Anna Ridley


Dialogue for Two Players
"The tellingly titled Dialogue for Two Players, also 1984, moves into quasi-dramatic space, in which the seemingly spontaneous relationships, are revealed not just as a construct but also as a complex puzzle. It implicitly comments on and critiques the 'confessional' modes of video and its illusion of real presence. It thus rejects that was at the time a dominant style in artist's video, turning on its head the simpler versions of the slogan that 'the personal is political'. At the same time it is a political work in a different sense, questioning the popular TV format of the in-depth personal interview which it ironizes. As such, and with Partridge himself playing the part of interviewer/director, it is his most overt 'intervention' into documentary drama even as he subverts it." - Al Rees
Огненные колесницы
Art Direction
Фильм поставлен по реальным событиям и рассказывает о соперничестве двух атлетов-бегунов, представлявших Великобританию на Олимпийских играх 1924 года в Париже: студента Кембриджа, еврея Гарольда Абрахамса и шотландского миссионера Эрика Лиддела. В центре внимания авторов картины — противостояние двух характеров и двух противоположных мировоззрений.
Schalcken the Painter
Production Design
Can Schalcken save his love, Rose, from the clutches of a ghastly suitor before it is too late?