Michael Palin, Clive Dunn and Ian Lavender are among those who contribute to this candid portrait of actor John Le Mesurier.
In a dystopian future, the population is divided between the elite "numbers" and the destitute "names" who escape the hardships of the their lives at a magic cabaret run by Zax. When Zax falls for a slumming-it "number" he builds a robot replica of her.
The Narrator
A pilgrim attempts to gain entry to a castle by any means possible, to get to a beautiful maiden, but the lord of the castle will go to in order to stop him
Fu Manchu's 168th birthday celebration is dampened when a hapless flunky spills Fu's age-regressing elixir vitae. Fu sends his lackeys to round up ingredients for a new batch of elixir, starting with the Star of Leningrad diamond, nabbed from a Soviet exhibition in Washington. The FBI sends agents Capone and Williams to England to confer with Nayland Smith, an expert on Fu.
A small English village is in turmoil with the arrival of a pop star and his wife. He soon becomes the conductor of the local brass band after the previous conductor is criticized for the false notes played by the brass band.
Sir Gawain
A NASA spacecraft proves Einstein right when, traveling faster than light, it ends up near King Arthur's Camelot. On board are big-hearted Tom Trimble and Hermes, the look-alike robot he built. Tom immediately makes friends with pretty Alisande while becoming enemies with the evil knight Sir Mordred. It seems Mordred has joined up with the Sorcerer Merlin and they are both up to no good. It is now up to Tom to try and use 20th century technology to foil their plans.
Dr. Deere
Mystery abounds when it is discovered that, one by one, the greatest Chefs in Europe are being killed. The intriguing part of the murders is that each chef is killed in the same manner that their own special dish is prepared in. Food critics and the (many) self-proclaimed greatest Chefs in Europe demand the mystery be solved.
Dr. Ogden
Прибыть в больницу на каталке в обнимку с обнажённой юной девушкой, это не самый лучший способ, которым доктор может явиться на свою новую работу — особенно, если эта девушка дочка главврача! Но доктор Роберт «Суини» типичный неудачник, чьи проблемы почти всегда связаны с молодыми девушками, обычно обнажёнными. А Оливия, эта несчастная девушка, способна достигать сексуального удовлетворения исключительно в движущемся транспорте.
Sir Archibald MacGregor
Young Rosie Dixon starts her nurse training at St Adelaide's Hospital, but the student doctors and randy male patients just can't keep their hands off her.
Marley's Ghost
«Если бы я мог исполнить своё желание, каждый идиот, у которого с губ сходит слово - «Счастливого Рождества!», то он был бы сварен в своём собственном пудинге и похоронен с осиновым колом в сердце». Так говорил бессмертные слова о Рождестве, «самый известный скряга» Чарльза Дикеннса - Эбенезер Скрудж. Вместо того чтобы присоединиться к празднованию; он сидит один в канун Рождества. Декорированная сцена с посещением призрака его покойного делового партнёра Марли, который теперь привязан к земле вечными цепями и его знакомством с Призраками прошлого, настоящего и будущего Рождества. Ибо именно они проведут его через всю его жизнь, чтобы узнать правду о себе...
Col. Bromley-Pickering
Some British soldiers in Singapore are more concerned with finding sex than finding Communists.
Ах, эти блестящие, мрачные Средние века… Прекрасные принцессы, сладкоголосые трубадуры, невменяемые рыцари и порожденные сном разума легендарные чудовища. Кстати, о чудовищах, в одном королевстве завелся монстр по имени Джабервоки. И вот, нанося огромный урон народному хозяйству, он безнаказанно терроризирует округу — никто не может его победить. К счастью, храбрость в те годы встречалась чаще, чем мозги. И вот, в поисках богатства и почета, на монстра выезжает отважный рыц… простите, бондарь Деннис! То и дело попадая в нелепые положения и анекдотические ситуации деревенский простак торит свой загогулистый путь к Славе. Охота на Джабервока началась!
