Maggie Cheung

Maggie Cheung

Рождение : 1964-09-20, Hong Kong, British Crown Colony


Maggie Cheung Man yuk (born 20 September 1964) is a Hong Kong actress. Raised in England and Hong Kong, she has over 70 films to her credit since starting her career in 1983. Some of her most commercially successful work was in the action genre, but Cheung once said in an interview that of all the work she has done, the films that really meant something to her are Song of the Exile, Center Stage, Comrades: Almost a Love Story and In the Mood for Love. As Emily Wang in Clean, her last starring role to date, she became the first Asian actress to win a prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Cheung's native language is Cantonese, but she is multilingual, having learned to speak English, Mandarin and French.


Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung


Ah Fei jing juen
Fa yeung nin wah
One-Tenth of a Millimeter Apart
Self (archive footage)
Tracing the beginnings of Jet Tone Films, which was founded in 1991 by Wong Kar Wai for the production of Ashes of Time (1994), the film features never-before-seen materials, including deleted scenes, behind-the-scene footage, and selected narration by Wong Kar Wai.
The Moment: Fifty Years of Golden Horse
Herself (archive footage)
In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences.
The News Reporter
Playtime’s cosmopolitan spectacle, presented in a kaleidoscopic montage across seven large screens, interconnects the lives of its archetypical characters—hedge fund managers and art world players in London; a photographer in Reykjavik; and a Filipina houseworker in Dubai—each of whom is based on a real-life individual directly affected by the market collapse.
Теплые летние дни
Sushi customer
Пять истории о лете, жаре и любви. О необыкновенных отношениях, завязывающихся с одной случайной SMS. О силе юношеской влюбленности, что заставляет стоять месяц под изнуряющим солнцем. О таинственной незнакомке, гоняющей на своем байке со скоростью света. И еще пара историй.
Ten Thousand Waves
TEN THOUSAND WAVES is a 9-screen installation shot on location in China. The work poetically weaves together stories linking China’s ancient past and present. Through an architectural installation, the work explores the movement of people across countries and continents and meditates on unfinished journeys. Conceived and made over four years, TEN THOUSAND WAVES sees Julien collaborating with some of China’s leading artistic voices, including the legendary siren of Chinese cinema Maggie Cheung; rising star of Chinese film Zhao Tao; poet Wang Ping; master calligrapher Gong Fagen; artist Yang Fudong; acclaimed cinematographer Zhao Xiaoshi; and a 100-strong Chinese cast and crew. The film’s original musical score is by fellow East Londoner Jah Wobble and The Chinese Dub Orchestra and contemporary classical composer Maria de Alvear.
Бесславные ублюдки
Действие картины разворачивается в оккупированной Франции. На глазах у Сюзанны Дрейфус от рук немецкого полковника Ганса Ланда погибает ее семья. Девушке чудом удается спастиcь и бежать в Париж. Там она устраивается на работу в кинотеатр. В это же время где-то в Европе лейтенант Альдо Рэйн собирает группу еврейских солдат, именующих себя «Ублюдками». К ним примыкает тайный агент Бриджет фон Хаммерсмарк, выдающая себя за актрису. Обе сюжетные линии пересекаются, когда диверсанты встречаются в кинотеатре с Сюзанной, мечтающей отомстить обидчикам.
'Hero' Defined: A Look at the Epic Masterpiece
Su Li-Zhen
Он был писателем. Он думал, что пишет о будущем, а на самом деле он писал о прошлом. В его книге загадочный поезд время от времени отправлялся в 2046 год, и все, кто на него садились, стремились погрузиться в утраченное прошлое. Говорили, что в 2046 никогда ничего не меняется. Никто не знал наверняка, так ли это, потому что уехавшие туда никогда не возвращались, кроме одного человека. Он съездил и предпочел вернуться. Он хотел измениться…
Emily Wang
Бывшая рок-звезда Ли Хаузер скончался от передозировки. После смерти мужа певица Эмили решает порвать с прошлой жизнью, завязать с наркотиками и вернуть себе сына, который уже давно живет у родителей Ли и не любит свою далекую, незнакомую мать. Эмили предстоит непростой выбор — забыть о музыке, чтобы найти путь к сердцу сына, или махнуть на все рукой и уехать в Сан-Франциско, где ждет продюсер, готовый возродить ее угасшую карьеру…
Cause: The Birth of Hero
The movie follows director Zhang Yimou as he is preparing to make the movie Hero.
