Herbert Ashley


Падший ангел
Reporter (uncredited)
Эрика Стентона высаживают из автобуса в прибрежном Калифорнийском городке Уолтоне, поскольку он не может оплатить проезд. Встретив роскошную официантку Стелу, Эрик решает остаться в Уолтоне на некоторое время…
1905 год. Мошенник Эдди Джонсон прибывает в Кони-Айленд, чтобы найти своего старого приятеля Джо Рокко, который когда-то обманул Эдди и сбежал с их общими заработанными деньгами. Эдди намерен получить долю в новом салоне Джо. В этом салоне Эдди знакомиться с певичкой Кэйт Фэрли. После того, как Эдди позволил себе раскритиковать безвкусный стиль Кэйт, Джо указывает ему на дверь. Эдди находит общий язык с Фрэнки и предлагает превратить его дешевый балаган с демонстрацией татуированной женщины в зрелищное танцевальное шоу. Очень скоро шоу Эдди и Фрэнка становится очень популярным и переманивает публику из заведения Джо Рокко. Когда Кэйт не скрывает от Джо заинтересованности новым шоу Эдди, вражда между старыми приятелями только накаляется...
Миссия в Москву
Electrician at Madison Square Garden (uncredited)
Хроника впечатлений о Советском Союзе американского посла Дэвиса, его встреч со Сталиным, и его общая точка зрения на отношения Советского Союза и Соединенных Штатов.
Женщина года
Stage Doorman (uncredited)
В центре истории соперничающие репортеры Сэм и Тесс, которые влюбляются в друг друга и женятся. Однако брак совершенно не успокаивает их накаленные отношения…
Belle Starr
Jailer (uncredited)
After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
Ride on Vaquero
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
Чад Ханна
Действие фильма происходит в США, в 19-ом веке. Молодой полуграмотный парень Чад Ханна помогает укрыться беглому рабу, за что объявляется вне закона. Теперь он сам вынужден скрываться от правосудия и отправляется путешествовать вместе с бродячим цирком-шапито. Здесь он влюбляется в прекрасную, но ветреную девушку-наездницу Олбани, не замечая, что в него влюблена другая девушка — Кэролайн, сбежавшая от избивавшего ее отца.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Morgue Attendant
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
Весенний вальс
Симпатичная девушка крестьянка Илонка Толнэй из горной деревушки направляется на ярмарку в ближайший городок, где птица цыгана вытаскивает ей записку-предсказание с обещанием счастливой судьбоносной встречи и скорой свадьбы. Девушка, волею судьбы, попадает в Вену, в дом пекаря, который поставляет выпечку императору. Однажды она встречает армейского барабанщика Гарри Мартена, тайно мечтающего стать композитором и дирижером. К сожалению, военный устав запрещает молодому капралу создавать свою собственную музыку. На помощь загрустившему таланту приходит предприимчивая и наивная Илонка. Девушка отправляет листы с нотами вместе с ежедневной порцией печенья во дворец. С этого момента начинают сбываться волшебное предсказание цыгана…
Midnight Limited
The Phantom Robber gets a fortune in jewels and some valuable papers from a robbery on the crack train "The Midnight Limited" and Val Lennon and his pretty assistant, Joan Marshall, are on his trail. But the Phantom strikes three more times and adds murder to his list. Val decides to use himself as bait, although Chief Harrigan and Joan beg him not to risk his life. But Val, disguised as a wealthy Canadian, boards the train for a rendezvous with a killer.
The House Across the Bay
Man in Park
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Little Old New York
Ticket Taker
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Swanee River
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Голливудская кавалькада
В 1913 году работник киностудии Майкл Коннорс увидел в постановке на Бродвее Молли Адэр. Очарованный ее красотой и талантом, он уговаривает ее оставить театр и уехать с ним в Калифорнию, где в то время начинает развиваться киноиндустрия. Став сценаристом и режиссером фильмов с Молли в главной роли, он делает из нее звезду... Сюжет замешан на биографии Макка Сеннетта и Мэйбл Норманд. В фильме снимались в роли самих себя многие звёзды немого кино. В имени главного героя заменили всего две буквы. Изменены названия студий. Скандал с загадочным убийством Уильяма Тейлора заменен на автомобильную катастрофу и по-мелочи. Но много и придуманного. Мэйбл Норманд не была звездой Бродвея и попала в кинематограф без помощи Макка Сеннетта. Макк Сеннетт в фильме встречается со своим «двойником» в молодости. Фантастическая концовка ‒ никакого триумфального прорыва в звуковое кино в реальности не было.
