Eddie Fetherston

Рождение : 1896-09-09, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1965-06-12


Eddie Fetherston


The Last Hurrah
Man (uncredited)
In a changing world where television has become the main source of information, Adam Caulfield, a young sports journalist, witnesses how his uncle, Frank Skeffington, a veteran and honest politician, mayor of a New England town, tries to be reelected while bankers and captains of industry conspire in the shadows to place a weak and manageable candidate in the city hall.
Second Chance
Jewel thieves battle investigators.
Alias Mr. Twilight
Warehouse Guard (uncredited)
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
Эта замечательная жизнь
Horace (uncredited)
Джордж Бейли, владелец кредитной компании в выдуманном американском городке Бедфорд Фоллс, честный, отзывчивый, любящий муж и отец, подавлен свалившимися на него невзгодами и подумывает о самоубийстве. Очевидно, что человек, отказывающийся от самого большого дара Бога - жизни - нуждается в помощи ангела-хранителя. И Небеса отправляют ему на выручку Кларенса, единственного свободного на тот момент Ангела Второго Класса, приятного, доброго, но неопытного, еще даже не заслужившего крылья. Если он сделает свою работу хорошо и сможет отговорить Джорджа от смертного греха, он получит крылья. А времени у него почти не осталось... Кларенс находит единственно правильное решение - показать Джорджу мир, в котором тот не существует.
Good Luck, Mr. Yates
Workman at Ringside
A 4F military school teacher's lie about being accepted for active duty causes problems on the home front.
Frisco Lil
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
Unseen Enemy
Badger - Taxicab Driver
The Unseen Enemy in this wartime meller is Nick (Leo Carrillo), the outwardly effusive manager of a San Francisco waterfront café. To make enough money to ensure his daughter Gen's (Irene Hervey) entree into society, Nick sells his services to a gang of foreign spies, who then use Nick's establishment as a rendezvous point. The plan is to covertly send out a Japanese vessel for the purpose of raiding and destroying American merchant ships. The spies' secret code is hidden in the lyrics of a song called "Lydia", which the unwitting Gen performs on request day after day.
Мужская сила
Power Company Telephone Operator (uncredited)
Работник электростанции Джонни Маршалл помогает своему коллеге встретить дочь, выпущенную из тюрьмы. Ему достаточно взгляда, чтобы понять — эта женщина приносит только несчастья. Однако с Фэй знакомится его лучший друг Хэнк, который делает ей предложение, и попытка Джонни расстроить свадьбу проваливается. А когда Фэй признается ему в любви, он хочет самоустраниться — но поздно.
They Dare Not Love
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
So You Won't Squawk
Louie the Wolf's Henchman
Mobster Louie the Wolf sends an unsuspecting handyman (Keaton) to gather up the collection money owed him, hoping the sap will get rubbed out by Slugger McGraw, a rival gangster. Keaton, however, innocently escapes all the perils that whiz about him without his even knowing it, much to the consternation of McGraw's hoods. When he finally does wake up to Louie's plot, Keaton provokes various policemen to chase him and leads them back to the hoodlum's hideout.
Behind the News
Toots - Reporter
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
The Green Archer
Turk Martin
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Marked Men
Marty - a thug
A man accused of planning a prison break turns the tables on escaped cons by leading the group into the desert.
Они ехали ночью
Driver in Cafe (uncredited)
Джо и Пол Фабрини — братья-дальнобойщики, работающие за небольшие деньги на контору-перевозчика, и при этом постоянно скрывающиеся от кредиторов, у которых заложен их автомобиль. Но они живут мечтами о лучшей жизни — Джо хочет работать сам на себя, а Пол хочет оставить водительское ремесло, чтобы больше времени проводить с женой. Работа братьев и их коллег-дальнобойщиков зачастую связана с определенным риском — ради того, чтобы доставить груз вовремя, многие вынуждены ездить сутками почти без сна, что приводит к несчастным случаям. Героям наконец выпадает шанс заработать и встать на ноги, но на обратном пути случается авария…
Girls of the Road
Driver Killed in Car Crash (Uncredited)
A story of the great-depression era about women hobos, tramps, job-seekers, fugitives and runaways running from or toward something as they hitch-hiked their way across the United States, dodging the police, do-gooders, lustful men and pursuing-husbands in a bad mood. One of them is a killer, another is a girl hitch-hiking to her wedding in order to afford a wedding gown, and there is also the Governor's daughter who crusades on their behalf, while hitch-hiking along with them.
