Jelena Žigon

Jelena Žigon

Рождение : 1933-11-03, Belgrade, Serbia

Смерть : 2018-04-10


Jelena Žigon


For the King and Fatherland
Luiza Mišić
The film is picturing the faith of the old Serbian warrior Milisav Janjic, who fought against the German occupation in the Second World War as a member of the "Ravnogorski pokret". The storyline narrates his memories of the past and the war events in the spring of 1941 interwoven with the contemporary moments, the author features the attack of fascist Germany, the April war and the fall of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the misfortune placed upon the Serbian people, loss of freedom, birth of the freedom movement in Serbia and one Serbian soldier, who after 70 years of expatriation in America returns to his homeland.
Marija (segment "Srebrni metak")
A three-part anthology film.
Some Birds Can't Fly
The doctors predicted Vesna to have one more year. The very sick girl is taken, by her estranged grandfather, up to the mountains, where she learns of a different life.
Package Deal
Darkova majka
A three-part omnibus. First story: A young couple agrees to pretend to be in love with each other. Second story: After deciding to leave his band, a young bassist shows up for an audition for a drummer. There he meets a man who offers him money to kill his wife. Third story: Two successful robbers go through a hard time when one of them starts to pay to much more attention to his guitar playing skills than the job.
Born to Be a Warrior
Svetlanina majka
Couple of guys from a small town in Montenegro come to the big city, they plan to leave their mark in the new environment by winning in street fights but keep the chivalry they brought from back home. One of them (Dragomir Stojanovic), deals with injustice with his fists, hiding behind "tough guy" facade his deep sensitivity. Along the way he finds love with a pretty young girl.
Жикина женитьба
Jelena Todorović
Сват Милан уговаривает свата Жику жениться, описывая всевозможные прелести будущей семейной жизни. Для этого он подает брачные объявления в газеты, предлагая кандидаткам присылать видеокассеты с записью своего «портфолио». Но вот сам Жика не горит желанием что-либо менять в своей размеренной жизни...
Тёмная сторона Солнца
Рик Клейтон с рождения поражен страшным недугом. Его кожа не переносит света — как солнечного, так и электрического. С ног до головы облаченный в защитное кожаное одеяние, он даже не знает своего лица.Но молодая американская актриса, почти случайно оказавшаяся в небольшом городке на Адриатическом побережье, покоряет сердце живого призрака и вырывает его из вечной тьмы. Любовь толкает его на безрассудство: Рик решает познать всю радость, которую дарит людям солнечный свет. За короткие три дня ему предстоит прожить свою жизнь полно и ярко и потерять последнюю надежду на выздоровление.
Weird Years
Jelena Todorović
After the road accident, Zika and Milan end up in an overcrowded hospital, run by doctor Nedeljkovic and his sexually obsessed nurse. Accompanied by a crazy bandmaster and a peasant with farting problems, they will try to get away from the ongoing chaos.
Second Žika's Dynasty
Jelena Todorović
Unlike in the previous sequel of "Foolish Years"/"Zika's Dynasty" film series, Zika's and Milan's grandson became crazy for girls, having sex with them simultaneously in his apartment. Granddads are now worried for different reason, so they visit the doctor who gives them an advice to send their grandson to the country in order to use his strength appropriately.
Zika's Dynasty
Misa is already a teenager but with little interest in girls and much for his violin. Two granddads, Zika and Milan, are worried for their grandson who may 'deviate' like Steven from "Dynasty", the show they like to watch. That's why they decide to introduce him better to their attractive housekeeper.
What Happens When Love Comes to Town
Jelena Todorović
Misa in the music school falls in love with a young Russian girl Natasha, who was then located in Belgrade. But their parents think that they are too young for love. Natasha's parents do not allow that connection, so they go back to Moscow. Unlike parents who want to end their relationship Zika and Milan are on their side. Zika begins to learn the Russian language.
Come to Me and Go from Me
Jelena Todorović
Marija and Boba are moving into an apartment and the financial problems came to a crisis in their marriage. Affected consumer fever make them neglect each other and the child. In addition, Zika and Milan persistently interfere in their lives.
Like Grandpa, Like Grandson
Jelena Todorović
Zika and Milan are fighting over who gets to spend more time with grandson Misha, who is five years old. Although Misha lives with his parents in Milan grandfather, Zika all ways of trying to learn Misa tavern life and his craft. A Milan his grandson sent to violin lessons and English. Come up with a number of interesting situations.
Люби, люби, но не теряй головы
Jelena Todorović
Пока главные герои, Мария и Боба, заняты друг другом и работой в летнем трудовом лагере, их родители по-своему вспоминают свои «сумасшедшие годы». Жика вовсю флиртует с матерью Марии, а тем временем ситуация осложняется появлением двум молодых немок…
The Time Has Come for Love to Try
Jelena Todorović
Though the problem of Marija's pregnancy may be solved, her relationship with Boba causes a rift between the Pavlović and Todorović families.
Пришло время любить
Jelena Todorović
Десятиклассники Мария и Бобо полюбили друг друга с первого взгляда. Но недолго длилось их счастье. Мария поняла, что у нее будет ребенок и, боясь родительского гнева, решилась на крайние меры. Врачам с трудом удалось спасти ей жизнь. Тяжело переживая случившееся, юные влюбленные остались верны своему чувству. Любовь оказалась сильнее всех препятствий.
The Picture Show Man
Madame Cavalli (as Yelena Zignon)
A man, his son and a piano player travel around Australia showing the first silent movies
Promised Woman
Antigone arrives in Sydney from Greece to have an arranged marriage with Telis, but is rejected by him as he expected a younger woman. Telis's older brother, Manolis, sympathizes with Antigone.
More Than a Game
