Недалёкое будущее. Женщина вынуждена вступить в подпольную банду, чтобы спасти свою дочь, находящуюся в заложниках в одном из государственных учреждений.
The lives of a Native woman and a troubled young boy intersect over the course of a school day on a reservation in Oklahoma.
A forbidden love story in a forbidden place.
A forbidden love story in a forbidden place.
Неловкий и нескладный 10-летний немецкий мальчик, потерявший отца, пытается найти своё место в непривычном мире. Ровесники лишь потешаются над ним, а мама считает, что ребёнок сам придумывает себе проблемы. В надежде получить замену пропавшего отца мальчик придумывает себе воображаемого друга — Адольфа Гитлера, который совсем не похож на знакомого всем фюрера Третьего рейха. Ситуация только осложняется, когда мальчик обнаруживает, что его мать прячет в доме еврейскую девочку.
A documentary portrait of the pioneering indigenous filmmaker and activist Merata Mita and an intimate tribute from a son about his mother that delves into the life of the first woman from an Indigenous Nation to solely direct a film anywhere in the world. Known as the grandmother of Indigenous cinema, Merata’s independent political documentaries of the 1970s and 80s highlighted injustices for Māori people and often divided the country. Mita was fearless in her life, her activism and her art. Chronicling the director’s journey to decolonize the film and television screens of New Zealand and the world, the film documents her work, her early struggles with her family and her drive for social justice that often proved personally dangerous.
История жизни Виаго, Дикона и Владислава — трёх соседей и по совместительству бессмертных вампиров, которые всего лишь пытаются выжить в современном мире, где есть арендная плата, фейсконтроль в ночных клубах, губительный солнечный свет и другие неприятности.
Follows a cleaning lady going through an overnight shift at an airport. Her actions throughout may seem selfish and heartless but they all become incredibly understandable at the end.
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata is the final work of director Merata Mita, who passed away suddenly before the film could be completed. The film addresses some of the deepest and most distressing issues Māori communities face, and shows how extraordinary creative solutions are being provided by Māori communities themselves. Mita asks Maori men to front up to some grim realities by talking openly and honestly about the violence and abuse that has plagued their communities for many years. The film is a personal response to this violence, with Mita making a case for a return to an older model of Maori manhood, when men were the ones who sweetly sang the children to sleep. “Merata intended the documentary to count in ways that mattered deeply to her and to change perceptions of abuse and violence by using themes of responsibility, redemption, revitalisation, forgiveness and, most of all, love.” - Carol Hirschfeld, Māori Television.
Young Vinnie and Jonah are bored on the mean streets — tagging, BMX-ing — when Jonah peer pressures Vinnie to join him in breaking and entering a house. When they find more than Christmas pressies inside, it tests mateship, moral codes and festive spirit.