Lenka Vlasáková
Рождение : 1972-04-27, Praha, Československo
Naděžda Kramářová
Zdena, a young nurse, starts her first night shift at an old people’s home and immediately faces a difficult task: she has to deal with the body of a deceased client. A gentle portrait of faltering youth and a realistic tale of an encounter with death in a blend of physically intense moments and absurd humour.
Five married couples travel to a luxury resort to rekindle their relationships but quickly find themselves tangled up in a possible police investigation.
Nina is pregnant with Jakub. Today, he introduces her to his family. They’re all gathered in the hospital at the bedside of his grandfather. Just as the young lady tries to put on a brave face, she is faced with the surprising reaction of the dying relative: he wants to see her breasts. This sparks a debate to which she is not invited – should the patriarch’s last vow be satisfied?
To win back his girlfriend after an unfortunate misunderstanding, a hopeless romantic decides to recreate grand gestures from famous movies.
The fates of several women intertwine as they navigate professional setbacks, repair dysfunctional relationships and take control of their lives.
In a series of vignettes, a young woman ponders her role in life as she navigates expectations, barriers, and challenges with her loved ones.
Харизматичный и уверенный в себе Карл работает главным редактором популярного мужского журнала. Его карьера на взлёте. Все женщины от него без ума. Казалось бы, жизнь Карла вполне удалась… Пока однажды судьба не преподносит ему череду неожиданных сюрпризов, за один день перевернув всё с ног на голову. Проснувшись после бурно проведённой ночи, Карл обнаруживает себя… в женском теле! Теперь ему предстоит взглянуть на мужской мир с женской стороны.
Officer Freiwaldova
Два неблагополучных подростка угоняют старую машину и отправляются в самостоятельное путешествие по стране, наслаждаясь внезапной свободой.
Josef and Miluška are married forever and ever. Miluška teaches aerobics and provides tirelessly care for her husband and teenage daughter. Joseph loves his wife, but also has a weakness for younger and more beautiful women. Their marriage, along with Joseph's bankrupt publishing house, is slowly crumbling. Aunt Marta, who has a mad plan to save both the collapsing marriage and the Joseph publishing house, comes to rescue. As an experienced psychologist working in a marital counselling, she directs her husbands to infidelity - they must be caught in flagranti. The crazy game can start.
doctor Bendlová
Magda Goebbels
Salzburg, Germany, 2000. The elderly Czech actress Lída Baarová tells a journalist the tumultuous story of her rise to fame in 1930s Berlin and her passionate relationship with the sinister Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda of the Third Reich.
Four swimmers - water polo players find themselves at the bottom of their existence after losing a match. So desperate that they even find themselves living at the bottom of their emptied pool. To save their "dignity" they start a questionable business "Husband to rent" fixing home items for local housewives. But as time will show the household items are not the only things they end up repairing.
The film's protagonists get an opportunity to make a wish. Consequently, their lives take the path they themselves ordained. Several "coincidences" bring them everything they wanted and they have the chance to experience their wishes. We are not only responsible in our lives for everything that we do, but also for everything we say, we think and desire.
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
paní starostová
Гелене уже за сорок, и своей жизнью она довольна. Она работает консультантом-психологом в Службе помощи семейным парам. Её муж — успешный бизнесмен, а дочь Лаура — человек с «широким сердцем». Лаура помогает бездомным животным и людям, дарит кровь, одежду, а однажды приводит домой негритянку. «В Африке голод, и девушке нужна помощь». И вот, в один прекрасный день, вся жизнь Гелены рушится — её муж уходит из дома вместе с молодой африканкой. На помощь к Гелене приходит её мама, Вилма, в прошлом несостоявшаяся актриса, которая вдруг решила написать книгу своих эротических воспоминаний «Хроника моих стонов». В написании книги Вилме помогает бывший спортивный журналист, мужчина молодой и разведённый. Вся семья: мама, дочь, любимый парень дочери решают помочь Гелене — ей нужен мужчина. А без их помощи Гелена его точно не найдёт! Вот только все складывается совсем не так, как всем хотелось. В одинокую Гелену влюбляется жених её дочери, молодой продавец книг Якуб.
Dešťová víla
The elements that rule Earth - Air, Fire, Earth and Water - are in their "regular inspection tour". We are following Water, in the form of the Rain Fairy. Traversing the land dressed like a poor woman, she learns that people really have begun focusing mainly on money and that love and goodness are disappearing.
Loyalty, history and regret take center stage for university professor Pavel Josek, lauded for standing up to the communist regime when it counted most. But as a TV documentary starts to focus in on the facts of his past, new truths are uncovered which may threaten his reputation.
Фильм «У меня хорошо» — это взгляд назад, во времена радостного прощание с социализмом и неуверенного входа в новый мир, мир частной собственности и импортных вещей. Шестеро друзей — по большей части, рыбаки и садоводы — каждую субботу встречаются за кружкой пива в маленькой пивнушке на Либенском острове. И вот один из них становится жертвой обманщиков на пражском рынке. Друзьям приходится, как в старом добром вестерне, взять закон в собственные руки: в жарком городе, полном пыли, фальшивомонетчиков, контрабандистов, проституток и продажных полицейских они пытаются вернуть другу обманом отобранные тридцать шесть тысяч крон. У них все получится, благодаря дружбе, отваге, удаче, а главное — потертому тузу…
Dr. Nachtigal
Komedie O rodičích a dětech chce navázat na nejlepší tradice české filmové komedie. Vtipné dialogy, výjimečné herecké výkony a humor spojující diváky napříč generacemi. Příběh filmu vychází ze zdánlivě banální situace. Syn (David Novotný) jde na procházku se svým otcem (Josef Somr)... Syn je zralý čtyřicátník a žije spokojeně se svou přítelkyní. Otci je přes sedmdesát. Je bývalý vědec-biolog. Klasický intelektuál v dobrém slova smyslu. Zdánlivě jediné, co tyto dva muže spojuje, je to, že se jdou jednou za měsíc společně projít Prahou. Nicméně jsou svázáni poutem čtyřiceti let společného života. V brilantně vedeném dialogu se před námi odkrývají dějiny dvacátého století a všechny absurdity s ním spojené. Odhalují se ta nejhlubší místa lidských vztahů. Odtajňují se staré resty, trápení a radosti. Na scéně se objeví Vnuk, o kterém Syn neměl přes dvacet let ani tušení. A některé chyby se opakují znovu a znovu.
Krystof, an architect whose main priority is his job, has been living for several years with Tereza, who has a somewhat different outlook on life. Their love story reveals the distinctness and contradictory nature of each person's subjective worlds and shows how the line between dream and reality differs in each and every one of us.
51-year-old Herbert Strehlow, a furniture restorer, falls in love with 21-year-old Lea, who has not spoken a word since childhood when her father killed her mother. She bears a striking resemblance to Herbert's dead wife. They get married, but their relationship seems doomed, until gradually each one manages to penetrate the mysterious world of the other, and they begin to realize that they are bound by a kind of spiritual relationship. For Lea it is the death of her mother, for Herbert it is the death of his first wife. His hard exterior slowly beings to thaw, and he starts to show feelings and responses that soften Lea's initial hatred and fear of him, and which put their relationship in a more positive light.