Flying Snow
Китай расколот на княжества, но уже есть лидер, который хочет покорить соседей и стать императором объединенной страны. К нему засланы убийцы, безукоризненно владеющие боевыми искусствами; у них фольклорные имена Сломанный Меч, Летящий Снег и Небо.Их противник обозначен как Безымянный, он хочет защитить императора. Его разговор с Всесильным образует раму, скрепляющую несколько ретроспектив — поединков с убийцами. Он рассказывает об этих поединках как сказку, где истину не отличишь от выдумки. Своя версия есть и у императора.
@In the Mood for Love
A documentary following Wong Kar-wai and his cast and crew through the production of his 2000 film IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE.
Любовное настроение
Su Li-zhen - Mrs. Chan
Гонконг, 1962 год. Господин Чоу с женой и госпожа Су с мужем одновременно въезжают в соседние квартиры и однажды обнаруживают, что их супруги изменяют им друг с другом. Чоу и Су пытаются понять, как начался этот роман, и постепенно сближаются, но не хотят давать волю чувствам.
Ella is a divorced Chinese American taxi driver who spends her days ferrying people around the roads of Sausalito, San Francisco. After work, she spends time with her 8-year old son, Scott. Ella meets Mike at Sky House, an infamous pick-up joint. Awkward strangers at first, they nonetheless find passion and what they want in each other.
Augustin, King of Kung-Fu
The solitary and largely self-contained Augustin (Jean-Chretien Sibertin Blanc), on obscure young actor of bit-parts and advertisements, has but one ambition - to play the lead role in a Kung Fu epic. But hours of Kung Fu practice alone in his room are not enough. Augustin knows he must pack up and start a new life in China... or at least that part of China within bicycling distance: Chinatown in south-east Paris. There he meets Ling (Maggie Cheung), a young Chinese woman who practices ocupuncture, and little by little, Ling's needles awaken emotions in Augustin that his virginal body had never dreamed of. Where will this lead him? To Kung Fu stardom, maybe not, but to another destiny, a quirky but logical continuation of the same dream.
Китайская шкатулка
Эта история разворачивается в Гонконге. Английский журналист влюбляется в китаянку со сложным прошлым и настоящим. Когда он узнает, что смертельно болен и ему остался всего месяц, Джон решает запечатлеть истинные особенности Гонконга.
The Soong Sisters
Soong Ching-ling / Madam Sun
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
Man Yuk: A Portrait of Maggie Cheung
Experimental short made by Olivier Assayas for Fondation of Contemporary Art and starring Maggie Cheung.
Ирма Веп
Рене Видаль, режиссер, находящийся не в лучшей форме, решает сделать ремейк немого фильма 1915 года "Вампиры" Луи Фейяда. Не найдя подходящую французскую актрису на главную роль Ирмы Веп (анаграмма имени "Вампира"), он приглашает Гонконгскую звезду Мэгги Чун, хотя она не знает французского. Актриса настолько входит в роль, что в свободное от съемок время начинает слоняться по крышам и вести себя странно.
Товарищи: Почти история любви
Lee Kiu
Ли Шьяо-Джун и Ли Чьяо приехали в Гонконг из Китая в один день, на одном поезде, в одном вагоне, но познакомились только спустя несколько месяцев – Ли Чьяо взяла на себя «заботу» о наивном провинциале, который так и не понял стиля жизни в Гонконге. Они становятся друзьями, а через некоторое время оказываются в одной постели, но их роман будет развиваться непросто – у Ли Шьяо-Джуна в деревне осталась невеста, а амбиции Ли Чьяо простираются куда дальше, чем может заглянуть ее новый друг.