Lord Redcliff
Сиджерсона Холмса, младшего брата детектива Шерлока Холмса, раздражает, что он вынужден жить в тени своего великого родственника. Единственный выход — постоянно доказывать свое превосходство над братом. Когда Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону необходимо срочно уехать из Англии, Шерлок просит Сиджерсона завершить одно запутанное дельце. Сможет ли Сиджерсон, подражая дедуктивному методу брата, найти пропавшие правительственные документы и вычислить вора?
Mr. Gibbons
A pop band and their girlfriends have fun in Spain
Два незнакомца, оба в браке с другими, встречаются на железнодорожной станции и заводят короткий, но значительный роман.
Inspector Radlett
Young Timmy starts as a window cleaner in the little company of his brother. Soon he learns that some female customers expect additional service. Young and curious as he is, he reluctantly accepts the juicy duty. However his heart belongs to Liz, who demands the highest commitment until she lets him go all the way.
Mr. Stubbs
File It Under Fear takes place in an outwardly normal rural British community. The tranquility is shattered by a series of brutal murders, all of them occurring in the library.
Alf and his family have been moved from their East End home into a high-rise council estate. Alf is not only having trouble coping with his new 'home', but also with the long commute to work, the long walk to the corner pub, his long-suffering wife, rebellious daughter and her philandering, constantly unemployed husband.
Mr. Wainwright
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
Western journalists visit Moscow to interview Adrian Harris, a former controller in British intelligence who was also a double agent for the USSR. Harris believes in both Communism and Englishness, believing himself to have betrayed his class, but not his country. The press find these beliefs incompatible, and want to find out why he became a ‘traitor’. Harris is plagued by anxieties over both his actions and his upper-class childhood, and drinks to a state of collapse
Sgt. Arthur Wilson
Dad's Army was a 1971 feature film based on the BBC television sitcom Dad's Army. Directed by Norman Cohen, it was filmed between series three and four and was based upon material from the early episodes of the television series. The film told the story of the Home Guard platoon's formation and their subsequent endeavours at a training exercise.
Дэйзи Гэмбл, необычная женщина, которая творит чудеса со своими цветами, слышит телефоны прежде чем они зазвонят. Она хочет избавиться от пагубной привычки курения. Для этого идет к доктору, который открывает в Дэйзи необычные способности…
Звезда телесериала — «Доктор Дерр» угодил в настоящий госпиталь, где ему было рекомендовано отдохнуть от съемок и отправиться в круиз на океанском лайнере «Золотой рог». По стечению обстоятельств на том же лайнере отплывает на фотосессию подруга одноклассника телезвезды — настоящего доктора Берка, фотомодель Офелия, которой Берк никак не успевает сделать предложение руки и сердца. Не в силах помешать этому путешествию, доктор Берк тайком пробирается на корабль…
Sir John
Сэр Гай Гранд, эксцентричный миллиардер, вместе со своим недавно усыновленным наследником, а ранее бездомным, Янгменом, любит развлекаться, разыгрывая людей. Гранд не против раздавать большие суммы денег различным людям, подкупать их, чтобы удовлетворять свои прихоти или шокировать их. Цель его розыгрышей - показать своему наследнику, что «каждый имеет свою цену» - все просто зависит от суммы, которую вы готовы заплатить. Начиная с довольно мелких обманов, они переходят к все более сложным трюкам с участием более высоких социальных слоев и более широкой аудитории. Как показывает их беседа, Гранд рассматривает свои сюжеты как «образовательные».
Judge Grayson
A young train spotter heads to Staffordshire for a historic journey through a soon to be condemned tunnel. During his trip, he encounters a series of curious characters.
Сразу после выхода из тюрьмы Чарли Крокер разработал гениальный план ограбления, который должен был стать преступлением столетия! С помощью короля преступного мира мистера Бриджера Чарли собирает звёздную команду уголовников-профессионалов, которая безупречно «проворачивает дело». Банда Чарли на трёх «мини-куперах» лихо угоняет четыре миллиона долларов прямо из-под носа туринских карабинеров. Но после того, как Чарли начинают преследовать полиция и мафия, герой понимает, что, оказывается - «смыться» с деньгами гораздо сложней, чем их заполучить!
