Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Таэко была обычной японской домохозяйкой и счастливо жила с мужем и маленьким сыном, но внезапно в её жизнь возвращается отец мальчика — глухой кореец. Женщина пытается помочь ему, но это приводит к непредсказуемым последствиям.
Junko runs a Thai restaurant left by her late husband. Yuuji is a furniture maker who has recently divorced. One day, Junko buys a handmade table via mail order from Yuuji. The table is all perfect except the doll, which was sent as a bonus, is missing its head. Learning that, Yuuji insists to send back the missing head parts to Junko. Eventually, the two can sense a connection between them as they start interacting with each other through email. Will romance blossom once again between the two people who're halfway through their lives?
Director of Photography
Yuko Morimiya is a high school student and she lives with her stepfather Morimiya. Morimiya is her third father. Her mother, Rika, is a free spirited person and has remarried several times. She disappeared from Yuko's life at a certain point. Even though Yuko and her stepfather are not blood related, she is fully loved by her him.
Director of Photography
Пятиклассник, в венах которого течет кровь охотника на ёкаев, внезапно переносится в фэнтезийный мир, где ему придется возглавить битву одних монстров против других.
Director of Photography
Keisuke Kuroda wakes up in a hospital bed unable to remember who he is. While sneaking out of the hospital, he sees a glimpse of the news and realizes that he is the Prime Minister of Japan. His approval rating was the lowest in the history of modern Japan. During a recent speech, a citizen had thrown a rock at him causing him to lose his memory. Keisuke Kuroda’s subordinate takes him to the official residence of the prime minister where he tries to implement changes to the country. The only people aware that he has lost his memory are his three secretaries.
Director of Photography
The time spent between professional Shogi player Kiriyama and his three stories helps to heal his wounds. As he prepares to secure another win in an upcoming tournament, the father who left the three sisters appears and disturbs the peace.
Director of Photography
Rei Kiriyama is a 17-years-old shogi (Japanese chess) player. He debuted as a professional shogi player when he was in middle school. He lives by himself in Tokyo, because his parents and younger sister died in an traffic accident when he was little. One day, Rei Kiriyama meets three sisters who are his neighbors. The three sisters are Akari Kawamoto, Hinata Kawamoto and Momo Kawamoto. This is his first meeting with someone outside of the shogi world in many years. Having meals with the Kawamoto family brings warm feelings to Rei Kiriyama. As Rei Kiriyama continues his shogi career, his interactions with his neighbors allows him to grow as a shogi player and as a person.
Director of Photography
In Tokyo, Japan, several grotesque murders take place on rainy days. Detective Sawamura, who is in charge of the case, soon discovers that his own family is connected to the crimes.
Director of Photography
С давних пор человечество изучает Марс, пытаясь подчинить себе этот безжизненный и суровый мир. Ученые уже не один десяток лет бьются над планами освоения этой планеты ради блага человечества, запуская на неё различные формы жизни и наблюдая за ними. Теперь, спустя сотни лет, когда Земля становится перенаселенной, находится способ превратить красную планету в пригодное для жизни место. Запускается проект терраформирования, для завершения которого на Марс отправляется группа смельчаков. Но при приземлении их встречает отнюдь не безмолвная пустыня, а гигантские монстры.
Director of Photography
Set in the year 2265. There is a small restaurant along the main road Galaxy Kaido, which connects Earth and the space colony Uzushio.
Director of Photography
A humanoid robot deliverywoman muses on the mystery of human nature as she drops off parcels around the galaxy.
Director of Photography
Shiratori Tatsuhiko works as a scout for Burst, a talent agency in Kabukichō, Shinjuku's red light district. In a business where money means everything Tatsuhiko finds himself in a constant struggle between rival talent scouts and the yakuza.
Director of Photography
Герой этого фильма задумал снять фильм о якудзе, который поразит зрителей жесткостью и реалистичностью. Но для этого ему приходится близко познакомится с миром японской мафии, а это чревато большими проблемами и для него, и для всей съемочной группы. Теперь молодому режиссеру предстоит пожалеть, что на съемках стало слишком много реализма, а льющаяся рекой кровь – совсем не бутафорская...
Director of Photography
A young Chinese Go board game player arrives in Japan for training. He doesn't speak Japanese and becomes embarrassed living there. By dropping his Go stones, he happens to meet an old Japanese woman who sells vegetables on the street. They become familiar with each other. The young Chinese Go player, the old woman named Igarashi and her grandson Shoichi then live together.