Прах времен
Feng's Sister-in-Law
В центре сюжета — Уянг Фенг, который перебирается в Западную Пустыню после того, как любимая женщина его отвергает. Он занимается тем, что нанимает искусных воинов для выполнения заказных убийств. Уязвленное самолюбие делает его безжалостным и циничным, но по мере того, как он встречает друзей, знакомится с клиентами и будущими врагами, он начинает осознавать свое одиночество…
In Between
Coco Lau
Three flatmates share a luxury flat. A philandering hairdresser meets his match. A young stockbroker meets his boss's soon-to-be-ex-wife. A pregnant lady unsure over the identity of the baby's father.
Thief Catcher / Chat
Set some time after the original ‘Heroic Trio’ the city has been devastated by nuclear attack. An evil deformed villain controls the city’s scarce water supply, exerting influence over both a popular leader and a militarist colonel.
Boys Are Easy
Ching Siu Nam
A man wants to see his three daughters get married.
Безумный монах
Nine Lives Whore
На Небесах случился переполох. Драконий Воин Ло Хан умудрился обмануть всех местных богов и вызвать ужасный гнев даже у самого Нефритового Императора. Владыка немедленно вызывает его к своему престолу и собирается сурово покарать, но оказывается в последний момент остановлен Верховной Богиней. Выслушав оправдания обманщика, Богиня решает предоставить Ло Хану последний шанс на то, чтобы искупить свои грехи. Ло Хан должен всего за два с половиной дня вернуть богам веру в человечество. Для этого ему необходимо попытаться изменить судьбы трех человек – шлюхи, нищего и бандита. Все дело в том, что всем троим было предрешено кармой оставаться таковыми на протяжении всех своих девяти реинкарнаций. Ло Хан должен этому помешать. Ситуация изрядно осложняется тем фактом, что на Земле Ло Хан лишен всей своей магической силы. Вдобавок к этим неприятностям, несколько особенно обиженных богов решают ему специально помешать.
The Enigma of Love
Tammy Cheung
Jackie (Jacky Cheung) is the owner of a very shady nightclub, which the cops are itching to shut down. But they haven't been able to catch Jackie red-handed yet due to his trickiness. When Jacky goes so far as to trick a female cop, Tammy (Maggie Cheung), into falling in love with him, the rest of the police force goes bananas, swearing to put an end to his nefarious activities at any cost. But is Jacky actually falling for Tammy and beginning to change his ways? Or is he already in too deep with the cops for that to help his situation?
Священное оружие
Princess Tin Heung
Японский воин по имени Супермеч (Саймон Ям) вторгся на китайские земли и остановить его смог только Мо Каке (Дамиан Лау), да и то лишь после того, как Призрачный Колдун (Нг Ман-Тат) усилил его тело опаснейшим ядом. Мо победил, но яд заставил его сойти с ума, а Супермеч обещал вернуться через три года для повторной схватки. Время уже кончается, а у Мо Каке никаких улучшений, и единственный шанс противостоять Супермечу – найти семь девственниц, которые изучат сложный, но могущественный боевой стиль.
Kin chan no Cinema Jack
Kin chan no Cinema Jack is an anthology film starring Yuen Biao and produced by Jackie Chan
Green Snake
Green Snake
A mischievous snake who assumes human form interferes with the romance between her reptilian sister and a hapless man.
The Bare-Footed Kid
Miss Ho
A poor barefoot young man from the country arrives in the city to start work with the friend of his dead father.
First Shot
Solicitor Annie Ma
During a period of widespread police corruption, Ti Lung is a stubborn cop who takes on both the mob and the political establishment.
The Heroic Trio
While one tough woman with an invisible robe has stolen 18 babies for her powerful master, two other tough women and the cops try to stop her.