A veteran secret service officer from Britain hijacks a government shipment of $15 million of gold out of an irritation for never being knighted.
Col. Woodstock
After discovering the body of a murdered female agent in their trendy Soho, London nightclub, groovy owners Charles Salt and Christopher Pepper partake in a fumbling investigation and uncover an evil plot to overthrow the government. Can our cool, yet inept duo stop the bad guys in time?
Freddie and the Dreamers play part of a Scout troupe that get caught up in a series of misadventures on their way to camp.
M's Driver (uncredited)
Самый известный шпион в мире возвращается к зрителю - и к началу своей бурной деятельности на службе Ее Величества! Первая же миссия в качестве агента 007 становится его величайшим испытанием: ему выпадает сразиться с международной террористической организацией, опутавшей своей сетью всю планету. Используя богатый шпионский арсенал - от верного пистолета до навороченного спортивного авто - Джеймс Бонд вступает в поединок с ключевой фигурой сил зла, финансовым гением преступного мира Ле Шиффром. Но пули хороши лишь для приспешников Ле Шиффра: генеральное сражение против негодяя можно выиграть лишь силой ума - и не на поле боя, а на зеленом сукне роскошного казино «Рояль»…
Jocelyn Macauley
Percy Pointer's passion in life is the theatre, and all his spare time is devoted to the play he is writing.When it's finished it arrives on the desk of a London impresario, at a time when he wants to stage a flop.
Dr. Monnet
Удручённый очередным плохим сезоном, маркиз-винодел Филипп де Монфако отправляется лично осмотреть свои виноградники. Своих детей и жену он оставляет в Лондоне, но вскоре те решают последовать за ним. Приехав в фамильный замок, они начинают подозревать, что с главой семейства да и со всеми местными обитателями что-то неладно.
Religious Sandwich Man
A man with a sandwich-board (advert) wanders around London meeting many strange characters.
Doctor Slattery
Викторианская Англия. Группа молодых британцев вкладывает деньги в так называемую «тонтину» — систему страхования, при которой всю сумму страховки получает член фонда, переживший остальных. Через много лет в живых остаются только двое — братья Мастерман и Джозеф Финсбери. Мастерман предпринимает несколько неудачных попыток убить Джозефа до тех пор, пока не поступает известие о гибели Джозефа в железнодорожной катастрофе. Казалось бы, путь к богатству открыт, но в дело вмешиваются алчные племянники Мастермана…
George Lillywhite
One of six travelers who catch the bus from Casablanca airport to Marrakesh is carrying $2 million to pay a local operator to fix United Nations votes. But which one?
Mc Gillivray
Британская разведка нанимает непрофессионала, чтобы тот выполнил простое задание в одной из стран Ближнего Востока. Счастливчику удаётся не погибнуть сразу...
Colonel Foster
Норман работает на старой,забытой Богом,маслобойне,все оборудование которой медленно,но верно приходит в полную негодность. А вокруг,между тем,кипит жизнь-технический прогресс уверенно наступает со всех сторон. И тогда Норман решает во что бы это не стало отстоять свою древнюю маслобойню.
Британская разведка нанимает Бойза Оукса — агента Л, что означает «Ликвидатор», — чтобы убрать шпионов. И хотя Бойз жить не может без девочек и вечеринок, теперь ему придётся отказаться от них и взяться за работу.
