Susumu Iwabuchi


A.K.A. Serial Killer
Assistant Director
AKA Serial Killer documents the social upheaval and political oppression that roiled Japan in the 1960s, profiling a nineteen-year-old serial killer Norio Nagayama. An indictment of media sensationalism, the film humanizes the young man by situating his crimes in the larger context of his environment.
Ангелы в экстазе
Группа террористов, известных только по кличкам — дням недели, оказывается преданной своей же собственной организацией после неудачного нападения на американскую военную базу. Шаткое равновесие дружбы и доверия окончательно разрушено. Молодежь с неустойчивой психикой превращается в разнузданную орду жестоких убийц, садистов и сексуальных параноиков, неспособных к организованным действиям...
Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War
Adachi and Wakamatsu went to Beirut on the way back from the Cannes Film Festival. There, in collaboration with the Red Army members and PFLP, they produced this newsreel film depicting the everyday activities of Arab guerrillas as a cinematic narrative on the world revolution.
Gushing Prayer: A 15-Year-Old Prostitute
Cock 2
Desensitized and dissatisfied, a young yet jaded sexual veteran sets out on a journey of self-discovery while teetering on the threshold of womanhood. Yasuko is taking part in an orgy when she realizes that she has lost all feeling - not just physically, but emotionally as well. Now, with the weight of responsibility and adult expectation weighing down on her shoulders, Yasuko attempts to better understand how she could be so empty at such a tender age.