
Doctor Homer's Brother (1968)

Жанр : драма, военный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović

Краткое содержание

This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.


Bata Živojinović
Bata Živojinović
Simon Petrović
Voja Mirić
Voja Mirić
Doktor Homer
Jovan Milićević
Jovan Milićević
Kapetan Vuk
Ljuba Tadić
Ljuba Tadić
Pavle Vuisić
Pavle Vuisić
Zdravka Krstulović
Zdravka Krstulović
Jelena Žigon
Jelena Žigon
Vera, bolničarka
Petar Prličko
Petar Prličko
Stole Aranđelović
Stole Aranđelović
Janez Vrhovec
Janez Vrhovec
Darko Dameski
Darko Dameski
Panče Kamdžik
Panče Kamdžik
Abdurrahman Shala
Abdurrahman Shala
Istref Begolli
Istref Begolli
Vukan Dinevski
Vukan Dinevski


Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Živorad 'Žika' Mitrović
Bojan Adamič
Bojan Adamič
Original Music Composer
Branko Ivatović
Branko Ivatović
Director of Photography
Vojislav Bjenjaš
Vojislav Bjenjaš
Vlastimir Gavrik
Vlastimir Gavrik
Production Design
Slobodan Mijačević
Slobodan Mijačević
Art Direction
Zagorka Stojanović
Zagorka Stojanović
Costume Design


Главная героиня старается оправдать всеобщие ожидания и стать матерью. Но тяжёлые воспоминания о жестокости военного времени преследуют её и не дают покоя.
Убийственный мир
Young Bundeswehr soldiers Tom and Charly are stationed in Kosovo with the KFOR peacekeeping force. Their mission is to secure peace. Although the brutal war between the enemy Serbs and Albanians is officially over, the hatred between people continues to smoulder. When Tom and Charly rescue the young Serbian Mirjana from the fatal shot of the young sniper Durcan, they get caught between all fronts. They lose their professional distance due to the resulting closeness to Mirjana - who has to learn that her father was a war criminal - but also to Durcan - whose entire family was wiped out. Soon they are entangled in a conflict about guilt, manipulation, love and revenge...
В разгар войны на Балканах отряд испанских миротворцев должен выполнить опасное задание в далеком горном селении. Впереди у отважных солдат рискованный переход по территории, усеянной минными полями и тайными убежищами повстанцев, для которых все чужаки являются смертельными врагами. Бойцы готовы к любому повороту событий, но они не предполагают, что вскоре их благородная миссия спасения превратится в жестокое противостояние с безумцами, опьяненными кровью и смертью. Оказавшись в сердце мертвого города без транспорта, рации и амуниции, молодые парни и девушки должны стать героями, чтобы в безвыходной ситуации спасти себя и тех, кого они призваны защищать, заплатив за это своей кровью.
Бой на Косовом поле
28 июня на Видовдан (День Св. Вида) 1389 года на Косовом поле в Южной Сербии произошло решающее сражение между объединенными войсками сербов и боснийцев под предводительством князя Лазаря и турецкой армией, возглавляемой султаном Мурадом Первым. На Косовом поле сербы приняли неравный бой с превосходящими силами турок, и главным был именно их выбор — свободное судьбоносное решение бороться, но не предавать. Косовская битва, раскрывшая евангельскую этику сербского народа, переживается как торжество мучеников, но никогда — как поражение.
Draussen bleiben
В оккупированном НАТО Косово маленькая девочка обращается к Организации Объединенных Наций за помощью в поисках пропавшего без вести отца. Тем временем её дедушку одолевают параноидальные мысли о невидимых угрозах, затаившихся во тьме.
A woman who is raped and gives birth to a child in war torn Kosovo, struggles to keep her child.
Агнец божий
Based on a true story, Agnus Dei is a kind of Oedipus of our days. Peter must find his way to redemption. But the past will make itself known and fate sparingly gives mercy. Can he save himself, or even be saved at all?
Captain Lechi
Kosmet in the fall of 1944. The Partisans have successfully liberated the town of Prizren from occupying Germans,and Ramiz Leshi, a brave and cunning KNOJ captain, has to liquidate the remainder of the local Quislings, called Balists. They are led by a ruthless, German-trained soldier Kosta and by Ahmet, the brother of the famous Captain. As Ramiz is trying to get Ahmet out of the gang and hunt down the rest of the Balists, 2 new girls arrive in town. One of them is Lola, a bar singer with a questionable agenda, and the other is Vida, a withdrawn music teacher from Belgrade.
Wolf of Prokletije
Uka is an old Albanian who lives in the mountains on the border of Kosovo and Albania. As an honorable man, he must deal with his son who befriended Italian fascists during WW2.
Stolen Kosovo
Stolen Kosovo is a Czech language documentary by director Václav Dvořák (b. 1948), about the Serbian–Albanian conflict in Kosovo. The documentary describes the situation, first in a short overview of the history of the area, followed by the 1990s conflicts and bombing of Serbia by NATO forces in 1999 and ending with the situation after the Kosovo War. The documentary focuses on the 1990s in the time of Slobodan Milošević's rule as well as on numerous interviews of Serbian civilians and, less, of Albanian insurgents against the Milošević regime.
The Hornet
A love story between a Serbian girl and young Albanian set against the background of current Balkanic conflict.
Doctor Homer's Brother
This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.
В поисках Венеры
Закрытая, неразговорчивая Венера — подросток, она живет в небольшой деревне в Косово. Венера сталкивается с патриархальной средой, ходит в школу, чтобы выучить английский, живет дома с родителями и бабушкой, избегая мужских домогательств. К обычным в таких фильмах обстоятельствам добавляется послевоенный балканский контекст.
In this sequel to "Captain Leshi", a group of Albanian nationalist movement (ballists) continues obstruction of the new Yugoslavian authorities even after the war. Captain Leshi manages to fight them successfully, as well as to fulfill his romance with beautiful Azira.
The Agreement
'History is always made in the middle of the night. And when it happens, you are so damned tired, that you couldn't care less,' says Robert Cooper, an EU peace negotiator whose job it is to get Serbia and Kosovo to reach an agreement about peaceful coexistence. National pride and compromise are on everyone's lips, and much is at stake: Kosovo wants to come closer to independence, the Serbs have been promised EU membership if they can reach an agreement, and the EU tries to strengthen its credibility. But how far is each party willing to go? It is the unique characters that make this fascinating film about a delicate political game so vivid and loveable. The stoic, Serbian negotiator has a great passion for rock music, his colleague from Kosovo does not want to miss out on his daily visit to the hairdresser, and Cooper himself has a closet full of ties - one for every conceivable occasion.
Flotel Europa
When this film’s director was still a boy, he stood in front of “Flotel Europa“ and was hugely excited about the prospect of this gigantic ship moored in the port of Copenhagen becoming a new home for him, his mother and his older brother. Together with about 1000 other refugees from the former Yugoslavia, they started life anew on the ship.
The Celebration of 550th Anniversary of the Kosovo Battle
Yugoslavian documentary, about their people and preparing for war.
The Man of Earth
Sokol is a middle-aged Kosovar Albanian who, together with his family, emigrates from Kosovo to Turkey, and faces the foreign and unknown world. After some time he becomes homesick, eventually leaving his last will he gave to his son that when he dies, his bones will be returned to his native country. He dies near of a cliff at the Black Sea coast. In his native village, the news that Sokol has been returned from emigration are being spread.
A Single Frame
The journey of A SINGLE FRAME weaves an exploration of the impact of photography from both sides of the shutter. The fascinating post-war culture of Kosovo serves as backdrop.