French Painter
1910. Газетный магнат лорд Ронслей, желая доказать, что Великобритания N 1 не только на море, но и в воздухе, назначает приз в 10 тысяч фунтов тому, кто выиграет авиагонку через Ла-Манш, организованную газетой «Daily Post». В борьбу за приз вступают американский ковбой Орвил Ньютон вместе с дочерью лорда Патрисией, бравый лейтенант британских военно-воздушных сил и жених Патрисии Ричард Мейс, злодей-англичанин сэр Персивал Уэр-Эрмитаж, вечно влюбленный француз Пьер Дюбуа, фанатичный немецкий полковник фон Гольштейн, итальянский граф Эмилио Понтичелли и японский военный пилот Ямамото.
Rev. Jonathan Ives
В доме молодой девушки мисс Джил Эгелис, что стоит у самого моря на высокой скале в сумерках неожиданно появляются непрошеные гости. Молодой друг мисс Джил, Бенжамен Харрис, местный инженер, замечает, что эти гости оставляют за собой повсюду морские водоросли и похищают книги и другие мелкие предметы из ее дома. А вскоре они похитили и саму мисс Джил, но Бенжамен, вместе с приятелем, художником Харольдом, преследуя похитителей через потайной ход в скале, вдруг оказываются… на самом дне моря, где в античных развалинах древнего затонувшего города до сих пор живут бессмертные люди.
Sir Robert
Работники министерства иностранных дел Дрексел и Фрэйзер (старые военные приятели, не очень разбирающиеся в вопросах шпионажа) получают задание похитить молодого арабского принца для его собственной защиты до его коронации. Экранизация по произведению Виктора Каннинга.
Mysteries abound. What is going on between the wife and her brother? Are they indeed brother and sister? Sisson has his doubts about that … . Why does Sisson feel that there must be something wrong with his eyes, although he knows that he can see clearly and his eye doctor has assured him that his vision is perfect? He forces his secretary to tie a chiffon scarf over his eyes, and then he is able to make a pass at her, in response to one of her many come-ons. Ordinary events assume a sinister tinge. Sisson's two sons, giving him the deadpan treatment that little boys have been inflicting on their elders from time immemorial, seem as eerie as characters out of a ghost story. Always the questions remain. Is there a conspiracy against Sisson. Wikipedia
Anthony Gamble
Юная Никки приезжает на остров Крит вместе со своей тетушкой, собирательницей народного фольклора, и останавливается в небольшом отеле «Лунные пряхи». Здесь девушка оказывается втянутой в опасную историю с похищенными изумрудами.
Roger Allsop
Безработного писателя, во времена холодной войны, британская разведслужба нанимает для выполнения задачи в Праге. По прибытии, он увлекается своей очаровательной сопровождающей — водителем. Которая, естественно, работает в спецслужбе…
Defence Barrister (as John LeMesurier)
Гигантский бриллиант «Розовая пантера», подаренный индийским шейхом своей дочери Дале, станет той наживкой, на которую должен клюнуть грабитель.Расставляя свои хитроумные сети, полицейский и не подозревает, что сам в них попадет, ведь у его жены есть любовник, как раз тот самый «Фантом», которого инспектор безуспешно старается поймать.
Two aging, shabby men inhabit a decaying sewer pumping station. They live by stealing things, including beds, a piano and a gramophone.They're joined by a younger man who disrupts their dreary small talk with angry, upsetting arguments.
Dr. Arraman
Сэм и Кристин Боннер — не самая счастливая семейная пара, их отношения уже давно зашли в тупик. Но Сэм всё-таки очень сильно любит Кристин, он делает для нее всё, но она чувствует себя неудовлетворенной, задыхаясь от любви заботливого супруга. Кристин хочет больше свободы для себя и ещё она хотела бы иметь ребенка. Чтобы развлечь Кристин, Сэм уговаривает своих друзей, Мюррей и Сибил, поехать вместе с ними в небольшое путешествие в Грецию…
George Dewberry Sr.
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
British Delegate
В крошечной стране Великого Фенвика проблема - в замке нет горячей воды. Чтобы достать деньги на замену водопровода, решено просить помощь у США для космического исследования. Русские тоже не отстают от интернационализации космоса и присылают помощь.
Assistant Commissioner
The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.
