Peter Pauli

Рождение : 1940-01-01,


In der Überzahl
älterer Herr
Die Lehrerin
A teacher's colleague is critically wounded by a student. Traumatized, she attempts to cope.
Whiskey with Vodka
A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy? Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from an inclination to authentically capture the various relationships.
Vater Schmiedel
Die Polizistin is a documentary by Andreas Dresen about the life of a young police woman who is faced with the difficulties between her responsibilities at work and her personal responsibilities.
Беги, Лола, беги
Wachmann Supermarkt (uncredited)
Лола и Манни живут в Берлине и безумно любят друг друга. И когда Манни — маленький курьер большого бандита — теряет сумку с деньгами своего босса, спасти его может только Лола. Но на то, чтобы раздобыть совсем не маленькую сумму в сто тысяч марок, у девушки есть только 20 минут. Каждая секунда может означать разницу между жизнью и смертью. Так что, как следует отдышитесь и приготовьтесь к головокружительной и опасной пробежке в компании со стремительной Лолой. В пути вас ждет не один сюрприз…
Farssmann oder Zu Fuß in die Sackgasse
He could have had women, he could have climbed the ladder of his accountancy career, and he could have stood on the podium next to the highest in the land. If only he had wanted to! But Farssmann, shaken by divorce and unwilling to better himself, wants to remain what he is: an ordinary bookkeeper like you and me. And so the dollar deal with Mr. Osbar from Utah (USA) is not the first time he comes into conflict with the very palpable unreality of a country called the German Democratic Republic.
Der Drache Daniel
Der Tölpelhans
Ich, Thomas Müntzer, Sichel Gottes
Zwei schräge Vögel
Frank and Kamminke study informatics in Leipzig and have developed a program that enables a computer to automatically find and correct errors in its software. Freshly graduated, they are relocated to a remote Thuringian village after causing a computer breakdown. There, they are supposed to work in a small company that has no clue of economic management. The rather helpful computer system from West Germany plainly lacks compatible software. But Frank and Komminke are not allowed to work with the hardware , although it is them who could make most out of the complex system. Eventually, and with the help of consultant Petra whom both are in love with, they break into the system control room on New Year′s Eve and start up the computer with their special program.
Die ehrbaren Fünf
Der Aufstand der Fischer von St. Barbara
Die erste Reihe
The Boy with the Big Black Dog
Herr Schmidtchen
A little boy tries to keep a huge Newfoundland dog in his family's apartment.
Ernst Thälmann
События происходят в 1898 году в Северной Америке. Охотник Том Аткинс возвращается в места своей молодости, чтобы провести здесь оставшиеся годы. Но в горной долине поселилось небольшое племя индейцев, тщательно скрывающее свое пристанище от белых людей. Вождь племени предлагает Аткинсу остаться с ними. Тот принимает предложение. Однажды в уединенное поселение проникает геолог Моррис. Неподалеку от этих мест он обнаруживает богатейшие залежи меди. Моррис уговаривает Аткинса стать его компаньоном. Но тот не может предать поверивших ему индейцев. Моррис покидает долину один. Когда он вернется сюда с вооруженным отрядом, Аткинс с ружьем в руках преградит им путь.
Chirurgus Johann Paul Schroth
Dach überm Kopf
Jörg Ratgeb, Painter
On the eve of the German Peasants' Revolt, painter Joerg Ratgeb is occupied by a crisis of his own: finding a model for a Christ figure. He sets off on a journey to consult with his artistic role model, Albrecht Dürer. Although Ratgeb has always tried to stay out of the political conflict, his journey brings him face-to-face with peasant revolutionaries and the brutality and violence of their daily lives.
Sein letzter Fall