The Eagle Shooting Heroes
Imperial Master
A power struggle between the Queen's treasonous lover and a princess occurs amid musical numbers, slapstick battles, and martial arts acrobatics.
Film ohne Fesseln - Das neue Hongkong Kino
A German documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
Millionaire Cop
Jacky Chuck
A police detective (Aaron Kwok) must pose as the son of a millionaire to catch a kidnapping ring. Trouble starts when the policeman's girlfriend starts working for the businessman.
Flying Dagger
Flying Cat
The well-known "Flying Dagger" Chung and his nephew Lam lived on rewards from apprehending bandits. Chung refused the love of "Great Coquette" Lady Fung. Therefore, Fung always mess up Chung's business for revenge. Flying Fox, the country's number one bandit, had stolen the millionaire Tsao's evidence of being a traitor. Hence, Tsao employed Chung to catch the bandit. Flying Fox's wife, Flying Cat seduced Chung to save her husband, which caused jealousy and a severe fight with Fung. Meanwhile Lam was kidnapped by Tsao. Chung and Fung finally realized that Tsao was the head of East Wing. They united together to beat against Tsao...
Воины Луны
Mo Xian Er
Простой рыбак помогает беглому королю в борьбе, и предлагает ему убежище в укрытии около его рыбацкой деревни. Когда группа короля подвергается нападению его братом узурпатором, рыбака посылают, чтобы он привёз невесту короля, дочь Императора, в надежде, что её присутствие оградит беглецов и гарантирует им защиту со стороны тестя-императора. Но во время поездки дочь императора и рыбак полюбили друг друга. Тем временем красивая советница короля, кажется, любит его, несмотря на то, что она — предатель, посланный, чтобы убить его злым братом…
True Love
A Cinderella story between a rich boy and a cosmetics salesgirl.
Sullen insurance agent Maggie Cheung reluctantly rescues a triad goon suffering from hatchet wounds (Roy Cheung), and thus begins their slow-burn romance.
Полицейская История 3: Суперполицейский
Полиция Гонконга и Китая совместно с Интерполом готовит масштабную операцию по ликвидации интернациональной банды наркоторговцев. Замысел операции сводится к тому, чтобы вытащить из китайской тюрьмы одного из главарей нарко-спрута и через него выйти на верхушку организованной пирамиды. Кто же сможет осуществить такой дерзкий и рискованный план, если не Суперполицейский. Кевин Ченг, знакомый нам по первым сериям фильма, за какие-то прегрешения, ныне пребывающий в должности постового, вызван для осуществления необычной операции Интерпола. Для поддержки ему назначают директора китайского Интерпола — очаровательную капитаншу Енг.
Too Happy for Words
Stanley Kwan's 1992 short film starring Josephine Siao and Maggie Cheung
What A Hero!
Yuen Tak Wah (Andy Lau) has been practicing Taekwondo since he was a kid and becomes an expert at it with his best trick being the 720 Degree Whirlwind Kick. Wah later becomes a cop and uses his good skills to contribute in cracking cases which leads to the jealousy of Officer Cheung Yeung (Roy Cheung), the leader of the rival team. Cheung is also a Taekwondo expert who has a won a championship at the Hong Kong Police Force's Taekwondo Tournament.
All's Well, Ends Well
Ho Yok 'Holiyok'
Three brothers living with their father fib and play pranks to win parental approval for themselves and their romances.
Джеки Чан исполняет сразу две роли — двух абсолютно одинаковых близнецов, разлученных при рождении и оказавшихся в разных семьях и по разные стороны Тихого океана.Один из близнецов — специалист по боевым искусствам, хулиган и задира, работает автомехаником в гараже отеля, в котором останавливается во время гастролей в Гонконге другой — знаменитый музыкант всемирно известный дирижер из Нью-Йорка. Когда они случайно встречаются, начинается невероятная заварушка!
