащим в Хокурику. В 53 года он теряет свою жену, которую очень сильно любил. Вскоре Ейдзи получает письмо от покойной с просьбой развеять ее прах над морем рядом с ее родным городом. Это кажется странным Ейдзи, потому что она никогда не говорила ни о чем таком при жизни, и он отправляется на родину жены, в Нагасаки, чтобы выяснить ее истинные намерения.
Та жизнь
Кохэй Накасима замкнут в себе и нелюдим. В старшей школе он был объектом постоянных издевательств и пережил немало ужасных моментов. Теперь, повзрослев, он устраивается на необычную работу в компанию, которая занимается уборкой домов после смерти недавно умерших людей… Там он знакомится с сотрудницей компании Юки, и оказывается, что у них много общего. Она также прошла через издевательства в школьные годы. Постепенно они начинают общаться и чувствовать родственные души друг в друге. Но внезапно Юки исчезает...
The Egoists
Kazu attacks a bar in Kabukicho, a Tokyo red-light district, and flees to his hometown with abducts Machiko, a pole dancer he's been stuck on. They begin living together, but their happiness is short lived as their pasts torment them both.
Hikari's boyfriend is one of those killed in the Akihabara massacre incident. Suffering from the shock of her loss and unable to accept this reality, she cuts herself off from the outside world. She eventually manages to muster enough courage to visit Akihabara, the scene of the incident. There, she encounters many people who are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the incident and are still suffering from the aftereffects.
The Lightning Tree
Set during the Edo Period, a young man from a noble family meets a young woman under a special tree called "Raiou" (the tree was struck by lightning at one time with the broken part eventually sprouting out cherry blossoms). The young woman lived freely in the mountains after she was abducted as a young child. The couple soon fall in love under the Raiou tree, but become acutely aware of their different social positions & the ramifications it has on their relationship.
Box: The Hakamada Case
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested for the June 10, 1966 murder of a family in Shizuoka . Iwao Hakamada has always insisted on his innocence and many others also believe Iwao Hakamada has been falsely accused ...
April Bride
On April 5, 2007, a couple married in a church. At first glance, it was a typical wedding. The bride, however, was suffering from late-stage breast cancer and had been given only a month to live. A young woman is diagnosed with breast cancer but keeps the information from her boyfriend. When he finds out, he decides to plan a wedding even though she only has one month to live. Based on the true story of Chie Nagashima, a women afflicted with breast cancer and her husband Taro Akasu.
Отбросить всё, отдавая себя в руки Природы и просто сидеть в медитации. Это — сущность Дзен-Буддизма Догена. В 13-ом столетии Доген, молодой японский послушник, поехал в Китай в поисках учителя Истины. Там он встретил монаха, который учил его, что только медитация Дзэн — истинный путь к просветлению. Вернувшись просвещенным в Японию, он рискует своей жизнью, чтобы ввести Дзен-Буддизм, вдохновляя миллионы последователей, которые и в наши дни практикуют его учение во всем мире…
Сигнал 252: Есть выжившие
Чepeз нecкoлькo нeдeль пocлe зeмлeтpяceния нa Toкиo oбpyшивaeтcя oгpoмнoe цyнaми, пoгpeбaя пoд тoннaми вoды пpибpeжныe чacти гopoдa. Элитный oтpяд cпacaтeлeй, кoтopый oтпpaвляют в paзpyшeнный paйoн пoлyчaeт cигнaл, paздaющийcя из пoд тoлщи вoды и зeмли — 252, чтo oзнaчaeт для cпacaтeлeй тoлькo oднo: ecть выжившиe! Pиcкyя cвoими жизнями, oтpяд нaчинaeт oпepaцию пo cпaceнию пoпaвшиx в cмepтeльнyю лoвyшкy людeй.
Osaka Hamlet
A film about family life in Osaka. Following the death of their father, three boys struggle to find their own identity with the help of their outgoing mother and weak-willed uncle.
Я всё равно этого не делал
Молодого человека Тэппэя Канэко ошибочно обвинили в сексуальном домогательстве в общественном транспорте. В Японии в таких случаях подозреваемые обычно сразу признают себя виновными, договариваются с жертвой и выплачивают штраф. Если дело до ходит до суда, то со стопроцентной вероятностью вина будет доказана, обвиняемый сядет в тюрьму и получит клеймо на всю жизнь. Тэппэй же, несмотря на уговоры полицейских и адвоката, продолжает утверждать, что он этого не делал.
Mixed up by desire, love and hatred, a disturbed young man begins tailing and eventually tries to save his neighbor, a housewife who has turned to prostitution despite her comfortable lifestyle.
