Sound Re-Recording Mixer
As a virus spreads throughout Brazil, a young filmmaker goes back to his village and tries to rekindle his relationship with his father. But as they become closer, stranger events start to happen, making their connection more difficult.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Среди гор и маковых полей Мексики три подруги помогают друг другу восстановить искалеченные наркокартелем жизни.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jonatan, aka MC Xerelete, dreams of becoming a famous funk singer and so providing the comfortable life that he sees in the media for himself and his father. Till then, both of them work as fishermen at the Guanabara Bay. Together, they face the responsibilities and obstacles that life throws at them.
Sound Mixer
Karen sings and plays the trumpet in a vigorous rock band in Brasilia, but no one there is interested in it. At 27, she has lost hope in the city her grandfather helped to build. She follows in the footsteps of her ex-partner in the band, Artur, and tries her luck in Berlin.
Sound Mixer
The quiet life of the small town Piedade's inhabitants is shaken up by the arrival of a big oil company, which barges in taking over houses and local businesses, throwing everyone out, to better reach and use the area's natural resources.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Супружеская чета представителей бразильской элиты имеет дурную привычку - есть своих работников. Более что, высокопоставленный супруг состоит в так называемом Клубе каннибалов, члены которого раз в неделю предаются извращенным развлечениям.
Sound Mixer
Based on the classic Brazilian television series that conquered audiences during Sunday night prime time on TV Globo, with improv that happens like in scenes of a play. The feature film’s structure maintains the members of a middle-class family from São Paulo, their maid, and the building’s doorman. It’s the return of iconic characters like Caco Antibes, Magda and Ribamar, and also new characters.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Мир Марселы меняется после смерти ее сестры Рины. Она чувствует себя потерянной в своем собственном доме, и связи с ее близким семейным окружением начинают рушиться.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nalu lives with Ruben, her father, in a small country town near the Brazilian border with Uruguay. When Ruben realizes that his daughter is becoming a woman, an ambiguous closeness begins to develop between them.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A shy student suddenly becomes the center of attention when she wins a huge birthday party that she never asked for.
Sound Mixer
Juan has become the laughingstock of the small fishing village, due to his wife being unfaithful and getting pregnant by another man. He has left fishing and now obsessively cares for an ostentatious mansion of a wealthy family from the capital. One day, the young son of the owner shows up at the house, without his father's permission and loaded with alcohol, with a foreign friend and a village girl they just met. During the course of the weekend, Juan will be forced to make decisions that will affect the rest of his life.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Mixer
In the city of São Paulo, the routine of gravedigger apprentice Deodato changes when a new working girl arrives at the cemetery. Together, they must re-register the abandoned tombs, but strange events make the apprentice wonder about the consequences of messing with the dead.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the city of São Paulo, the routine of gravedigger apprentice Deodato changes when a new working girl arrives at the cemetery. Together, they must re-register the abandoned tombs, but strange events make the apprentice wonder about the consequences of messing with the dead.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A group of friends finds their fun at vacation camp ruined when a big corporate developer threatens to build a pollution-spewing factory on the land.
Sound Mixer
Фильм повествует о домработнице Вал, которая, проработав многие годы в Сан-Паулу вдали от своей дочери Жессики, оставленной в штате Пернамбуку, наконец, имеет стабильную работу, но ее мучает совесть из-за расставания с семьей. В то же время она фактически стала второй матерью сыну своих работодателей, которого помогала растить как няня.
Mix Technician
In a small village in the hinterland, three stories of love and desire are changing the emotional landscape of its residents. Characters of a romanesque world in which their conceptions of life are limited on one side by human instincts, on the other by a blind and fatalist fate.
Sound Mixer
Zizo, a radical and anarchist poet living in a marginal quarter of Recife in the north eastern state of Pernambuco, distributes his social angst-filled thoughts through a publication named Febre do Rato, and spews poetry to anyone who’d listen. Our character always revolves within the universe that he has created around himself. A very particular world, in which satisfying the unfortunate is a mixture of a kind of benefit with high dose of malice.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
With her husband having lost his job, Helena opens her own grocery store, but is soon plagued by strange occurrences.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Фильм нарушает сразу два «традиционных табу» — гомосексуальность и инцест: речь идет о двух братьях, которые стали любовниками.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Valter's life turns upside-down when a gang of smalltime criminals move in next door. Valter's wife Iara wants something to be done about their new neighbors whos nigthtly activities does not allow them to sleep. Valter just wants to be left alone.
Sound Assistant
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, рассказывает историю коммунистки Ольги Бенарио-Престес (1908-1942). Ольга Бенарио, еврейка из Германии, с юности увлеклась коммунистическими идеями. В 16 лет она порывает со своей буржуазной семьей, оставляет Мюнхен, где родилась, и приезжает в Берлин. В столице становится активисткой компартии. Преследуемая полицией, она спасается бегством в Москву, где проходит военную подготовку. В 1935 году ей поручают сопровождать бразильского коммуниста Луиса Карлуса Престеса в Бразилию, где он должен возглавить коммунистическую революцию. В пути она влюбляется в него. Революция проваливается, Престес и Ольга арестованы.
Sound Assistant
Если бы Сатана искал местечко для филиала ада на Земле, ему не пришлось бы долго возиться. Наверняка им стала бы тюрьма Карандиру, самое жуткое исправительное заведение в Бразилии. Фантастическая антисанитария, отвратительная еда, охранники-садисты и нарушения всех мыслимых прав человека сделали ее печально знаменитой задолго до того, как однажды в 1992 году доведенные до отчаяния заключенные Карандиру подняли мятеж. Полиция с огромным трудом потопила восстание в крови, убив 111 человек. В итоге, из-за разразившегося международного скандала властям пришлось разрушить тюрьму до основания как символ национального позора.