Director of Photography
Во второй части Чиаки поступит интересное предложение от старой знакомой. Чувства обиды и несправедливости переполнят Нодамэ и заставят совершить непредвиденные поступки. Главным героям предстоит разобраться в своих чувствах и желаниях…
Director of Photography
Чиаки выигрывает международный конкурс и становится новым дирижером оркестра Ру Марле. Он отправляется с Франком на выступление оркестра и наблюдает удручающее зрелище. Видимо, из-за недостатка финансирования оркестр потерял часть музыкантов и интерес аудитории…
Director of Photography
A man arrives in the city upon news of a potential terrorist strike in Italy. He is Japanese foreign diplomat, Kosaku Kuroda, and he’s here under orders of his supervisor at the Foreign Ministry, Hiroshi Kataoka (Kiichi Nakai), to aid in the safeguarding of Japanese citizens. Kuroda’s main contacts at the Japanese embassy consist of Ambassador Kikuhara, Counselor Nishino, and fellow diplomatic envoys Haba and Tanimoto. All are busy preparing for the visit of Japanese Foreign Minister Kawagoe due to arrive for the high-profile G8 foreign minister’s meeting. Meanwhile, somewhere on the festively-lit streets of the city, a young Japanese girl has suddenly gone missing. Is it an abduction simply for ransom? Or could it be a prelude to terror?
Director of Photography
Это история про супергероя, который спасает мир вместе со своей подругой и машиной-роботом, а в свободное время чинит игрушки…
Director of Photography
У дeтeктивa Kaopy Уцyми нoвoe дeлo. B зaбpoшeннoм пapкe былo oбнapyжeнo тeлo зaдyшeннoгo чeлoвeкa c изyвeчeнными лицoм и кoнчикaми пaльцeв. Глaвнoй пoдoзpeвaeмoй cтaнoвитcя бывшaя жeнa жepтвы. Oднaкo, y нee oкaзывaeтcя идeaльнoe aлиби и cлeдcтвиe зaxoдит в тyпик. Toгдa Уцyми oбpaщaeтcя зa пoмoщью к пpoфeccopy Maнaбy Юкaвe, гeниaльнoмy физикy, вpeмя oт вpeмeни пoмoгaющeмy eй pacпyтывaть кaзaлocь бы нepaзpeшимыe дeлa. Oкaзывaeтcя, чтo coceд пo квapтиpe пoдoзpeвaeмoй Tэцyя Иcигaми — бывший oднoкaшник Юкaвы и тaлaнтливeйший мaтeмaтик. Юкaвa нaчинaeт пoдoзpeвaть, чтo Иcигaми кaк-тo зaмeшeн в yбийcтвe и oкaзывaeт вдoвe пoмoщь в coкpытии пpecтyплeния.
Director of Photography
A stolen military aircraft with nuclear missiles on board crashes in the snowbound Northern Japanese Alps. Two teams of rangers from Japan's Defense Force must reach the craft before the enemies do.
Director of Photography
Мика учится в старшей школе. Все ее ровесницы только и делают, что щебечут о парнях, а Мика еще совсем неопытна в любви. Но однажды в ее жизни появляется светловолосый парень по имени Хиро, который всерьез настроен заполучить ее сердце.
Director of Photography
Daisato, a second-rate, third-generation superhero, annoys his neighbors with the noise and destruction he causes on the job. But a heroic public image is the least of his concerns. Besides defending Japan from bizarre monsters, he must deal with an agent seeking to brand him with ads, a superhero grandfather with Alzheimer's and a family embarrassed by his incompetence.
Director of Photography
Four strangers (a verbose romantic, a human lie detector, an expert pickpocket, and a woman with a preternaturally precise sense of time) are brought together by chance when they inadvertently team up to thwart a bank robbery. Recognizing the potential of their combined talents, they decide to form a bank-robbing gang themselves, just for the fun and romance of it. Their heists are played out swiftly and coolly, less like robberies than performance art. Eventually, the foursome's good-natured crime streak is interrupted when a man from one of their pasts creates a whirlwind of extortion and double crossing.
Director of Photography
Mars Canal - Within absolute silence, a naked man wanders through a dark and depressing landscape recalling the excruciating details of his last encounter with his former lover. Mirror Hell - When a series of women are discovered with their faces burnt and skulls charred, a young detective investigates, discovering that a unique hand mirror is always found at the scene. Caterpillar - A war hero returns home with no limbs and only his eyesight remaining. His beautiful wife, tired of taking care of him, turns to torturing her crippled husband for amusement. Crawling Bugs - A sexy actress is returning home from a successful night on stage, until her limo driver decides that she should be coming home with him.