Таверна Дракона
1457 год, правление династии Минг, власть загребают под себя жестокие и коварные евнухи. Один из них, Чжао добивается казни генерала Ю и повелевает уничтожить всех его наследников, однако тех ссылают на удаленный пограничный пост под названием «Врата Дракона». Чжао не собирается останавливаться на полпути и посылает отряд убийц в таверну, через которую эскорт обязательно пройдет. Но туда забредают странствующие воины, которые встанут грудью на защиту невинных.
Вечеринка многочисленной семьи
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Ruan Ling-yu / Herself
Ее взлет к славе был стремителен. Жуань Линъюй начала сниматься в кино в 16 лет и почти сразу стала любимой актрисой немого китайского кинематографа, но меньше чем через десять лет, в расцвете красоты и на пике успеха, свела счеты с жизнью…
Today's Hero
Siu, who spends goofing off, finds out that he has Parkinson's Disease, and only one month to live. He decides to do something special before his death. He tries to help other, and accept challenges.
Will of Iron
Maggie came back to Hong Kong and gathered her grandmother back to Vancouver for good. She took this opportunity to bunch up with her boyfriend Michael, best friends Jackie and his wife Carol. Although Michael convinced her that the couple had moved to Macau, incidentally they met each other on the street. Maggie couldn't believe her own bare eyes that Jackie was already addicted to cocaine. And the most absurd fact that Michael was the drug dealer himself. Jackie owed the mob a great deal of money; and one of the gangster, Chau Sung was determined to force Jackie to the corner.
Alan and Eric: Between Hello and Goodbye
Alan and Eric are childhood friends who are separated when Eric moves to America. They are reunited in Hong Kong when Eric finds Alan at the cafe where the latter is working as a waiter and singer. Together they forge a business which is destroyed in a storm. Meanwhile, both have met a lady named Olive, and both strive for her affection.
The Perfect Match
Ms Kim/Carrie
George Lam is a famous conductor, Maggie Cheung an auto-mechanic; he rides a portable bicycle, she a motorcycle. Somehow, together, they find time to deal with some troublesome teens (Jacky Cheung, Vivian Chow) and fall in love.
Дикие дни
Su Li-zhen
А-Фэй — имя главного героя, который кажется благополучным человеком: его любят женщины, он не нуждается в деньгах. Но тайна происхождения, непроясненность прошлого, мешает ему укорениться в настоящем: для человека старой китайской культуры разрыв в цепи поколений — не частная неурядица, а корневая беда. Герой строит новую систему координат: уклоняйся от обязательств, остерегайся привязанностей, избегай закрепощающих чувств…
Farewell China
Li Hong
Li Hung is a desperate mother who tried for years to obtain an American visa to study to create a better life for her husband Nansan and her son. But after a short time, she loses contact with her family, and her husband, Nansan smuggles himself to New York to find her.
Клубится багровая пыль
Stretching across the canvas of the Sino-Japanese War of the 30s, the subsequent Japanese surrender in 1945, and the onslaught of Communism, this film depicts an ill-fated romance between a talented lady novelist and a Chinese traitor working with the Japanese who fall victim to the mayhem of war and their tragic inability to reconcile political differences.
The Dragon from Russia
May Yip
A former member of a band of criminals known as the 'Eight-Hundred Dragons' is living in fear in Manchuria as the clan does not allow people to leave alive. However, he is eventually tracked down, and kidnapped along with a young Manchurian, Yao - whose memory is erased so that he can be trained in martial arts. Yao's work as an assassin becomes more complicated, however, when he sees his old lover again and his real memories come flooding back.
Song of the Exile
Cheung Hueyin
Set in the early 1970s, it tells the story of a Chinese-Japanese student who returns to her native Hong Kong after graduating from a university in London. Once she arrives back home, she and her family begins to fight, largely due to cultural and societal conflicts between her mother and herself.
Heart Into Hearts
Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?
Full Moon in New York
Lee Fung Jiau
Three Chinese women with vastly different backgrounds get acquainted and become friends amid the social desolation of New York.