Diary of Beloved Wife: Naive
Yoko is an ordinary housewife living in an ordinary apartment block. She has no real complaints as she goes about her tedious days, although her husband, Shinichi, is rather predictable in bed. They have one son, Junichi, and Yoko feels at a loss regarding his recently-acquired adolescent interest in sex and his secret stash of erotic magazines. Junichi is about to write his junior high school entrance exams, so he’s heading off to cram school camp for New Year’s. Before going, he makes a surprising suggestion, “Why don’t you guys go somewhere for New Year’s?” Yoko and Shinichi are suddenly faced with the prospect of New Year’s apart from their son. How will this couple, who’ve already lived half of their lives, change their behavior when it’s just the two of them?
It's Only Talk
Based on an award winning novel, It's Only Talk is about the life of Yuko, a 35 year old woman. She is single and unemployed, and suffers from manic depression. The movie begins with Yuko moving to Kamata Town.
Сердце, наполненное любовью
30-летний Хироси Судзутани работает в крупной сети супермаркетов, где координирует различные торговые акции общенационального масштаба. 5 января 2006 года он вылетает в очередную командировку в город Модзи на юго-востоке Японии. Когда-то давно, 20 лет назад, он прожил там почти год у своей бабушки, и теперь вспоминает о том, что тогда происходило. Каково же было его удивление, когда он обнаруживает, что, попав в этот город, он переместился не только в пространстве, но и во времени: на календаре в кафе — 5 января 1986 года, та же дата на газете, которую он берет почитать. А началось с того, что он встретил себя самого — такого, каким он был 20 лет назад...
Hibi tells about mother who does pottery and lives rather simple life, growing her children up. She does remarkable job in pottery, finding a new way to make natural pottery in her own tunnel kiln. Then, her son gets leukemia. And entire family has to fight hard to find a donor who has matching bone marrow.
River of First Love
8-year old boy, Shimpei, who loves fishing and painting, lives with his beautiful mother, surrounded by nature. His mother, Satsuki, has a weak constitution and lost her husband years ago. She takes care of her son lovingly but sometimes strictly, on her own. Shimpei's childhood sweetheart, Sayuri, is deaf, but somehow they can understand each other and they always spend time together.
Locomotive Teacher
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to teach again on a small island where his mother was born. The children there on the island quickly name him "Kikansha Sensei" (Teacher Locomotive) after learning he is mute. The parents on the island are mostly hostile to Seigo Yoshioka, believing he is incapable of teaching their children. But with Seigo Yoshioka's determination and kindness, a strong bond develops between the students and the mute teacher, which then changes the parents' opinions of Seigo Yoshioka. Suddenly, tragedy then strikes ...
Girlfriend: Someone Please Stop the World
Despite the fact that Kyoko's a girl herself, approaching women on the streets and asking them to pose nude for her proves to be quite a chore. At first she accosts every pretty girl that walks by, until Miho catches her eye. Feeling that she has that certain something special, Kyoko insists that Miho pose for her. Her own life floating rudderless after the separation of her parents, Miho accepts, half entertaining the idea to get back at her father, who has gone on to form a new family and who hasn't been in touch with her in years. The two girls walk around town, Kyoko snapping pictures and listening to Miho's stories. Gradually the two young women begin to sense a mutual attraction. When the time comes to get down to the nitty gritty of the nude shots, the girls' defences come down along with their clothes.
Трое братьев — Тамиро, Таро и Сабуро с детства имели все, что хотели. Но есть ли предел человеческих желаний, если возможности не ограничены? Каким подарком отец может удивить своих уже взрослых сыновей? Он дарит им на один год 17-летнюю школьницу для удовлетворения прихотей. Теперь ее тело — это их вещь. Все трое владеют ее телом, но не душой. Тот, кто овладеет ее душой, тот и будет настоящий любовник.
Summer's Release
Takayuki (Takao Osawa) is an elementary school teacher in Tokyo. He is seized with Behçet's syndrome, and will gradually lose his sight. He resigns from his job and leaves his girlfriend, Yoko (Yuriko Ishida) to return to his hometown, Nagasaki, where his mother lives. Takayuki spends his days strolling around Nagasaki, to imprint familiar scenes on his memory. Yoko visits him and insists on staying. Takayuki has major concerns for her future, and his own life. He drives her away, for her own good. After days of affliction, the two reunite. The story leads to an emotive conclusion, the end of his spiritual journey.
Touch a Dream
Her Island, My Island
A young woman returns to the island where she grew up.
