Oscar Tello


Молитвы об украденных
Production Design
Среди гор и маковых полей Мексики три подруги помогают друг другу восстановить искалеченные наркокартелем жизни.
Art Direction
Фильм рассказывает о годе жизни семьи среднего класса из города Мехико 1970-х.
Art Direction
The President of Mexico is in the last period of his term and only counting the days before his retirement. It appears to be a quiet adieu, until an international conflict has him treading murky waters.
Such Is Life in the Tropics
Art Direction
Two families dispute a land with a land dealer.
Art Direction
Alba, 11 years old, passes her days in silence. She loves little animals. She has learned to cope with her mother's illness, helping her to use the bathroom. Alba plays silently so that her mother can rest during the day. One night Alba's mother gets worse, and has to be taken to the hospital. With no one else to take care of her, Alba is sent to live with her father, who she hasn't seen since she was three years old. Living with her father is almost unbearable. Embarrassment, her first kiss, visits to mother in the hospital, Edgar's tender efforts to get close to her, and bullying at school; these are some of the experiences that pave Alba's journey to puberty and to self-acceptance.
Art Direction
The minute Lucia hears the news that her ex-boyfriend Felipe was admitted to a hospital, she rushed herself to meet him. As Felipe was found to be in a critical condition, Lucia makes up her mind to nurse him, but soon realizes the unresolved feelings she had for him.
The Prize
Art Direction
Ceci, a seven year old girl, has to keep a huge secret, but she doesn't completely understand what is the secret about. The life of her family depends on her silence. But what exactly must she keep silent about? Ceci and her mom live hidden from military repression in Argentina. Ceci asks herself: what must she say? What should she really believe and do in order to deserve the love of her mother and others?
Prometeo Deportado
Set Designer
In an unknown first world airport the arrival of an ecuadorian flight is heard. The 'members of the European Union' passby migration, while the 'others', in the other line, wait. In the middle of the claims, a group of ecuadorians is arrested. They are taken to the Room, where they wait to be deported. Seems like everyone hides something, like PROMETEO the youn magician with his hands tied like a delinquent who has a 'magical' trunk as luggage. Time passes, a way of being, Ecuador happens in this waiting room. Seems like there is no possible exit. Meanwhile, a different but well-known way of life takes place. The only thing left as a promising way out is illusion.
Долги: В Бога Верую
Set Dresser
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.