Kees Coolen


Saint Amour
The year is 1969. Father Louis (27) lives in a monastery and his priesthood is a vocation for him. However when his friend and colleague priest Daniël starts having a relationship with a woman, Louis also starts to question his celibate life. Why is he not allowed to have intimate relations with another human being? A series of events make Louis rebel against the Catholic Church and in 1973 he leaves the monastery. Chance brings him into contact with Daikha, a woman who teaches him about love. In 1999 his short affair with Daikha is almost forgotten. Louis has turned away from the church and now lives with his childhood love Liliane. Then he gets news that will change Louis' life drastically for the third time.
Винсент и Тео
Uncle Jan
В центре сюжета художник Винсент Ван Гог и его брат — Тео, на чьих трех письмах и основана эта история.
Последние дни войны. Голландия оккупирована фашистами. Около дома одного из жителей маленького городка партизанами был убит голландец, который сотрудничал с фашистами. Жители этого домика, опасаясь мести фашистов, перетаскивают тело к другому дому. В нем живет директор гимназии с семьей.Фашисты расстреливают всю семью, и сжигают этот дом дотла. Удается выжить только 12-летнему Антону.
A Question of Silence
When three women with no previous acquaintance kill a male shopkeeper in the middle of the day, the female psychiatrist assigned to the case sets out to understand why.