When dead people starts returning to the small Japanese town of Aso, government official Kawada is dispatched to uncover the “truth”.
Rain of Light
This documentary-style film recreates the infamous Asama Sanso Incident of 1972 wherein an extreme faction of the Students Allied Red Army holed themselves up in a mountainous cabin in the dead of winter. By the time the police finally caught up with them, it was discovered that they had murderously turned upon themselves in a bizarre extension of their radical philosophy. This event virtually marked the end of the Student Revolution.
Labyrinth of Leg Fetishism
Another psychodrama, this time revolving around an SM club.
Closed Ward
Love Ghost
Teenager Midori's family moves back to the city where she lived as a child and is relieved to discover that her old friend Ryusuke still lives there. Her terrifying nightmares begin intersecting with her everyday life. Do her nightly dreams about an anonymous fortune-teller have anything to do with the tragedies plaguing her high school?
Однажды в Токио стали пропадать люди. Сначала пропал молодой человек, разработавший уникальную компьютерную программу, с помощью которой общение между людьми облегчалось донельзя. Его верные друзья искали его несколько дней, пока одна из его подруг, придя к нему домой, не обнаружила на стене тень парня, в один миг растаявшая как дым, оставив следы какого-то неизвестного вещества.
I Am an S+M Writer
Kurosaki is an erotic novelist who uses his editor and a hired model to act out scenarios in his living room to use for inspiration in his writing. His wife Shizuko calls him a pervert but on the inside, she feels physically neglected. She tries to make him jealous, while also going after what she desires with someone else.
A psychic housewife and her husband accidentally find a kidnapped girl. But instead of informing the police, they hatch a scheme to get famous by working with the police as a psychic consultant to "find" the girl. And then, things start to go terribly wrong.
A man gets involved in a kidnapping scheme with the wife of a wealthy businessman. She lets herself be tied up and confined in his house while he sends the ransom demand. When he returns home that night, however, he finds her laying dead on the floor. In a panic he buries her body deep in the woods and tries to return to his ordinary life. One day, he thinks he spots her walking down the street. Is his mind playing tricks on him, or has she somehow returned from the grave?
The Frame
Japanese director Satoshi Isaka spins this taunt thriller about an ultra-ambitious reporter who soon finds herself on the receiving end of tabloid dirt. Popular television actress Hitomi Kuroki stars as Yuko, an ice-queen TV news editor who is approached by a mysterious man from the PTT Ministry. The man offers her proof, on videotape, that a major university is bribing a particular government official to overlook a massive media merger. The secret transaction has already resulted in the death of one investigator. Yuko promptly broadcasts the damning footage, and high-ranking bureaucrat Aso (Takanori Jinnai) is forced out of office.
Благоволит ли к людям мать-природа? Или может она относится к своим детям так безжалостно и непримиримо из-за того, что они так жестоко и безразлично обращаются с ней. Картина описывает историю странного конфликта, причиной которого стало нелепое, старое и кривое дерево. Это дерево вызывающе возвышается напротив научной лаборатории, где работает героиня фильма. Она уверена, что дерево — ядовито и опасно. Защитники же дерева убеждены в обратном, полагая, что древо сие — величественно и прекрасно. А ещё одна компания «любителей природы» просто хочет срубить его, чтобы заработать денег. Нам предстоит понаблюдать за игрой нешуточных страстей, развернувшихся вокруг одинокого и безмолвного растения.
The Night the Angel Turned Away
Shin-Karajishi Kabushiki-Kaisha
Remake of Chusei Sone's 1983 comedy about a yakuza family trying their luck in show business.
Я смогу!
Что может быть печальней, если тебе пятнадцать и до тебя никому нет дела? Если ты завалила школьные экзамены, а мальчишки не обращают на тебя внимания? Девочке по имени Эцуко тоскливо и одиноко… До поры до времени. Однажды, увидев лодку, грациозно скользящую по морю, она понимает, что должно ее спасти…
French Dressing
Drama about a narcoleptic senior-high student, Mayumi, and his relationships with a male teacher who raped him and a female classmate whose boyfriend keeps bullying him.
Japanese film directed by Hiromasa Taguchi.
The Human Chair
After seeing her husband off to work, the young author identified only as Yoshiko sets off to read the large collection of letters she received from other young authors. These are often letters containing samples of their work for critique. One large envelope contains a letter. The letter-writer does not provide his name. The letter is a confession of crimes. The letter-writer has no family or friends, and claims to be "ugly beyond description". He is a chair maker and loves his work and all the chairs he creates, even going so far as to claim some sort of intangible connection to his work.
