Jeroen Goeijers


Sound Designer
Twenty years after Allard brought back the relationship with his mother to a minimum, the police calls him. They found her in a completely dishevelled house where she can no longer take care of herself. He decides not to abandon her in this state and takes responsibility for her care. Eventually, she ends up in a closed psychiatric ward. In this documentary, she blames her son for everything and wants him to behave like a good son.
I'm So Sorry
Sound Designer
In a quiet forest, a sign warns of radiation hazard. “Is this the past or the future?” muses the masked figure who appears like a kind of ghost in nuclear disaster areas. At a time when nuclear power may be re-emerging as an alternative to fossil fuels, this calmly observed and compelling tour takes us to places that may serve as a warning.
Prison for Profit
Sound Designer
The Mangaung Prison opened in 2001 as South Africa’s first privately run penitentiary. Its operator, the multi-billion-dollar British security firm G4S, promised the most humane treatment and the best facilities for its nearly 3,000 prisoners—and naturally at the lowest cost. Testimonials from whistleblowers and former prisoners, and the findings of investigative journalist Ruth Hopkins expose the reality of prison privatization. Guards are underpaid, overworked and fear every day for their lives. Prisoners are a source of income, so rehabilitation isn’t a priority. Prison for Profit shows how this profit maximization system works, and what happens when governmental tasks like detention are outsourced to powerful international corporations. And what are the negative consequences for society at large?
Prison for Profit
The Mangaung Prison opened in 2001 as South Africa’s first privately run penitentiary. Its operator, the multi-billion-dollar British security firm G4S, promised the most humane treatment and the best facilities for its nearly 3,000 prisoners—and naturally at the lowest cost. Testimonials from whistleblowers and former prisoners, and the findings of investigative journalist Ruth Hopkins expose the reality of prison privatization. Guards are underpaid, overworked and fear every day for their lives. Prisoners are a source of income, so rehabilitation isn’t a priority. Prison for Profit shows how this profit maximization system works, and what happens when governmental tasks like detention are outsourced to powerful international corporations. And what are the negative consequences for society at large?
Smog Town
Langfang, about 40 kilometers from Beijing, is one of the most air-polluted cities in China. But at the local environmental protection bureau, deputy chief Li and his assistant Hu are working hard to change this.
Smog Town
Sound Designer
Langfang, about 40 kilometers from Beijing, is one of the most air-polluted cities in China. But at the local environmental protection bureau, deputy chief Li and his assistant Hu are working hard to change this.
Sound Director
История звездного танцора и хореографа Рамзана Ахмадова, чей танцевальный коллектив «Даймохк» нашел прибежище в сегодняшней Чечне у президента Кадырова. Благодаря этому на какое-то время отсрочено умирание традиции народного танца. Но велика и цена, которую пришлось заплатить, чтобы спасти традиции своего народа, – Рамзан сотрудничает с властями и жертвует самым дорогим для себя.
Original Music Composer
История звездного танцора и хореографа Рамзана Ахмадова, чей танцевальный коллектив «Даймохк» нашел прибежище в сегодняшней Чечне у президента Кадырова. Благодаря этому на какое-то время отсрочено умирание традиции народного танца. Но велика и цена, которую пришлось заплатить, чтобы спасти традиции своего народа, – Рамзан сотрудничает с властями и жертвует самым дорогим для себя.
Daddy and the Warlord
In postwar Liberia Clarice Gargard searches the truth concerning her father's dubious connection to warlord Charles Taylor.
Овечий герой
Mix Technician
Около 10 лет назад кинорежиссер Тон ван Зантвоорт познакомился со Стейном, идеалистом с веселой, расслабленной натурой. Стейн - один из последних оставшихся голландских пастухов, работающих традиционным способом. Мы видим пастуха, его овец и трех его верных собак, которые пересекают природные заповедники и сельскохозяйственные угодья, чтобы стадо могло пасти землю экологически чистым способом. Но в наши дни мало что осталось от романтики и мира, который мы связываем с многовековой традицией овцеводства. Тендеры все труднее приобретать - конкуренция со стороны крупных компаний, дешевых восточноевропейских пастухов и интеллектуальных машин.
Kabul, City in the Wind
The film is a sobering, intimate and warm account of daily life in Kabul during the silent intervals between suicide bombings. The bombings that happened, and those that will, define life for the film's characters; a father who works as a bus driver, and two young boys whose policeman father is away due to murder threats.
The Sea Stares at Us from Afar
Sound Mixer
Huelva, Spain, an isolated region lost in time. The grass, the sand and the sky are the same that those foreigners saw in the spring of 1895, when they crossed the sea from a distant country to mark the unspoiled terrain and extract its wealth, when the tower was new, when people could climb to the top of the highest dune and imagine that the city of Tartessos was still there, in the distance, almost invisible in the morning brume.
The Sea Stares at Us from Afar
Sound Designer
Huelva, Spain, an isolated region lost in time. The grass, the sand and the sky are the same that those foreigners saw in the spring of 1895, when they crossed the sea from a distant country to mark the unspoiled terrain and extract its wealth, when the tower was new, when people could climb to the top of the highest dune and imagine that the city of Tartessos was still there, in the distance, almost invisible in the morning brume.
