Vojislav Bjenjaš


Love and Rage
The richest merchant in XIX century Sarajevo and his fellow travelers are captured by a group of bandits. In order to learn more about merchant’s riches, the bandits’ leader investigates the group and discovers that merchant’s wife, who cheated on merchant during one of his travels, later – in fear of his vengeance played to be possessed by “rage”. Looking for the cure, the merchant brings his wife to Ahmed Jusuf – former warrior and man of authority. Jusuf advised the merchant to take his wife and move into another region – having an idea on what was the story behind wife’s rage, bat also in an attempt to protect himself from the feelings that have already stifled.
Вальтер защищает Сараево
Если не считать СССР, нигде фашисты во время Второй Мировой войны не встречали столь ожесточенного сопротивления, как в Югославии. Вот и в Сараево германское командование сознает, что настоящим хозяином города является не оккупационная власть, а неуловимый партизанский командир Вальтер и его боевые друзья. А ведь именно через Сараево немцы собираются перебросить горючее, чтобы спасти отступающую танковую армию. Фашисты решили использовать сильную сторону своего противника и взорвать подпольную организацию изнутри. В отряде отлично поставлена конспирация. Кто такой Вальтер и как он выглядит, никто не знает. Чтобы создать атмосферу растерянности и подозрительности, чтобы измотать подпольщиков предательствами, немцы внедряют в ряды патриотов своего «Вальтера».
The Pine Tree in the Mountain
Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men.
Doctor Homer's Brother
This film predominantly deals with the problems of a young man whom his delusions led into conflict with society. These issues will throw him into an adventure that would be tragic for him, but still helpful for him to see the truth. The story takes place in Kosovo in 1945, in an atmosphere of uncured wounds, wandering, betrayal, burned homes, typhoid and other postwar misery. An authentic story from those days was taken as the film's basis.
The Shadow of Glory
An ex-motorcycle racing champion who gave up the sport after a serious crash meets a charming girl who came to watch one of the races. A new romance between them ratchets up his desire to compete again and apply for the race, whilst girl's boyfriend tries to win her heart back.
Сигналы над городом
1941-й год. В руки усташей попадает один из лидеров антифашистского движения Томо Кнежевич. При задержании он тяжело ранен и находится под охраной в больнице города Краловац. Этим обстоятельством решает воспользоваться базирующийся неподалеку от города партизанский отряд. Переодевшись в форму домобранства (регулярной армии марионеточного Независимого Государства Хорватия), партизаны строевым шагом входят в Краловац и без всякого сопротивления захватывают больницу. Однако выбраться из города с освобожденным товарищем оказывается куда более сложной задачей…
По окончании войны бывший партизан Алеш, потерявший в боях руку, вынужден работать курьером. Мещанская среда, окружающая Алеша, способствует тому, что он становится озлобленным, раздражительным. Однажды в дни праздника, посвящённого освобождению страны, Алеш снова встречается со своими боевыми друзьями и с девушкой, которую когда-то любил. Разговор с ними, а также чуткое отношение некоторых сослуживцев резко меняют судьбу Алеша — он вновь обретает веру в себя, в людей, в жизнь.
Captain Lechi
Kosmet in the fall of 1944. The Partisans have successfully liberated the town of Prizren from occupying Germans,and Ramiz Leshi, a brave and cunning KNOJ captain, has to liquidate the remainder of the local Quislings, called Balists. They are led by a ruthless, German-trained soldier Kosta and by Ahmet, the brother of the famous Captain. As Ramiz is trying to get Ahmet out of the gang and hunt down the rest of the Balists, 2 new girls arrive in town. One of them is Lola, a bar singer with a questionable agenda, and the other is Vida, a withdrawn music teacher from Belgrade.
The False Passport
Simon is a young man who has decided to make quick money by smuggling narcotics. At a meeting with his contact they are ambushed by the police. Simon runs away but loses his wallet and so supposes that his identity must now be known to the police. Kalpak, the unscrupulous man who organizes this group of smugglers insists that he and Simon to leave at once. Simon agrees to cross the border illegally. Simon's girl-friend Lena and his brother Cvetko are involved in this operation by chance. They all leave together. Lena tries to persuade Simon to give himself up to the authorities, but the arguments of Kalpak, who uses the lost wallet as a threat, are stronger. In the attempt to cross the lake in a stolen boat they are chased by the police. Kalpak gets killed, Simon is wounded and the girl Lena drops the narcotics into the lake.
Five Minutes of Paradise
Two concentration camp prisoners are taken by Nazis to disable un exploded bombs in German towns. When they work on the ruins, with their guards safely away, they enjoy a few precious moments of freedom.
Shots in the Sky
Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked against the partisans on behalf of the Germans. In bitter retaliation, the lieutenant sets about to decimate the Chetnik's family. He stops short, however, when he realizes that the sins of the fathers are not always passed down to the innocent children.
The Last Railway
A group of railroad workers decide to make extra money by smuggling forbidden goods and engaging in other criminal activities. The first crime film made in Yugoslavia.
The Upstarts
Film about moral decay of Trieste elite during 1890s based on novel by Slovenian writer Janko Kersnik.