Popular TV series has been reedited into a theatrical film with additional material that has not been seen on TV before. The film is a homage to the legends of the Yugoslav theater, some of whom are no longer alive. The story takes place in the town for ten years from 1931 to 1941 and shows the conflict of progressive and humane ideas with fascism. A film made from the TV series of the same name (nine episodes) realized in 1976 and shown in 1977.
Doctor Mladen
The story begins in 1941 and shows one of the people who which were actually, very brave and proudly fought against the Ustasha, Germans and other butchers, not related to that ideology was tied. The film is about Dr. Mladen Stojanovic legend of Kozara and Krajina, great man, humanist, friend, and finally the commander one of a the proud partisan detachment, which is that area brought for a moment bring much desired freedom.
A Trap for the General
Vera, učiteljica
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
My Part of the World
A beautiful and poetic at the same time difficult and tragic story. In the distant mountain village in Herzegovina, shortly after the end of World War II, lonely women and children await the return of men from the front. The few men that remained in the village trying to go to America and find the salvation of the lumber and stone. Center of the story is loneliness and anticipation. This is a tragic story of two men whose fight for the heart of a woman cost the head of both.
Doctor Homer's Brother
Vera, bolničarka
This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.
The Morning
In the first days after the Second World War, as collaborators are being taken care of, a former partisan finds out that war never truly ends — not even in time of peace.
Wild Seed
A man who escaped from a prison comes to his inmate's village to find his wife, after having been told how wonderful she is. He hides at her place only to find out that she receives "night visits" from the village men. He starts a killing spree, causing panic among the locals.
Er ging allein
The Three Fantastic Supermen
Olga of Norway
FBI agent Brad joins Tony and Nick, the self styled Supermen who battle crime wearing bullet-proof super-suits. They are on a case involving radioactive counterfeit money and people who can be broken down into precious jewels.
So Darling, So Deadly
A scientist invents a filter that can increase the power of a laser beam, turning it into a death ray! A dangerous crime organization wants the device and will stop at nothing to get it, while murder and violence follow Joe and Tom to Singapore as they try to foil the evil plans.
Верная Рука - друг индейцев
Благородный герой Джонни Гарден, прозванный Верная Рука за виртуозную стрельбу, странствует по Дикому Западу в поисках убийц своей матери. Вместе со своими друзьями - индейцами и белыми — ему приходится вступить в противоборство с многочисленной бандой, возглавляемой изобретательным и безжалостным злодеем, известным как Генерал; он-то и оказывается личным врагом Верной Руки.
Они шли за солдатами
Sofia Kalamikari
В оккупированной итальянцами Греции осенью 1941 года лейтенант Мартино получает задание развести по армейским борделям 12 девушек. Эта поездка выявляет истинную человеческую сущность ее участников.
Direktorova žena
Having used someone else’s I.D. he had found in a barber shop, Boda is mistakenly being proclaimed an inspector. He finds himself in all sorts of adventures, discovers some big machinations in one company and helps in catching the deceiver.
Two Nights in a Day
Commander Pavle receives partisan Jovan to shot him for not executing his orders. While listening to his unfortunate love story from the war, Pavle remembers his own relationship which had an equally bitter epilogue, and decides to set Jovan free.
Мужчины вчера, сегодня и...
Кинокомедия. Экономист Жика часто упрекает жену, врача Миру, в том, что работа отнимает у неё много времени и ей некогда навести порядок в семье и следить за своей внешностью. Получив отпуск, Жика сам начинает вести домашнее хозяйство, а Мира, имея теперь достаточно свободного времени, много внимания уделяет себе, своим личным делам. Такая перемена в семье Жики вызывает общее одобрение соседок и возмущение их мужей. Начинаются мелкие неприятности и ссоры. В конце концов, после ряда забавных перипетий, Мира и Жика мирятся и помогают друг другу.
Whistle at Eight
Poznata glumica
A film crew wants to make a serious drama, but the investors agree to fund the movie only if they make something funny. Hence the drama becomes a comedy with famous singer Đorđe Marjanović in star role.
In this sequel to "Captain Leshi", a group of Albanian nationalist movement (ballists) continues obstruction of the new Yugoslavian authorities even after the war. Captain Leshi manages to fight them successfully, as well as to fulfill his romance with beautiful Azira.
Collision at the Paralels
Suspicious husband follows his wife and her male boss on their business trip.
Adventure at the Door
Gospođa Rubricijus
Story of the dream of a lonely woman lying mentally ill in a sanatorium.
The First Citizen of a Small Town
Katarina Ilić
The citizens of a small town find it difficult to depart from its center, which is to be demolished to build a new, a more functional one. The chairman of the municipality, the first citizen of this small town, supports the plan of female architect-designer, a pretty girl he fell for. But to make locals sure that he didn't approve the old center's demolition under her influence, the president begins to avoid the girl, who then marries another man. By carrying out the ritual wedding, the first citizen of a small town is left with his city all alone.
Любовь и мода
О соревновании двух домов моделей: "Югомода" и "Югошик". Одной из модельных компаний, чтобы опередить своих конкурентов, срочно требуется организовать показ мод, но все возможные площадки, где можно было бы организовать показ моделей, заняты. Кроме того необходимо срочно создать новые модели, но художнику–модельеру Бора необходимо для этого вдохновение. Одновременно клубу планеристов, в котором Соня – лучшая планеристка, не только красивая девушка, но еще и прекрасно поет, срочно требуются деньги, чтобы заплатить за полетные часы. Вроде бы интересы совпадают, но денег, которые дает прижимистый коммерческий директор, планеристам не хватает. И тогда у друзей Сони рождается план… К чему все это приведет? Может, Бора обретет своё вдохновение, а Соня встретит того единственного, о котором мечтает?