Lorenzo Mieli

Lorenzo Mieli

Рождение : 1973-04-15, Rome, Italy


Lorenzo Mieli


Come può uno scoglio
Присцилла: Элвис и я
Какая девушка не мечтает о романе со знаменитостью? У молодой Присциллы такое желание сбылось, и судьба уготовила ей встречу с самим Элвисом Пресли. Теперь они официально — главная пара Америки, но что скрывается за фасадом счастливой жизни с кумиром всей страны?
I Told You So
A turbulent mosaic of intertwined stories amidst the inescapable Italian heat.
A dark story of revenge and redemption, which will be the last chapter of Stefano Sollima’s Roman criminal trilogy.
Восемь гор
Бруно живёт в горной деревне, а Пьетро — в большом городе, но ему очень трудно сходиться с людьми. Когда они друг друга встречают, это меняет жизни обоих.
Sei pezzi facili
Целиком и полностью
Оставшись в 16 лет без матери, Марен отправляется в путешествие, чтобы найти отца, которого она не знала.
Esterno Notte (part II)
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Esterno Notte
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Латинская Америка
Абсурдистский триллер-головоломка об уязвимости человеческой психики, обнажающий тревожную изнанку итальянской версии «американской мечты».
Belli ciao
Pio and Amedeo are inseparable friends, or at least they were until they graduated from high school, at which point each one was faced with the question: move up north or stay in the south?
Рука Бога
История о парне Фабьетто Скизе, который живет в неспокойном Неаполе 1980-х. Внезапные радости, такие как приезд легенды футбола Диего Марадоны, соседствуют с неожиданной трагедией. Повороты судьбы, радость и горе переплетаются, давая ход будущему Фабьетто.
On Our Watch
Arturo loses his tech job to an algorithm he himself created. The rest of his life quickly crumbles and he ends up working as a delivery man for FUUBER, shuttling take-out orders around town while his movements are monitored and evaluated by an unreasonably strict app. His only solace comes from Stella, a hologram girlfriend also connected to a FUUBER app whose free trial is running out. Unable to afford a subscription due to the financial uncertainty of his new job, Arturo decides to take a stand...
My Name Is Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti retraces his entire life while watching it on the silver screen together with the audience. Images and emotions flow among key moments of his career, scenes from his personal life and memories he has never shared before.
Фестиваль Рифкина
Executive Producer
Самый красивый город на берегу солнечной Испании, романтическое настроение и престижный мировой кинофестиваль, сияющий кинозвездами – именно за этим тысячи людей ежегодно отправляются в Сан-Себастьян. Однако для одной супружеской пары магия кино оказывается реальной. Их затягивает в водоворот соблазнов и приключений, где жанры стремительно сменяют друг друга словно эмоции влюбленных.
Если только
Альма, Жан и Себастьяно, дети разведенных родителей, прибывают в Рим из Парижа в гости к своему отцу. Во время праздника напряженность семьи выходит на поверхность.
Двойное счастье
Никола и Сара давно женаты, но все так же влюблены друг в друга. У них шестилетняя дочь и спокойная жизнь, пока рождение второго ребенка не ставит все с ног на голову. Выдержит ли их пара испытание на прочность?
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
Queen Bee
Elsa is seventy and has five empty hives. The bees are gone like her husband. One morning he finds Amin, a sixteen-year-old boy who has escaped from an immigration center, hiding in the garage. The police are looking for him. Elsa hosts him in exchange for help.
Не мозгом единым
Женщина по имени Джованна всегда довольно скромно одета, да и в принципе она достаточно скучновата, а также она делит свою жизнь между работой в министерстве и школьными заботами ее дочери Мартины. Но в действительности это всё ширма, за которой скрывается секретный агент национальной безопасности, который принимает участие в самых опасных секретных операциях.
Beware the Gorilla
Lorenzo is a lawyer who files a lawsuit against the zoo of his town but after winning it he has to take home a gorilla.
Добро пожаловать в Рим
Джованни — респектабельный глава аналитического центра — возвращается в Рим из командировки и с ужасом узнаёт, что его единственная и горячо любимая 13-летняя дочь Агнеса обручена с Алессио — подростком из бедного пригорода. Чтобы убедить молодых людей, что они не пара, ему придётся заручиться поддержкой Моники — матери Алессио, женщины со взрывным характером и своими представлениями о социальной справедливости.
Poveri ma ricchissimi
The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.
It's All About Karma
Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.
Mom or Dad?
A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.
Poor but Rich
The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.
At War for Love
It's 1943 and World War II is raging in Europe. In New York, Arturo and Flora the daughter of a restaurant owner are in love, but she is promised in marriage to the son of a Mafia boss. There is a way around this, but to be able to marry Flora, Arturo needs to get permission from her father, who lives in a village in Sicily. Arturo doesn't have any money, so the only way he can get to Sicily is to enlist in the U.S. Army, which is preparing for a landing on the island.
Forever Young
Intertwined stories of 50somethings that won't give up on their glory days
Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale
Three comedic and intertwined episodes.
I bambini sanno
Ogni maledetto Natale
Massimo Marinelli Lops and Giulia Colardo meet by chance in Rome and fall in love. Giulia asks Massimo to spend Christmas Eve with her family.
Soap Opera
When the kooky tenants of an apartment block experience a sudden and shocking situation, they let their private lives, past secrets and crazy passions intervene as the confessions and absurd twists come thick and fast. Previous lovers, wild accusations, a possible murder and more boil to the surface days before New Year’s Eve, but can they even make it until then?
Мафия убивает только летом
Наблюдательный мальчик Артуро интересуется особенностями преступной жизни родного Палермо. Его собственная жизнь строится между двух полюсов: с одной стороны — безответное чувство к прекрасной и недоступной Флоре, с другой — кровавые разборки мафии. Все герои фильма вынуждены жить двойной жизнью: их дни рождения, влюблённости, важные моменты проходят на фоне покушений, угроз, убийств, в зоне действия правил мафиозного «кодекса чести». Артуро — и в детстве, и в зрелом возрасте — пытается бросить вызов этой раздвоенности, следуя зову сердца и чувству гражданского долга.
Boris - Il film
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Esercizi di stile
The end of a love story, told in fourteen different styles: from comedy to western, from noir to thriller, silent movie and so on.
Esercizi di stile
The end of a love story, told in fourteen different styles: from comedy to western, from noir to thriller, silent movie and so on.
Veronica, after a long trial and two years in prison for the alleged murder of her mother and her lover, is found innocent. She is only twenty years old, but it is difficult to look ahead...
Without Blood
The story of a girl's quest for revenge and healing during a time of conflict.
The tumultuous, beautiful and tragic life story of American-born Greek soprano Maria Callas, who was one of the most renowned and influential opera singers of the 20th century.
The Baron in the Trees
Revolves around a young baron who scales a tree after a dispute with his father and remains there for the rest of his life.
Lion's Heart
Production Director
Limonov: The Ballad of Eddie
The outrageous story of Eduard Limonov, the radical Soviet poet who became a bum in New York, a sensation in France, and a political antihero in Russia.
Mob Girl
The film follows Arlyne Brickman, who grows up among racketeers on the Lower East Side of New York City where she’s drawn to the glamorous and flashy lifestyle of New York mobsters. Soon after, she begins dating “wiseguys” and running errands for them, before getting in on the action herself — eventually becoming a police informant and a major witness in the government’s case against the Colombo crime family.