The Sandman
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
An affable drifter on the lam for a murder he didn't commit hides out in a circus.
Mr Simpson
A woman is found murdered in a house along the coast from Brighton. Local detectives Fellows and Wilks lead an investigation methodically following up leads and clues mostly in Brighton and Hove but also further afield.
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
Don Calogere
A salesman from England is picked to select one girl in an Italian town who will become a bride for a native son.
A victim's boyfriend sneaks into a blackmailer's flat to sort him out, but another man's already there, and both don't realise the crook has been murdered before they got there. The police soon arrive, tipped off in advance.
John Lewis is bored of his job and his wife. Then Liz, wife of a local councillor, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is.
Tricked into joining the RAF by a wily judge, wide boy Horace Pope sets his sights on the main chance, teams with slow-witted, good-hearted gypsy Pedlar Pascoe, and works up a lucrative racket in conning both his colleagues and the RAF. By means of various devious schemes Pope and Pascoe manage to avoid the front lines until they are sent to France - where they find themselves making unexpected and uncomfortably close contact with the enemy.
This British men-on-a-mission spoof set during World War II finds intrepid officer Bill Travers leading three colorful compatriots into Nazi-occupied France to destroy an obnoxiously large, loud, and destructive enemy gun. See if this fearless foursome can stomp their Fascist foes and get back to their game of cricket! Spike Milligan, Gregoire Aslan, and Thorley Walters co-star.
An Edinburgh travel agent loses his keys and his fiancé in one night. A friend finds the keys and makes loads of copies with his address attached as a joke. She gives them to him as he leaves for a holiday. He gives the keys to several women he romances across the continent. He gets engaged again by phone and arranges to meet his fiancé at his flat, but the flat isn't empty
Piggott, Escape Officer
Comedy set in World War Two, starring James Robertson-Justice and Leslie Phillips. Sir Ernest Pease (Robertson-Justice) is a self-important scientist who is sent undercover on a bombing mission to monitor the effectiveness of his latest invention, a new-fangled radar. When the plane is attacked, he parachutes to safety - only to be sent to a POW camp, where he takes on the alias of Lieutenant Farrow. There, the somewhat happy-go-lucky bunch of Brits suspect their acerbic new fellow prisoner of being a spy, and all sorts of culture clashes and misunderstandings ensue.
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
Office manager
Anthony Hancock gives up his office job to become an abstract artist. He has a lot of enthusiasm, but little talent, and critics scorn his work. Nevertheless, he impresses an emerging very talented artist. Hancock proceeds to con the art world into thinking he is a genius.
Dr. Alfiera
A petty crook gallantly consoles wealthy widows and is doing all right in his chosen profession until he meets and falls in love with a lovely baroness, who knows all about get-rich-quick schemes.
Minister of Education
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
Prosecuting counsel
Любой человек достоин любви. Даже самый никчемный и невезучий. Помощник бакалейщика Норман очень хотел любить и быть любимым, но… со вторым пунктом ему явно не повезло. От отчаяния и безысходности он вербуется на службу в Военно-Морской Флот Ее Величества. Тут-то и начинается самое интересное…
Clerk of the Court
Good natured comic caper charting the misadventures of a hapless bunch of Brighton based petty crooks dogged with disaster at every turn.
Трое ирландских революционеров собираются украсть всё золото из подвалов банка Англии. Норгат, их главарь, находит слабое место в защите банка: забытую канализационную трубу прямо под подвалом.
Dr Mincing
Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.
John Cummings, an unsuccessful cosmetics salesman, has his unpaid-for car stolen by one of the hoods in the employ of Lionel Meadows, the sadistic organizer of a London car conversion racket. The car was not insured, and since the police appear indifferent to his plight, Cummings decides to find it himself -- and gets himself involved in an underworld battle.
Mike Billing's newspaper series about quasi-illegal gambling parties in Mayfair have so far been works more of imagination than genuine journalism. But when he and his columnist girlfriend, Jenny Drew, finally manage to infiltrate one of them, it leads quickly to trouble. The party's organiser is found murdered the next morning, and a number of suspects begin to emerge. But which of them killed Lucky Lewis?