Director of Photography
Проклятие умерших обитает в местах, где они жили, поджидая новую жертву. Когда проклятие находит новую жертву — она умирает. А проклятие становится только сильнее. И так, убивая жертву за жертвой, однажды брошенное проклятие как вирус распространяется и плетет сеть ужаса…
Director of Photography
У вас звонит мобильный телефон. Но вместо привычного сигнала — странная незнакомая мелодия. Вы не успеваете ответить. На дисплее надпись — «1 пропущенный звонок». Номер звонившего — ваш собственный. Время звонка кажется очень странным — оно сдвинуто в будущее от сегодняшней даты ровно на три дня. На автоответчике одно сообщение. Это ваш собственный голос, ничего не значащие слова, какие-то посторонние звуки и вдруг — леденящий душу предсмертный крик. Это кажется чьей-то дурацкой шуткой, но жить вам осталось ровно три дня…
Director of Photography
A James Brown fanatic gangster decided to disband his own gang and see his long lost daughter before entering prison. Hoping to change his mind, his underlings planned to kidnap James Brown to convince him to perform privately for their boss.
Director of Photography
A portrait of an ordinary family that turns unstable when their frivolous son Shuji returns home after a long absence.
Director of Photography
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
Director of Photography
Katsunori Takahashi and Ken Watanabe star in a modern yakuza tale in the classic Japanese film series, Battles Without Honor and Humanity, directed by Hajime Hashimoto.
Director of Photography
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
Director of Photography
Ишиматсу моет посуду в ресторане, часто посещаемом «якудза». Когда одинокий бандит входит в ресторан и начинает стрелять в посетителей, все гангстеры впадают в панику. Ишиматсу спокойно появляется из кухни и бьет бандита по голове табуретом. Это его билет в мир организованной преступности. Он становится жестоким боевиком «якудза», и, благодаря своей жестокости начинает продвигаться по иерархической лестнице. Однако, вскоре становится понятно, что Ишиматсу неспособен функционировать в пределах иерархии «якудза». Его сильный характер и яркая личность делают его незаменимым, но недостаток уважения доставляет больше проблем, чем его кулаки решают. В результате ссоры внутри клана Ишиматсу стреляет в своего босса. Он должен скрыться от возмездия клана. Как одиночка, свободное орудие «якудза», освобожденный от ограничений иерархии, Ишиматсу находит идеальное поле для своих собственных сильных убеждений.
Director of Photography
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
Director of Photography
Дружная семья Катакури открывает небольшой отель в горах и терпеливо ждет первых гостей. К несчастью, первый же постоялец кончает жизнь самоубийством.Не желая себе лишних проблем, Катакури закапывают покойника в лесу. Но настоящие неприятности еще впереди. Второй постоялец, знаменитый борец сумо, умирает во время полового акта со школьницей, насмерть придавив юную партнершу своим огромным весом. Могила в лесу становится все больше и глубже. В дальнейших бедах Катакури задействованы узкоглазый самозваный член британской королевской семьи, обезумевший убийца, извержение вулкана и хор разлагающихся зомби. Счастье Катакури можно было бы назвать еврейским, если бы они не были японцами...
Director of Photography
Japanese detective Hayase is caught in the midst of a truck robbery on the way to the Seoul airport. Being forced to extend his stay and help identify the robbers, Hayase gets thrown into another situation -- as Japan's Foreign Minister is kidnapped before the upcoming Asian Summit. Is 72 hours enough?
Director of Photography
В детстве Ичи обижали сверстники. Поэтому он вырос полным психом: убил родителей и попал под влияние босса одной из мощнейших преступных группировок, который использовал парня для устранения конкурентов. Но однажды сам босс внезапно исчезает, причем не один, а с солидным чемоданом, набитым деньгами. Вскоре в одном из отелей находят его труп в луже крови и вывернутыми наизнанку органами. Его ближайшие друзья пытаются найти убийцу и подвергнуть его не менее страшной смерти. Правда они не знают, что убийца буквально дышит им в спину, работая вместе с ними над этим убийством. Ведь это сам Ичи: Как бы медленно не проходило расследование, но круг подозреваемых сужается и скоро вся жизнь Ичи повернет свое «привычное» русло…
Director of Photography
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
Director of Photography
In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.
Director of Photography
A group of terrorists has taken hold of the largest dam in Japan. They also capture the workers as hostages, and demanded $5 billion yen from the government with a 24 hour deadline in exchange for the lives of the hostages. To make things more complicated, there was a snowstorm and no one can get in or out near the area. Fortunately, the terrorists did not capture Togashi, the dam controller, and he is the only person who can rescue those hostages from the terrorists...
Infected with Tomie's blood, a surgeon disappears, leaving his daughter, Yumi, to try to discover Tomie's identity and to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.
Director of Photography
Банда Рюичи стремится обрести свое место под солнцем: грабит банки, устраивает разборки с китайскими и японскими гангстерами, пытается взять под контроль пригороды Токио и поставку наркотиков с Тайваня.