Deadwood Dick
Phoney Land Registrar
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Sky Bandits
Pilot Buzz Murphy
Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly go aloft to search for a plane missing with a shipment of gold from the Yukon Mine Company. Inventor Speavy has devised a power ray which disrupts electrical impulses, and Morgan and his gang of crooks has brought in Prof. Lewis to increase the ray's range, telling him he's helping the government develop this new weapon. Speavy spills the beans to Prof. Lewis and his daughter Madeleine,and Morgan threatens to implicate them in his crimes unless they cooperate. Morgan kills Speavy when he tries to warn Renfrew, but when Madeleine stows away on board the doomed plane Renfrew is piloting, will the crooks be able to make Prof. Lewis use the power ray to bring the plane down?
Hold That Woman!
A skip tracer--someone who collects late payments from people who've purchased appliances, etc., or takes them back them when they don't pay--repossesses a small radio from a deadbeat who's skipped payments. What he doesn't know is that a gang that has stolen diamonds from a Hollywood movie star has stashed them inside the radio, and they start hunting for him.
Terry and the Pirates
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
Women Without Names
Joyce and Fred MacNeil's honeymoon comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt when Fred is accused of murder. Railroaded into prison through the efforts of politically ambitious assistant DA Marlin, Fred awaits his doom on Death Row, while Joyce works overtime on the outside to clear her husband's name
Danger On Wheels
During a test, a race car using an experimental oil fueled engine blows up, killing the driver. Lucky Taylor, a stunt driver, is initially blamed for the accident, but is later cleared. He thinks the engine design has a real chance to win races, but the racing association has banned it since the accident. He devises a scheme to have a car equipped with the engine entered into a race, without race officials-- or the engine designer's sassy daughter -- finding out about it.
The Shadow
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Yukon Flight
Pilot Rufe George
When the plane owned by the "Yukon and Columbia Mail Service" crashes, RCMP Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien) suspect murder. Their suspicions are confirmed when Renfrew finds the control stick has been jammed, forcing the plane to fly in one direction until the gas ran out. Mine owner Louise Howard (Louise Stanley) reports that her superintendent is missing. The Mounties find him murdered and that too has been made to look like an accident. A new mail service pilot, Bill Shipley (Warren Hull), arrives. He had gone to training school with Renfrew but had been cashiered for misconduct. The Mounties discover that Raymond (Karl Hackett), who had been working for Louise, really owns the flying line managed by Yuke Cardoe (William Pawley.) They find proof that all the gold from the mine isn't being turned over to Louise, and suspect that Raymond and Yuke are stealing the gold and shipping it to Seattle by plane.
Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон
Senate Reporter (uncredited)
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
Золотой мальчик
Reporter Wilson
Джо Бонапарте, одаренный скрипач, из-за крайней бедности вынужден выступать на ринге. Он проявил себя талантливым боксером, хотя видно, что он бережет кулаки, опасаясь повредить руки музыканта и похоронить мечту, ради которой его отец-эмигрант многим пожертвовал. Том Муди, менеджер Джо, подговаривает свою подружку Лорну Мун убедить парня забыть о своих музыкальных стремлениях и возвратить его на ринг. Это приводит к трагедии…
Mandrake the Magician
Rest Home Henchman
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Юнион Пасифик
Reporter (uncredited)
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
Flying G-Men
Four flying G-Men protect America against enemy spies; one of the four assumes the identity of The Black Falcon, to befuddle the saboteurs even further.
The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt
Spies force former jewel thief Michael Lanyard to steal defense secrets in Washington.
North of Shanghai
In this newspaper drama, a female reporter and a newsreel cameraman are both assigned to cover the Sino-Japanese war. They meet on the boat ride over and decide to team up. They are further assisted by a Chinese cameraman. The three of them manage to expose of spy ring operating out of the Shanghai office of the woman's newspaper.
The Mysterious Miss X
After being mistaken for Scotland Yard detectives, two vaudevillians (Michael Whalen, Chick Chandler) try to solve a murder in a Midwestern town.
Homicide Bureau
After being criticized by the Citizens' League for his inability to cope with a crime wave, Police Captain Haines orders his men in the Homicide Bureau to clean up all their cases, but without violating the constitutional rights of any suspect. Detective Jim Logan is ordered to meet the incoming new-head of the Police Department lab and internal affairs, J.G. Bliss, and takes an instant dislike to her over her attitude toward criminal's rights.
Swing, Sister, Swing
In this musical comedy, two star-struck small town kids head for the Big Apple and become famous for their jitterbug act. Their fame doesn't last long, but they had fun anyway. Songs include: "Baltimore Bubble," "Gingham Gown," "Just a Bore," "Wasn't It You," "Kaneski Waltz" (Frank Skinner, Charles Henderson).