Head Waiter
Hapless Henry Palfrey is patronised by his self-important chief clerk at work, ignored by restaurant waiters, conned by shady second-hand car salesmen, and, worst of all, endlessly wrong-footed by unspeakably rotten cad Raymond Delauney who has set his cap at April, new love of Palfrey's life. In desperation Henry enrolls at the College of Lifemanship to learn how to best such bounders and win the girl.
A medical student who is thrown out of his university, ends up working in a laundry and rebuilds his confidence with a relationship with a fashion model.
Head of the Admiralty (uncredited)
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
Doctor (uncredited)
Действие фильма начинается в Палестине в 26 году от Рождества Христова. Два друга, еврей Бен Гур и римлянин Мессала, встречаются после долгой разлуки взрослыми людьми и понимают, что дружба уже невозможна…
Тайна корабля-призрака, вышедшего из ночной тьмы только с обезумевшим и пьяным капитаном на борту.
По возвращению из армии, Стенли Виндраш видит себя в роли управляющего в промышленной отрасли. Но, к сожалению, ему не удается благополучно устроиться, и он просит помощи у своего дяди Бертрама, главы завода по изготовлению оружия, который планирует нелегальную, прибыльную сделку, которая в результате оказывается не только разрушительной для завода, но и просто забавной.
British General
In 1921 Dublin, the IRA battles the "Black & Tans," special British forces given to harsh measures. Irish-American medical student Kerry O'Shea hopes to stay aloof, but saving a wounded friend gets him outlawed, and inexorably drawn into the rebel organization...under his former professor Sean Lenihan, who has "shaken hands with the devil" and begun to think of fighting as an end in itself. Complications arise when Kerry falls for a beautiful English hostage, and the British offer a peace treaty that is not enough to satisfy Lenihan.
Dr. Tranter
A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.
Что-то зловещее затаилось среди покрытых туманом английских болот. Дьявольская собака нападает на владельцев Баскервилль-Холла. Но прежде чем это чудовище вонзит зубы в последнего владельца поместья, ему придется сразиться с самым сильным противником - несравненным Шерлоком Холмсом и его острым, как бритва, умом.
Grand Duke Alexis
Great Britain has had an international agreement for the last 50 years with a small pacific island. It has been ignored until the death of their king brings it to the attention of the Foreign Office in Whitehall. They decide to send Cadogan de Vere Carlton-Browne to re-establish friendly relations.
Четверо придурков в масках решают ограбить одного богача, но вместо этого они выкрадывают его строптивую и желчную женушку, которая тут же решает отомстить «за все хорошее» своему муженьку руками бестолковых киднэпперов.
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Neagle stars a Frances Baring, a socialite widow attempting to keep her late husband's symphony orchestra going. Reluctantly she enlists the help of a young pop singer (Frankie Vaughan) who has fallen for Baring's daughter Joanna, played by a young Janette Scott.
Sir Angus
A captain is promoted by his company from tramp steamers to their flagship passenger liner. Although he is a thoroughly competent sailor ready to take charge of such a ship, he is less prepared for the social duties his new position involves, not least the way he in which becomes the target for all the unattached women on board.
Staff Colonel
A World War II farce that follows the antics of an ENSA (Entertainment National Service Association) group. Fresh from the music halls, they bumble their way from army camp to camp.
Известный певец теряет голос перед важным мероприятием. Услышав пение мистера Питкина, тенор решает записать его голос на диктофон и выдать его музыкальное произведение за свое. Но не так просто заставить мистера Питкина спеть...
Adjutant RAPC
The incredible but true story of how an impersonator was recruited to impersonate General Montgomery to mislead the German's about his intentions before the North Africa campaign.