Hotel for Women
Guests at a women's residence club help a jilted small-town girl turn to modelling.
Вторая скрипка
Highway Patrolman
Репортер Джимми Саттон работает в агенстве ,которое освещает жизнь Голливуда. Ему поручают привезти из далекого северного городка девушку, которая выбрана на главную роль в фильме "Девушка с севера"Обычная школьная учительница приезжает в Голливуд и покоряет его....
Rose of Washington Square
Stage Doorman (uncredited)
Rose Sargent, a Roaring '20s singer, becomes a Ziegfeld Follies star as her criminal husband gets deeper in trouble.
East Side of Heaven
Cop (uncredited)
A man finds himself the father, by proxy, of a ten-month-old baby and becomes involved in the turbulent lives of the child's family.
Давайте жить
Sam (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Spring Madness
Train Conductor
Harvard senior Sam Thatcher (Lew Ayres) and his best friend and roommate, known as "The Lippencott" (Burgess Meredith), plan to go to Russia after graduation, a decision Sam has kept from his girlfriend, Alexandra Benson (Maureen O'Sullivan).
Rich Man, Poor Girl
A millionaire courts a working-class woman.
True Confession
Juror (uncredited)
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
Night Club Scandal
When Dr. Ernest Tindal's wife is murdered, evidence mounts to convict her lover, Frank Marian. But Frank knows he didn't do it.....
It's Love I'm After
Stage Doorman (uncredited)
An infatuated debutante renews a Shakespearean actor's running feud with his leading lady.
Ready, Willing and Able
Stage Doorman
Two starving songwriters will only get funding if they get British actress Jane Clarke to star in their show.
Love Is News
Airport Gateman (uncredited)
When a crafty reporter uses false pretenses to get a story out of heiress Tony Gateson, she turns the tables on him, telling the press that they are engaged. Suddenly he's front page news, every salesman is at his doorstep, and he loses his job. A series of misadventures ensues with him alternately back on his job and fired and her ex-fiancé showing up.
Devil's Playground
A remake of Frank Capra's Submarine (1928), Devil's Playground is a snappy Columbia "B plus" picture starring Richard Dix and Chester Morris. Submarine officers Dorgan (Dix) and Mason (Morris) battle on land for the affections of dance-hall girl Carmen (Dolores del Rio). She marries Dorgan but makes a play for Mason when her husband is on duty. The romantic rivalry is forgotten when Dorgan must rescue Mason and his crew from a sunken sub.
Rhythm on the Range
Train Brakeman
Cowboy Jeff Larabee returns from the east and meets Doris Halloway, a young girl, that he regards as a vagabond, till he learns that she's the owner of the farm where he works. He tries to win her heart, but without success, until she is endangered by gangsters
Private Number
Detective Finding Ellen (Uncredited)
Ellen Neal, a young and inexperienced maid, becomes romantically involved with her employers son which causes various complications. The head butler also has an infatuation for the young girl but his intentions are not that good.
Oscar (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Brilliant Marriage
When a wealthy heiress discovers the terrible family secret that has been hidden from her since birth, her world is turned upside down.
Here Comes Trouble
Donovan unknowingly becomes tangled up with jewel thieves when Evelyn Howard gives him a cigarette lighter containing some hot rocks.
It's in the Air
Boxing Bettor (uncredited)
Con men Calvin Churchill and Clip McGurk know how to fix a horse-race or boxing match. Calvin wants to go straight and win back his estranged wife, but first the men must dodge a dogged IRS agent and bilk a bunch of aviation investors out of the backing boodle for a balloon excursion into the stratosphere.
Every Night at Eight
Piano Remover (uncredited)
Three young girls working in an agency have build a singing trio. They want to "lease" the Dictaphone of their boss to make a record of their singing, but they are caught and fired. When they are not able to pay their rent any longer, they decide to try it on an amateur contest at a radio station.