A Doggone Mixup
Man who won dog collar
Harry, who can't resist a bargain, buys a St. Bernard dog.
Adventure in Sahara
Agadez is a lonely French outpost baking under the desert sun and commanded by the cruel and oppressive Captain Savatt. To it comes, at his own request, Legionnaire Jim Wilson soon followed by his fiancée, Carla Preston, who has been tracing him from post to post. Legionnaires seize the fort and turn Savitt loose in the Arab-haunted desert with only a fraction of the water and food needed to get back to civilization. But Savitt gets through and returns to the fort at the head of an avenging troop of men. But Arabs surround Savitt and his men, and the mutineers, knowing that to leave the fort and aid them means their own death
A magazine reporter exposes a crooked District Attorney, resulting in his trial. Complications ensue, however, when the man is acquitted.
The Lady Objects
A former college football hero and his college sweetheart get married. Marital turmoil ensues as her criminal law practice soars while he cannot get his career as an architect off the ground. They separate, and the man begins making extra money by singing in a nightclub. When he is unjustly accused of murder, it is up to his estranged wife to defend him in court.
Girls' School
Ames - Simpson's Chauffeur (uncredited)
Wealthy high school girls are sent to a boarding school to learn proper etiquette. Linda Simpson stays out all night. She tells her roommate, Betty Fleet, that it was because she's planning to elope. Linda gets in trouble when the faculty finds out from a monitor's report submitted by reluctant Natalie Freeman, a poor girl attending on scholarship.
С собой не унесешь
Worried Neighbor (uncredited)
Тони — сын одного из самых богатых воротил бизнеса в Нью-Йорке влюблен в Алису — простую девушку секретаря и молодые хотят обвенчаться. Однако эксцентричное поведение родственников и друзей будущей невесты наводит родителей жениха на мысль, что у них с головами не все в порядке. Их дом — это клуб по интересам «городских сумасшедших». Мать Алисы — Пенни пишет пьесы, потому что пишущую машинку когда-то доставили в их дом по ошибке. Ее бездарная сестра Эсси грезит балетом и берет уроки танца у сумасшедшего русского по имени Потап Коленков, который не прочь отобедать за чужой счет. Папа с друзьями Алисы тратит все свое время, создавая фейерверки и запуская их прямо в доме. Но больше всех отличается эксцентричным поведением дедушка, который отказывается платить налоги по убеждениям. Весь этот балаган шумит, поёт, танцует и прыгает одновременно, под аккомпанемент губной гармоники дедушки и ксилофона мужа Эсси, мешая делать большой бизнес корпорации Энтони П. Кирби — отца Тони.
The Lone Wolf in Paris
Mace - Henchman
Former jewel thief Michael Lanyard toys with a princess and a grand duke.
The Nurse from Brooklyn
Ambulance Surgeon
A nurse's younger brother is caught in a shootout between a criminal gang and the police, and he is shot and killed. The officer who is accused of shooting the man knows that he didn't do it, and sets out to find the real killer and clear his own name.
State Police
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Start Cheering
Man at Water Fountain
After retiring from movies to get an education, a man discovers his ex-staff is trying to have him expelled.
Women in Prison
The superintendent of a women's prison is pressured to pardon a member of a criminal gang. When she refuses, her daughter is framed on a manslaughter charge and sent to prison.
Who Killed Gail Preston?
A temperamental singer's murder leaves a nightclub full of suspects.
The Shadow
Mary Gillespie is restoring the Col. Gillespie Circus to its former splendor after her father's death. With the help of her publicist boyfriend Jim, the sell-out crowds are returning to the big top. Egotistical equestrian star Senor Martinet, however, holds $60,000 of notes signed by the Colonel and due in 24 hours. When a mysterious shadowy figure is seen on the circus lot, and Martinet is murdered in the center ring during his performance, there are suspects aplenty, including Vindecco, Martinet's badly abused hunchback assistant.
Murder in Greenwich Village
Campbell Security Guard
A society girl is suspected of murdering an artist whose brother is a notorious racketeer. In her pursuit of an alibi, she inadvertently implicates a struggling advertisement photographer. Now they must keep up the appearance of being engaged as a bumbling detective snoops around, and their initial distaste for each other blossoms into romance.
The Game That Kills
Cab Driver
Ferguson is a rough-and-tumble hockey player who discovers that his chosen profession is nothing more than a racket, a plaything for game-fixing racketeers. When his brother is killed in a highly suspicious accident, Ferguson and team trainer Holland join forces to bring the killers to justice.
The Big Squirt
Lucky LaPidus
Soda jerk reads mystery stories, fancies himself a master detective.
