Panče Kamdžik


Time, Life
Adaptation of a TV Series with 3 episodes, "Third Age", filmed in 1986. This is a movie that shows how the old people live in a city (Skopje), film about love in the "third age", with a knit of humor and lyrically transposed characters.
Clement of Ohrid
Life and work of Saint Kliment of Ohrid, a medieval Slav saint, scholar, writer and patron saint of the Republic of Macedonia.
From Behind
Early Spring 1945. Albanian criminals attack innocent Macedonians in Macedonia.
The Time of Kites
Each time has its own games. This is a time when children's imagination was able to create art through fantasy. The adults shared the enthusiasm as well. A time that the war severely interrupted and marked the end of one's childhood and youth.
The Southern Trail
Follows the course of three different and independent relationships. The first in which a man renews a relationship with a former girlfriend. In the second a couple suddenly decide to marry, while in the third a couple are getting a divorce.
The Teacher
Macedonian TV movie.
Times, Waters
A Macedonian village has always struggled to find ways to bring water to its arid land - a struggle that may be won when a native son returns from America with the idea of setting up a watermill. Such an enterprise gets two villages in conflict over water rights, threatening to permanently turn people against each other. In the past, the territory had been occupied by the Italian armies, and a flashback shows a massacre in one village, a revelation that disaster has been a part of their history, in one way or another. No matter how he argues, the young man who advocated the watermill loses out to the builders of a dam - something that does not bode well for the low-lying village.
Stand Up Straight, Delfina
A Macedonian girl is trying to swim the British Channel. During the ordeal, she remembers her troubled past.
Самое долгое путешествие
Март 1903 года. Османская империя находится в процессе распада. Только Македония на Балканах еще не освобождена. Македонское революционное движение находится в полном разрастании. Турки пытаются сохранить свой последний бастион в Европе. Македонский народ подвергается самым жестоким притеснениям, так как это происходит из-за мести турок за поддержку и защиту комитас - борцов за свободу Македонии. В таком случае турки осаждают деревню, где проходит церемония прополки. По крестьянам стреляют, сгоняют, многих увозят. В крепости взяты в плен более двухсот человек. Турки приговаривают их к срокам от 15 до 101 года тюрьмы. Затем пленных загружают на корабль и отправляют в Малую Азию. На пути через пустыню македонцы подвергаются различным унижениям. Многие из них переедают и умирают. В октябре 1908 года заключенные прибывают на место отбывания наказания.
How Pertef and Leonida Loved Each Other
Macedonian TV drama.
The Smilevo Congress
Macedonian TV drama depicting the historical event of Smilevo Congress.
Good Valley
A small village in the valley, where young people traditionally go to work in overseas countries. Gligor also intended to leave several times, but changed his mind at the last moment. This time, he was determined to finally go to Canada. On his way, the love of a village woman prevented him.
People and Birds
Macedonian TV drama.
A Shot
Youth, which courage is always without prejudice, in Skopje in time of Bulgarian occupation in WW2, desire freedom for the people, resolves to several actions, including the biggest, to assassinate the police chief Emanuel Machkov...
The Macedonian Part of Hell
At the end of the year 1942 and the start of 1943, to stop spreading the revolution in county of Bitola, bulgarian occupiers are reinforcing the persecutions and the acts of violence on civil population. The movie is based on true events,
Doctor Homer's Brother
This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.
Days of Temptation
In 1918, after the end of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, hundreds of Macedonians immigrated to Bulgaria. Among them there were pro-Bulgarian Macedonians who wanted to exploit the emigrants for their own political purposes. A number of decent freedom fighters were eliminated. The victim of one of the assassins in Sofia was Djorche Petrov. His assassin is a young boy who doesn't even know that he is shooting dead the man who is one of the last real fighters for the freedom of Macedonia. By discovering that he has been unknowingly involved in the pro-Bulgarian organization and has been used for an execution of this vile act, it means the death sentence for the young boy.
Sulejman Tenova
In this sequel to "Captain Leshi", a group of Albanian nationalist movement (ballists) continues obstruction of the new Yugoslavian authorities even after the war. Captain Leshi manages to fight them successfully, as well as to fulfill his romance with beautiful Azira.
A Quiet Summer
Young scientist Zare and his wife, a theater costume designer Mira, live in a rented apartment where they were under the pressure of curious and disturbing neighbors. Once Zare was given the keys of the Ethnographic Museum in Ohrid in order to sort out the situation in this museum, this means escape for the family.
Салоникские патриоты
О подпольной террористической организации македонских патриотов, боровшихся за освобождение родины от турецкого ига.
Miss Stone
Macedonia on the turn of the century is enslaved by decaying Ottoman Empire. Freedom fighters, in order to raise money for their cause, kidnap American lady who works in Protestant mission.
Wolf's Night
A group of Macedonian partisans are hiding away in the mountains from Bulgarian fascist authorities that occupy Macedonia.