In Between Loves
Jenny Tung
Taxi driver Lung is obsessed with TV news reporter Jenny Tung. He attempts to gain her affection by providing minor news stories, but her arrogant lawyer boyfriend, John Liu gets in the way. He tells Lung that she is only interested in major events. When a series of murders begins to plaque the city, Lung begins to feed Tung info on the killings but is he more connected than he lets on?
Hearts, No Flowers
Ms. Tsang
A youth film about four city lasses.
The Iceman Cometh
During the Ming dynasty, Yuen Biao is a royal guard charged to capture a dangerous criminal. The battle which opposes them will make them fall into ice. Three centuries later, nowdays, the archaeologists give them again the life. Only a black jade Buddha and a temporal wheel would be able to make them return in their time. The battle would start again.
A Fishy Story
Ms Huang
An aspiring starlet arrives in the Fragrant Harbor with dreams of becoming a star, whilst striking up a friendship with a wannabe cabbie who lives in the same apartment building.
Sunset in Paris
The story of "Sunset Paris" tells that Leslie Cheung, who plays Leslie, and Maggie Cheung, who plays Maggie, are a couple. Leslie gets an opportunity to study at the University of Paris, so he leaves Hong Kong to go abroad to pursue his ideals, but has to separate from his girlfriend Maggie for a short time. While living in Paris, Leslie meets a painter, Cherie, played by Cherie Chung, and develops a relationship with her. Things get complicated when Maggie comes to Paris on a visit and realizes that things are not the same...
My Dear Son
Chow Fung
Peter Ho (Jacky Cheung) is a low-level employee at a prestigious firm in Central, but he hides a secret from his stodgy bosses. Peter's family is exceptionally poor, and his father (Bill Tung Piu) is actually an infamous street performer who sings off-color songs for donations on the street. Peter manages to progress in his job, and even begins to date his boss' daughter. But when the truth of his background is discovered, Peter is summarily fired. Bitter and angry, Peter joins the triads along with his pal (Sean Lau Ching Wan), and finds new romance with the luminous Maggie Cheung. When given the chance, Peter even uses his new underworld position to threaten his previous boss! But Peter sinks too far into the triad underworld, and soon not even his family can be spared from violence. A harrowing drama that progresses from social critique to triad indictment, My Dear Son runs the full gamut of emotions to deliver a tough and truthful message about the choices we make in life.
Doubles Cause Troubles
Zhu Ying Tai
Nurse Liang Shanbo and Actress Zhu Yingtai are mismatched cousins who just inherited a rental home from their late relative. When they moved in, they discover that a room has been rented out to a man named Ben, who turns out to be a criminal gangster. One night, when Ben returns home, bloodied and injured, he collapses into Yingtai's arms and whispers a code in her ear before he dies. Not knowing what the code leads to, Yingtai and Shanbo are later visited by a man claiming to be Ben's brother who wants to solve the case. In the meantime, gangsters believed to be involved with Ben's murder want to retrieve the code from the girls, whom they think were told by Ben what it actually unlocks.
Little Cop
Restuarant customer
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
The Bachelor's Swan Song
Kenny and Maggie, lovers of long standing, have been scrimping and saving for their marriage. One day Maggie suspects that she is pregnant, and suggests an early wedding. Kenny is thunder struck as he has just lost his every cent in the stock market.
Last Romance
Nancy Cheung
Though the title may suggest a straightforward romance, Yonfan’s artfully directed melodrama is actually a nuanced tale of friendship. The movie is firmly grounded in the realities of Hong Kong - the stock market crash of 1987 and the Sino-British negotiations over the colony's future.
The Beloved Son of God
Bibi Chang
A poignant look at mental retardation and society's ignorance and indifference towards people that are different.
Полицейская история 2
На свободу выходит Босс наркомафии Ку, но наркоторговля не остановлена, и первой его мыслью после заключения — отомстить полицейскому Кевину Ченгу, упрятавшему его за решетку. Ку нанимает киллера, который, впрочем, явно не в себе… Тем временем группа изощренных террористов пугает население серией взрывов в людных местах, и вымогает 10 миллионов долларов у одной торговой фирмы. Справиться с этой ситуацией и спасти любимую девушку под силу только полицейскому Кевину Ченгу.