Wild Life
An ex-boxer working for a game parlor owner gets caught up in a complex blackmail operation he doesn't understand. Before long he's caught between two yakuza bosses and a mysterious thief who motivation is unknown. Add in the boss' daughter who has a crush on him and watch him struggle to make sense of it all and come out alive.
Close Your Eyes and Hold Me
Tenderly played Japanese love triangle between a man, his girlfriend and a transvestite hooker
Давайте потанцуем?
42-летний господин Сугияма жил в благоустроенном пригороде с преданной женой и восхитительной дочерью. Всё в его жизни было хорошо, но он чувствовал, что чего-то ему всё-таки не хватает… Каждый вечер, возвращаясь с работы, он видел прекрасную женщину в окне одного из зданий. И однажды он вышел на этой станции…
A New Love in Tokyo
A look a the lives of two sex workers in Tokyo: Rei, who works as an S&M dominatrix, and Ayumi, in the more straightforward profession of call girl. In addition to their working life, the film also looks at their private lives. Rei is acting in an amateur theatre company (along with the receptionist from Ayumi's escort service), while Ayumi is living with her student-boyfriend as he struggles to finally get accepted to college.
Human Scramble: Delinquent
Based on the comic written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Kenshi Hirokane.
Honban roshutsu gurui
The Hit-and-Run Family
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
This coming-of-age drama comically depicts two young men who yearn to become members of the yakuza underworld, focusing on the apprenticeship of a rookie yakuza
Sumo Do, Sumo Don't
A college senior, Shuhei, is blackmailed by a professor into joining the school's sumo team. He is aided by a group of misfits who must team together to defeat their rivals or face disgrace and the disbandment of the sumo club.
High School Jingi
Based on the comic book series by Shuushi Mizuho. First of a series that included two theatrically released films and two direct-to-video films.
Neo Chinpira 2: Zoom Goes the Bullet
In the sequel to 1990's classic Neo Chinpira, Junko (Sho Aikawa) attempts to take out Kazama and then goes on the run. However, he quickly begins to feel homesick, and returns home to find that almost everything has changed. Noriko is now a bar mama with a lavish lifestyle, Yumeko is nowhere to be found, and his boss (Toru Minegishi) seems to have sinister plans involving Junko and his uncle (Jo Shishido).
Love of Sawako
Sawako, working in a bank, tired of the usual everyday life, once she met the chef of French cuisine Yukio Goto and spent the night with him. Sawako pretends to be the daughter of an upscale hotel owner and has an affair with Yukio.
Gappie, Wear a Tie this Summer
It is a youth group of third-class university students struggling to get a job at a first-class company.
Fancy Dance
Yohei, a punk rocker, becomes a Buddhist monk in order to inherit a mountain temple. Though initially rebelling against the tough monastic discipline, he learns to adjust. Then his girlfriend shows up, enticing him to return to his rock 'n' roll roots.
Genuine Masturbation: Finger Play
Shimai ryôjoku!
A housewife, Yasuko lives in an urban high-rise apartment with her husband Satoru and her son Takuto. Annoyed by spam calls and door-to-door salesmen, Yasuko slams the door on a salesman’s finger when he tries to squeeze a flyer through chained door. He leaves but the next day, her nightmare starts.
Nerawareta hôkago: Zekkyô!
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Hard Petting
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Danchizuma nyû taun boukôma
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Captured Mother and Daughter: She Beast
A Japanese schoolgirl witnesses the suicide of her close friend. In the aftermath she gets caught up in a world of sex trafficking after meeting a guy hiding his true intentions. Of course she falls for him before realizing the magnitude of the situation, complicating matters further. Eventually, her mother gets involved...
Потроха красавицы
A nurse investigates a sex trafficking ring after a woman commits suicide in her office.
Love Slave Doll: Make Me Come
Roman Porno
Kôkô kyôshi: bôkei
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Гузоо: Нечто, отвергнутое Богом
Upon visiting a secluded summer home, four high school girls are soon targeted by a horrific creature in the basement with a knowing housekeeper trying to keep the unspeakable heap secret and at bay using a flute.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Малышка До-ре-ми-фа ещё вам покажет!
Знакомство по переписке забросило селянку Акико на столичный психфак. Там у неё условлено первое свидание с Ёсиокой, местным разгильдяем, навешавшим ей лапши, будто он — лидер студенческой рок-банды. На психфаке народ крайне распущен — первый курс слушает лекции о том, как стать бесстыжими, экспериментирует друг с другом в постели, пляшет и поёт. Одна только Акико ищет чистой и светлой любви. Однако вместо этого с головой погружается в труд профессора Хираямы «Психология раскрепощения», чтобы помочь тому исследовать феномен телесных мутаций, вызванных крайней стыдливостью.