It Happened in Hollywood
Eddie - Assistant Director
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Shadows of the Orient
James 'Flash' Dawson
A classic "B" featurette about "smugglin' in Chinamen for $300 a load"
Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Сумасбродная пара Джордж и Мэрион Керби гибнут в автомобильной аварии. Они не сразу понимают, что застряли между небом и землей и стали призраками, а когда приходит это осознание они не представляют, что с этим делать. К счастью, им приходит спасительная мысль начать творить добро,....
Girls Can Play
Detective Outside Drugstore
The Hollywood Post's sports writer, Jimmy Jones (Charles Quigley), yearns to be a crime reporter, and thus looks for foul play on even the most routine assignments. In writing a piece about a girl's softball team, Jimmy discovers that their sponsor, Foy Harris (John Gallaudet), is a notorious racketeer who has supposedly gone straight. Jimmy suspects Foy is still up to no good. He begins hanging around the team to do a bit of snooping, and also to be near the cute new pitcher, Ann Casey (Jacqueline Wells).
Кид Гэлэхэд
Когда гостиничный посыльный нокаутирует широко разрекламированного тяжеловеса Чака МакГро, защищая честь девицы Филлипс по кличке Пушок, та дает ему прозвище Кид Гэллэхэд. Ее парень, Ник Донати, принимает решение сделать из юноши чемпиона. Начинаются тренировки, но вскоре Нику приходится пожалеть о своем выборе. Терзаясь ревностью, так как и Пушок и его собственная сестра, воспитанная в монастыре, проявляют к Киду совершенно определенный интерес, Ник выставляет его против МакГро, будучи уверен, что его боец проиграет. Но все идет совсем не по плану…
Wings Over Honolulu
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Devil's Playground
A remake of Frank Capra's Submarine (1928), Devil's Playground is a snappy Columbia "B plus" picture starring Richard Dix and Chester Morris. Submarine officers Dorgan (Dix) and Mason (Morris) battle on land for the affections of dance-hall girl Carmen (Dolores del Rio). She marries Dorgan but makes a play for Mason when her husband is on duty. The romantic rivalry is forgotten when Dorgan must rescue Mason and his crew from a sunken sub.
Теодора сходит с ума
Reporter (uncredited)
История противостояния Теодоры Линн, церковной органистки и учительницы воскресной школы, в тайне от всех пишущей любовные романы, и местного литературного кружка, прознавшего о ее увлечении, полного благопристойных матрон, которые, на словах выражая пренебрежение и недовольство трудами Теодоры, также в тайне от всех зачитываются ее беллетристикой.
Мой слуга Годфри
Process Server (uncredited)
Во время Великой Депрессии некая игра заносит богатую, избалованную, но очаровательную Айрин Буллок, а также ее стервозную сестру Корнелию к городской свалке, где они встречают бездомного Годфри. Встреча заканчивается тем, что Айрин нанимает его дворецким. Работая у нее, он выясняет, что Буллоки — воплощение праздных, своенравных и избалованных богачей. Вскоре Айрин влюбляется в своего «протеже», однако он чувствует, что роман между слугой и хозяйкой невозможен, независимо от таинственного прошлого Годфри…
And Sudden Death
An heiress with a penchant for speeding runs afoul of a traffic cop. Romance develops between the two, but it's soon complicated when he believes she is responsible for killing someone due to reckless driving.
Devil's Squadron
In this action film, a courageous test pilot works with experimental aircraft for the US Armed Forces. When an important airplane manufacturer dies, his daughter is left to run the company. The company seems to be producing dangerous prototypes, so the woman decides to close the company.
Boulder Dam
Dam Worker (uncredited)
Fate brings a job at Boulder Dam and romance with a saloon singer into the life of a young man on the run.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
The Gay Deception
Wisecracking Passerby (uncredited)
A wide-eyed working girl wins a $5,000 sweepstakes and plunges into the lush life of New York City, where she meets a bellboy who is more than he seems.
Every Night at Eight
Gold Strike Cigarettes Ad Man (uncredited)
Three young girls working in an agency have build a singing trio. They want to "lease" the Dictaphone of their boss to make a record of their singing, but they are caught and fired. When they are not able to pay their rent any longer, they decide to try it on an amateur contest at a radio station.
One in a Million
A department store clerk, wrongly accused of stealing by her lecherous boss, becomes involved in a romantic relationship with the boss's son.
The Lost City
Jerry Delaney
An evil scientist invents a earthquake machine and plots to take over the world from his base in Africa.