Director of Photography
Мужчина, семь лет назад потерявший жену, решает найти себе подругу жизни. С помощью приятеля, близкого к шоу-бизнесу, он организовывает кинопробы, которые, на самом деле становятся смотринами девушек разных возрастов и их вредных привычек. И находит, что искал…
Director of Photography
Чтобы избавиться от кошмарных воспоминаний и начать новую жизнь, Рейчел с сыном переезжают в маленький городок в штате Орегон. Но, когда совершается убийство и на месте преступления обнаруживают загадочную, неподписанную видеокассету, Рейчел понимает, что мстительная Самара вернулась и решительнее, чем прежде намерена продолжить свой безжалостный террор. В отчаянной борьбе за жизнь, свою и сына, Рейчел вновь должна противостоять Самаре.
Director of Photography
Nostalgia is Takashi Miike’s favorite film of his considerable body of work. Including biographical elements, Nostalgia centers around the home and school of a young boy, whose family mix the violent and dysfunctional with the comic and the loveable. Though containing elements of the sudden and shocking brutality that many associate with this director, Young Thugs – Nostalgia is more concerned with a child’s moment of leaving the internalized world of fantasy, and passing on eagerly to the next stage of life. A wonderful, touching, startling vision that is uniquely Miike’s.
Original Story
Based on the popular comic series by Hideo Yamamoto serialized in Weekly Young Sunday. Stars Asumi Miwa (Love & Pop). The film depicts a "peeping tom" who uncovers people's darker sides by following them and eavesdropping on their conversations.
Director of Photography
Ambitious yakuza Kenji befriends harmonica-playing bartender Chuji, who moonlights as a part-time drug-dealer for the opposing gang. Their friendship is threatened by Kenji's plans for advancement, as well as by his bodyguards growing jealousy of Chuji.
Director of Photography
After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.
Director of Photography
Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.
Director of Photography
Это история бывшего полицейского детектива Ниши, который сам идет на преступление и вступает в кровавый конфликт с якудза — японской мафией, ради того, чтобы помочь самым важным людям в его жизни — вдове убитого коллеги, тяжело раненому и парализованному другу, и своей смертельно больной жене.Вместе с ней он отправляется в последнее идиллическое путешествие по Японии, безжалостно и хладнокровно расправляясь со всеми, кто пытается встать у него на пути.Японское слово hanabi означает «фейерверк», но написанное через дефис оно делится на составные части. Hana — «цветы», символ жизни и любви, и bi — «огонь», символ жестокости и насильственной смерти.
Director of Photography
A Takashi Miike film that is, to a degree, autobiographical-- Young Thugs: Innocent Blood follows three friends through their first year after leaving high school. Having robbed their teacher on their last day, Ryoko gets a job in a hair salon, while the two boys settle down into a career of enforcement and protection.
Director of Photography
Семья потомственных якудза Фудо: папа и двое сыновей. Взрослый сын принимает активное участие в клановых буднях, а младший Рики Фудо ещё малыш. Один поспешно отданный старшим сыном приказ приводит к напряженности между гангстерскими кланами. Чтобы загладить ошибку сына, старший Фудо отсекает мечом голову спящему Фудо-среднему на глазах у случайно оказавшегося рядом Рики, которую впоследствии с демоническим хохотом предъявляет собравшимся на сходку боссам других кланов. Проходит 10 лет. Подросший Рики Фудо – тихий и приятный старшеклассник руководит собственным школьным бандформированием.
Director of Photography
Dangerous street fighter Kazuyoshi Tamai finds out that his rival, Takeshi, is the leader of a gang responsible for a series of assaults. Kazuyoshi is ready to face off against Takeshi, but comic challenges keep his nemesis out of reach. It's not until years later -- when Kazuyoshi becomes a championship boxer and Takeshi is a pro wrestler -- that they meet again in a battle that pits two combatants with very different fighting styles.
Director of Photography
Makabe is a yakuza who is addicted to 'shabu' (a slang refers to stimulant drug). He lives as if he wants to destroy himself. He steals a mistress of the boss of a big yakuza syndicate by force. He takes over the yakuza group he belongs to, by killing the old boss. When he tries to use 'shabu' as the main finacial resource of his group, it leads to the serious confrontation with another big yakuza syndicate.
Director of Photography
Yamato Tanaka, who attempted to murder his father in the past, used to work as a janitor in a theme park. Now unemployed, Yamato lives in a very humble apartment room. He lost his family by the crime he committed with the urge he himself couldn’t and even now can explain. He has nowhere to go, and becomes isolated in the big city. His continuous job search is unsuccessful, and one day he meets a young girl Kaoru who is passing out advertisement packaged with free tissue to the crowd at a train station. He aggressively gets involved with her. The two immediately feel the mutual isolation and desperation within themselves. These are youngsters with no purpose in their lives, symbolizing the Japanese society which passed the post-war economic peak period. Yamato and Kaoru go down the road of destruction, being sucked into the deep, dark ditch of society. Filling the screen images both stark and surreal, director Ataru Oikawa draws an unadulterated portrait of youth.