Furin no wana: Kantsû
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The yobai
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Namadori kaikin tour: Mushirareta bikini
Film by Seiji Izumi, 1985 with Seijo-tai aka Saints aka 聖女隊 (Eri, Mai, Ami). A trio of Japanese adult film actresses, who individually went under the names Mai (真衣), Eri (恵理) and Ami (亜美). Enjoy the tropical paradise of Saipan with the local Beach Boys!
OL: Kankin
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High School Teacher: Swoon!
A female teacher, Kumi Yamamoto, was raped by a man, Yuichi Kobayashi ,who failed to commit suicide after the crime. Kumi knows that Yuichi is driving a taxi in the city. She is about to collect the moral debt.
Sukebe shimai
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The Pervert and the Divorcee
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Danchizuma: Nikutai Jigoku
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Disgraced! Uniform Virgin
Marushû shojo tarento
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Love Beast: Steamy Disgrace
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Seifuku kyô-jidai
Danchizuma: Sarakin Jigoku
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Hishoku rîsuzuma
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Kinbaku Muchi to Nawa
The Crazy Family
The Kobayashi family finally get the chance to move out of their tiny, cramped Tokyo apartment in favour of the suburban house of their dreams. But all is not well: the house is infested by termites and the family starts cracking up: Son Masaki is studying so obsessively for his exams that he's losing his mind; daughter Erika is oblivious of all but her forthcoming record company audition, grandfather Yasukuni starts getting World War II flashbacks and father Katsuhiko is so worried about his family's "sickness" that he thinks can only be cured by group suicide.
Abnormal Family
The film tells a story about a woman and her relationship with the family of her husband's, in particular her husband's younger brother and father-in-law. Her husband, on the other hand, has an affair with a dominatrix and is obsessed in S&M games.
Aiyoku no hibi: Ecstasy
A man and a woman in mourning clothes meet on a train platform by chance...
Sex Maid: After Cleaning Up
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Sexy Oral: Uwakina Kuchibiru
Woman with the Red Hat
In 1923 a Japanese comes to Munich and immediately falls in love with a street artist with a red hat, without knowing her past is. She turns to the Japanese, for the first time she thinks she has found her really great love- exotic stranger attracts her. They say a lot, but they do not understand each other - but they can show their love. Nevertheless, the relationship is doomed to failure from the beginning. Disappointment, death and loss.
Kandagawa Wars
Two sexually energized young women who live in a high-rise apartment building happen one day to spy from their window a mother and son making love in the apartment across from theirs. They decide to stage a rescue attempt to free him and in the process one of the young women ends up falling in love with the son despite having a boyfriend and enjoying sex with her female companion. Of course, the mother they are warring against has her own plans when she feels her privacy invaded.
Document: Sex joshi daigaku
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Snake Hole
An abusive husband subjects his wife to different forms of sexual abuse and torture, including upside down rope bondage, hot candle wax and walking her around with a collar in public.
Rock Is Sex: Saraba Aibô
First production by Directors’ Company. The film depicts the lives of a young man with dreams of becoming a rock superstar and his two friends.
Wolf: Running Is Sex
First production by Directors' Company. A man stripped bare of all modern values lives in a pure form, like a beast, feeding and satiating his every primal desire whenever they may arise. He takes on a mate, a woman intrigued by his personage or lack thereof, and they live in his den in central Tokyo. As time goes on, we see how this animal clashes with modern man, and the consequences of their coexistance.
An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
Raped with Eyes: Daydream
Kazu is a man who indulges in daydream fantasies of sexual dalliances with women. As his fantasies become increasingly violent and even homicidal, neither he nor the film's audience is sure whether these are really harmless, if perverse, fantasies or if they are really happening.
High School Girl's Diary
A highschool coed’s dream of being a centerfold model comes true.
Empire of Kids
Following a stint in reform school, Ryu (Shinsuke Shimada) returns to his home, the Minami area of Osaka, accompanied by his new friend Ko (Takeshi Masu). He's greeted by his friends, Chabo (Ryusuke Matsumoto) and Ken (Bang-ho Cho). They seek to forge their own path through a multitude of rival gangs in Kita and Minami, including the Hokushin Alliance, backed by the yakuza, the Hope Association, and various other minor factions, including Zainichi Korean groups. What follows is a wild, fast-paced story of violence, revenge, betrayal, and discrimination, that never loses its sense of humor.