"Chick" Thompson is a puppet-master in a traveling carnival whose wife dies in childbirth and leaves him with an infant son he names "Poochy." His father-in-law and the baby's grandfather sues him for custody of the baby and Chick takes his son and hides out for a couple of years. He joins his former assistants, Daisy and "Fingers", in a circus act only to find that the persistent grandfather is still on his trail.
Calling All Cars
Marty Blake / Marty Dempsey
A reporter out to break up a criminal gang finds time to make a play for a mobster's girlfriend.
Gentlemen Are Born
Stockbroker at Window
A well-cloistered and protected-against-reality group of college students get their diplomas in the heart of the Great Depression, and quickly learn that the piece of paper the diploma is written on is worth about eighteen-dollars-a-week in the job-market...for the lucky ones. Some of them fare even worse.
Президент исчезает
Президент внезапно пропал, причём в самый неподходящий для страны момент, накануне надвигающейся войны и возможного импичмента.
She Had to Choose
Hold-Up Man
A young actress hits Hollywood determined to be a movie star and runs into a lot of roadblocks along the way.
Happy Landing
Wireless Operator
An action-filled film with outlaws-of-the-clouds at war with the men of the U. S. Flying Service. A young pilot, Nick Ferris, fights to track down a dangerous gang of smugglers and clear his name of an undeserved stigma.
The Circus Clown
Circus Worker
A man who wants to join the circus against the wishes of his ex-circus clown father.
Let's Fall in Love
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Arizona to Broadway
Monk's Stage Manager
In the small town of Larrup, Arizona, Smiley, a con-artist traveling with cohorts Kingfish, Morris and Ambrose, persuades Lynn Martin, a traveling demonstrator of pancake making, to accompany him to a carnival, where Kingfish sells a large number of bottles of Bambo, an elixir...
Cheating Blondes
A reporter sets out to prove that his girlfriend was framed and sent to prison.
Black Beauty
Black Beauty is being trained to run in the steeplechase race, upon which the Cameron family has staked its fortune. However, the horse is injured racing for a doctor when its owner is hurt, and it looks like it won't recover in time to compete in the race.
The Girl from Calgary
Monte Cooper
A French-Canadian girl is a champion bronc rider and is also a nightclub singer. An ambitious young man sees her act one night and is struck by her talent, realizing that she is good enough to become a Broadway star. He convinces her to accompany him to New York, where she indeed does become a Broadway star. However, the young man finds himself being squeezed out by greedy Broadway producers who see the talented young girl as their own personal gold mine.
The Face on the Barroom Floor
'Dr. Slick' Waters
Bill Bronson is a likable young bank clerk, whose congenital thirst for liquor is kept under control until he joins his wife Mary at getting blotto at a company party. From there it is a downward spiral.
Movie Crazy
Assistant Director Bill
After a mix-up with his application photograph, an aspiring actor is invited to a screen test and goes off to Hollywood.
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Reporter (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает захватывающую историю о жестком контроле организованной преступности над Чикаго в эпоху «сухого закона». Главный герой — Тони Кармонте, честолюбивый преступник, не знающий жалости. Тони идет к своей цели: он намерен стать криминальным боссом города.
Air Eagles
Two former WWI aces from opposite sides, Bill Ramsey and Otto Shumann, in the best tradition of Eddie Rickenbacker and the Red Baron, barnstorm their way across the Poverty Row skies of middle-America while competing for daredevil honors and the favors of the lovely Eve.
The Mystery Train
Archie Benson
A group of passengers are trapped in a runaway Pullman car.
The Ridin' Fool
Bud Warren
The Ridin' Fool presented the bantamweight star as Steve Kendall, a young cowboy saving gambler Boston Harry from being hanged by a group of vigilantes who accuse him of having killed Jim Beckworth. The fugitives hide out at Juanita's hacienda and while their mercenary hostess decides how to best fleece her guests, the posse arrives.
Worldly Goods
A businessman who has devoted his whole life to obtaining money and power finds that he can't buy the one thing he craves: love.
True to the Navy
Ruby is a counter girl at the San Diego Soda Shop with a habit of being a girlfriend to Sailors stopping by. Things get a little zany when she sets her eyes on Bull's Eye McCoy a gunner who refuses to settle down.
Directed by David Selman. With Dorothy Phillips, Earl Metcalfe, Lola Todd, Lincoln Stedman.
Old Ironsides
Lt. Richard Somers
An embellished account of the 1813 expedition by famed frigate U.S.S. Constitution--a.k.a. "Old Ironsides"--against the Barbary pirates then terrorizing American shipping, focusing on the crew and passengers of a fictional merchant ship, The Esther, who fall afoul of the same pirates and thus become involved with the Constitution's mission.