A Haunting History
Sound Designer
Haunted by his violent past, the ambitious lawyer Anuol returns to his homeland, South Sudan, committed to serve his country and hold accountable those who are responsible. But his quest, led by the rules of law, hits a wall when he is confronted with his countrymen’s reluctance to reconcile with history.
A Haunting History
Haunted by his violent past, the ambitious lawyer Anuol returns to his homeland, South Sudan, committed to serve his country and hold accountable those who are responsible. But his quest, led by the rules of law, hits a wall when he is confronted with his countrymen’s reluctance to reconcile with history.
Spring Forward
Sound Editor
A fascinating look into the changing inner lives of young Orthodox Christians as they leave the safety of high school and fly out into the world.
Sound mixer
Producer Oscar Holleman (Within Temptation an Krezip) instantly recognizes 21 year old Sharon Kovacs as a talented singer. Even comparing her voice to Amy Winehouse. The movie is a documentation of them recording during two very hectic years.
Wild Boar
Sound Designer
In nature only one rule counts; eat or be eaten. WILD BOAR is a poetic, and visually arresting documentary about the curious relationship between man and the rise of the wild boar. The film tells a story about confusion, despair and opportunity amidst the invasion of unruly creatures that won’t abide by manmade rules and laws. From the dark woods where it originates, this almost uncontrollably dangerous creature goes deeper and deeper into our villages and cities but at the same time tickles our imagination and inspires us. WILD BOAR is an exploration of a society conflicted with nature and a reflection of the curiosity of human nature itself. Will we eat them or will they eventually devour us?
Wild Boar
Sound mixer
In nature only one rule counts; eat or be eaten. WILD BOAR is a poetic, and visually arresting documentary about the curious relationship between man and the rise of the wild boar. The film tells a story about confusion, despair and opportunity amidst the invasion of unruly creatures that won’t abide by manmade rules and laws. From the dark woods where it originates, this almost uncontrollably dangerous creature goes deeper and deeper into our villages and cities but at the same time tickles our imagination and inspires us. WILD BOAR is an exploration of a society conflicted with nature and a reflection of the curiosity of human nature itself. Will we eat them or will they eventually devour us?
Back to the Square
A year after the euphoria on Tahrir Square, the demonstrators' goals have not even come close to being reached. The country is ruled with an iron fist and there is still no democracy. The 'eye of the world' has moved elsewhere. How things have been in Egypt since 25 January 2011 is explained using five portraits of people from various walks of life.
Stilte na de storm
Sound Designer
A woman answers the phone at night. She learns something terrible has happened to her boyfriend David in Phuket. Her world collapses. Stilte na de storm visualises that single brief moment between the nocturnal phone call and the confirmation of the dreaded message. In a stream of consciousness, emotions, memories and reality sweep through her like a storm, before she realises she has lost David. Only silence remains.
Stilte na de storm
A woman answers the phone at night. She learns something terrible has happened to her boyfriend David in Phuket. Her world collapses. Stilte na de storm visualises that single brief moment between the nocturnal phone call and the confirmation of the dreaded message. In a stream of consciousness, emotions, memories and reality sweep through her like a storm, before she realises she has lost David. Only silence remains.
Weapon of War: Confessions of rape in Congo
Wherever war breaks out, men with guns rape. During the decades of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo possibly hundreds of thousands of women and girls were brutally raped. In WEAPON OF WAR military perpetrators unveil what lies behind this brutal behavior and the strategies of rape as a war crime. An ex-rebel explains how he raped. Like for many ex-soldiers, starting a normal life again is a struggle filled with trauma. In an attempt to reconcile with his past, he decides to meets one of his victims in an attempt to obtain forgiveness. Captain Basima is working as a priest in Congo's army and confronts perpetrators of rape. He urges them to change. Just like he did.
Banking the Unbanked
Banking the Unbanked
Sound Designer
Voices of Bam
Two Dutch filmmakers travel to the Iranian city of Bam to chronicle the aftermath of a December 2006 earthquake that claimed 43,000 lives and left 60,000 homeless. Survivors reflect on the catastrophe in voice-over narration that's accompanied by images of a wrecked metropolis fighting to pull itself back together. The gripping documentary received its North American premiere at the 2006 Tribeca Film Festival.
De witte raaf
Director Entrop follows Lalla Weiss for a year, the spokeswoman of the national Sinti and Roma organisation. Weiss emphasises that the Roma and Sinti have been denied a place in our culture for seven hundred years, and that this is only recently and gradually changing. She herself is the living proof of the fact that things can change: she is married to Kees, a civilian, and as his wife she takes the lead in the traditional male dominated Roma and Sinti societies.
De witte raaf
Mixing Engineer
Director Entrop follows Lalla Weiss for a year, the spokeswoman of the national Sinti and Roma organisation. Weiss emphasises that the Roma and Sinti have been denied a place in our culture for seven hundred years, and that this is only recently and gradually changing. She herself is the living proof of the fact that things can change: she is married to Kees, a civilian, and as his wife she takes the lead in the traditional male dominated Roma and Sinti societies.
Short film in which an elderly couple takes leave of each other after fifty years of loving and living. His dementia is becoming more and more serious and today she will take him to a nursing home. This morning is the last time when they rise together, sit in the kitchen in their robes and look forward to the new day. Memories of years gone by come back to them.