How to Pick Girls Up!
Three love-challenged men meet a radio host who tutors them in the art of picking up women in a variety of unconventional ways in Wong Jing's gleefully crude and tasteless comedy.
Moon, Star and Sun
A story combined by the lives of three night clubs girls in. Porsche is a once-famous aging night club girl; May is forced to work in a night club in order to pay her step-father's debt; and GiGi needs a huge amount of money in order to help her fiancé. They all know Night Club Girl is not a good reputation job, and they expect to start over again someday. However, it seems they cannot break the "curse" that "Bad girls never have fortune"
Mother Vs Mother
"Romeo and Juliet" in Hong Kong, except the widow Capulet is father Montague's childhood sweetheart. The young lovers try to reconcile their mothers with the help of the father, who is left with a bad taste in his mouth.
Пока не высохнут слезы
Ah Ngor
Гангстеру средней руки приходится делать выбор между любовью к женщине и верностью идеалам мужской дружбы. В первом случае долгое счастье в семейном союзе во втором — смерть в качестве расплаты за доблесть.
Double Fattiness
Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.
Фиктивный брак
Jade Li
A washed up martial artist living in Los Angeles agrees to marry an illegal immigrant from Hong Kong to get her a Green Card and him some of her family fortune: but the odd couple are subjected to a whole lot of misfortune as their new life begins.
Love Soldier of Fortune
So See Dai
Love Soldier of Fortune is a Hong Kong Romance directed by Stanley Fung and starring Maggie Cheung.
Call Girl '88
Jenny Lin
A depressing tale dealing with five women involved with prostitution and the effects it has on their love and family lives. High class or low class, each is just as sad.
You're My Destiny
Driver of white sports car [cameo]
Naomi, a corporate heiress from Japan, vacations to Hong Kong with her two colleagues. Bored, she sneaks out to visit the city and befriends a local rock band and, appreciative of the company, later helps the members with their debit issues. Meanwhile, Naomi's colleagues received news that the big boss of their company succumbed to a heart attack and that Naomi must sign a document to prevent the company from being turned over to a corrupt executive. The colleagues try to locate Naomi, just as a relationship develops between her and the band leader.
Проект А: Часть 2
Отважный дракон Ма, прославившийся благодаря уничтожению пиратского гнезда на китайском море, получает новое назначение — его делают начальником округа. Основная причина этого назначения состоит в том, что власти сомневаются в чистоплотности его предшественника Чуна, как оказывается впоследствии, напрасно. В результате мастерски выполненной подставки дракон попадает в тюрьму. Теперь доказать свою невиновность он может только разоблачив Чуна…
Звезда романтики
Tung Tung
Фат работает механиком в гараже своего дяди Кена вместе с двумя друзьями. Во время поездки в Малайзию четверка знакомится с двумя моделями, которых принимают за богачек. Чтобы «соответствовать» их уровню, друзья тоже выдают себя за миллионеров, но что они будут делать, когда обман откроется?
Heartbeat 100
Maggie Cheung
A Fiction Writer and her sister travel to the country to work on a new novel. But, local thugs and a murder complicate matters.
Sister Cupid
Kit (Jacky Cheung) accidentally stumbles upon a house after his motorbike went out of control, and a girl (Maggie Cheung) helps him on his feet, then disappears. But Kit soon finds himself juggling more women than he might want after his female friend who has now moved next door (Pat Ha) expresses her interest along with her sister (Dodo).
Seven Years Itch
Jogger in park
An introverted businessman who doesn't get out much, Willie Ng recently celebrated his seventh anniversary, but his marriage seems to be hitting a slump. His wife is a Cantonese opera aficionado who often complains that her husband is boring and doesn't appreciate the arts. Willie himself is also eager for some action to break the monotony. When he goes to Singapore on a business trip, he encounters cute pickpocket Siu Hung at the airport, triggering off a series of events that puts his marriage in jeopardy.
The Game They Call Sex
The whole story revolves around a woman from marriage, marriage to divorce encounter sexual problems as the main axis, reflecting the Taiwan society in this regard subjective and objective taboos. The first paragraph of the description of the actress Xiao Xiaomin arranged with the parents of the scholar if strong engagement after the agreement with the high school students often travel, and finally cancel the engagement. The second paragraph to write her marriage in order to fight for a wounded into her young Wu Dawei testify to her husband's misunderstanding, but also the end of the divorce. The third paragraph to write her commitment to kindergarten education work to recognize the disabled young boy odd, she did not dare to face the problem of love, but the other's cheerful outlook touched her.
Седьмое проклятие
Tsui Hung
Однажды молодой доктор Чен Юань, будучи в экспедиции в джунглях Таиланда, героически спас прекрасную девушку, обречённую стать жертвой кровавого ритуала, но при этом сам попал под действие семи кровавых проклятий. Спасённая девушка с помощью конртзаклинания сумела приостановить действие проклятий, но спустя год их действие всё же настигло доктора Юаня, а также и саму девушку. Чтобы избежать смерти, доктор вынужден вернуться в Таиланд, чтобы разделаться со злобным колдуном и избавиться от проклятий.
Happy Ghost III
Tsui Han-Pan / Tsui Kiu Kiu
A young, unsuccessful singer, after committing suicide, is to be reincarnated, this time into a musical family. Her spirit must get to the hospital where her future mother is currently ready to give birth to her, so that she can enter the womb and be born. Unfortunately, she misses her appointed birth time, twice, due to the accidental intervention of a young man, Mr. Hong. At first she is angry and makes life hard for him, but eventually they fall in love, although she can't stay around long as she has one last chance to be born.
Lost Romance
Rose Wong
Rose (Maggie Cheung) and her big brother Charles (Chow Yun-fat) live a fairy-tale existence in their seaside villa. Rose is young, beautiful, and spoiled - in a word, irresistible. Disappointed in love, she moves to Paris. When Charles dies suddenly, she rushes back to Hong Kong to take over the family estate. Fate intervenes when she meets Ka-ming (also played by Chow Yun-fat), who is the exact image of her late brother. The two fall in love, but their romance is in the hands of a not always benevolent fate.
It's a Drink! It's a Bomb!
An illegal dealing of a soda-canned bomb between a crooked Hong Kong cop and two Japanese traffickers goes bad after an associate decides to go against their plans...
Полицейская история
В результате удачно проведенной облавы в руки полиции попадает босс наркомафии Чи. Одному из полицейских, Кевину, принимавшему непосредственное участие в аресте, поручают охрану секретарши преступника, которая проходит по делу в качестве главного свидетеля. Но в день суда она исчезает. Только разыскав девушку и арестовав Чи, Кевин сможет снять с себя подозрение в соучастии…
Girl with the Diamond Slipper
Cheung Man Ju
Two hopeless housebreaker brothers, Ah Chi and Fatty, steal a diamond that had already been earmarked by a criminal gang. Through a series of unfortunate and - frankly - unlikely events, the diamond ends up in the shoe of a rising star TV actress Cheung Man Ju. They pursue her all over Hong Kong until finally tracking her down at a charity ball where she must leave by midnight, and accidentally loses a shoe in the process.
Behind the Yellow Line
Leslie is Simon, a mild mannered guy starting a new job and taking care of his mom and dad. He catches a glimpse of a pretty girl named Monica at the MTR station--and it's love at first sight. But she's going through a tough breakup with a guy who's married. She does get over it and the two become a couple. But not only does her ex return, Simon is constantly interrupted by a perky rich girl Anita, who spends lots of money on him, is annoying, but is just looking for company. This strains Simon and Monica's quest for love, but finally she puts Simon to a test, once again at the MTR station.
Prince Charming
Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?