Chief Justice
A man and wife are terrorized by Mad Scientist Dr. Callistratus who was executed but has returned to life with a heart transplant. Along with his crippled assistant Carl, the 'anemic' Mad Scientist, believed to be a vampire, conducts blood deficiency research on the inmates of a prison hospital for the criminally insane to sustain his return to life.
Harry Drayson
A £20,000 insurance claim is lodged when a nightclub is destroyed by fire, and claims investigator Mike Davies is assigned to get to the bottom of things. One suspect is Harry Drayson, the club owner but if he torched his own property for the insurance, how safe are his other, heavily insured properties?
After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish, who as the Moonraker has already spirited away many Royalists. Dawlish travels to the Windwhistle Inn on the south coast to prepare the escape, where he meets Anne Wyndham, the fiancée of a top Roundhead colonel.
Mr. Brent
US Army Officer Dan Adams, blinded during the war, is framed for a diamond smuggling rap. Upon regaining his sight, Adams goes after the real thieves in an effort to clear his name. In order to trap the wily criminals, Adams pretends that he's still bereft of his vision.
Sir Humphrey Pomfret
When Percy Brand, a habitual confidence trickster, keeps being sent down, he goes to great lengths to ensure that his son Colin, does not find out about his criminal past. But when Colin becomes an assistant to the Judge, who is about to try Percy for his latest escapade, Percy and his gang have to come up with a plan, to stop them meeting in court.
Dr. Aldridge
Действие фильма разворачивается в Англии в 1945 году, в самом конце войны. Американская журналистка Сара Скотт, работающая в Лондоне, знакомится с английским репортёром Марком Трэвором. У них завязывается бурный роман. Сара уже строит планы на их совместное будущее, когда Марк сообщает ей, что у него уже есть семья. Вскоре он погибает в авиакатастрофе. Пережив шок, Сара решает поехать на родину Марка, чтобы поближе узнать место, где он вырос и познакомиться с людьми, близкими ему.
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of involvement in a payroll robbery and then helps break up a bank robbery.
In a quiet summer corner of Wiltshire that is forever England, David and Janet decide to tie the knot. Unfortunately this is the cue for everyone else to take over proceedings, to the dismay of the couple and the increasing despair of Janet's father.
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
Commanding Officer
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Monte Mortimer
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
His Honour Judge Ryman
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
Reverend George Groves - Padre, HMS Exeter
Ноябрь 1939 года, война идет уже 2 месяца. После разгрома Польши мир узнал новое слово: блицкриг, а генералы — новую стратегию. На море тоже были свои проблемы. Во время войны Германия могла прокормить себя, а вот Англия — нет. Корабли, на которых доставляли в Англию продовольствие, можно было потопить или вывести из строя, этом случае в стране начался бы голод. Пытаясь добиться этого, немцы применяли мощное оружие — магнитные мины, подводные лодки и надводные корабли. Это были грозные и подвижные карманные линкоры — морские тигры. За 10 дней до объявления войны один из этих линкоров покинул немецкий порт и, незамеченным, проник в южную Атлантику. Многие месяцы никто не подозревал, что там притаился убийца. До тех пор, пока не начали исчезать корабль за кораблем…
The Marshal’s Aide
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
Phinneas Tilliard
A man and a woman are poisoned. The woman dies, but the man survives. The finger of blame begins to point at the man. A policeman and a newspaper journalist pursue the truth.
When his colleague is killed during a chase in Kentish Town, London bobby Frank volunteers to become a dog-handler.
Mr. Toshack
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
A stranger turns up at an English country pub and asks to stay, although reveals that he has no money. He even claims to have no name. The police become suspicious when he reveals details about Susan North, a local girl who has gone missing. However, when the police try to take the stranger in for questioning, they find that they are unable to lay their hands on him. Susan then turns up, revealing that she has been in a car crash and how the stranger saved and miraculously healed her. The stranger tells them that he is a visitor from the planet Venus. The authorities block off all exits in and out of the town. The stranger tells government representatives that he wants a meeting with heads of world governments for when his people arrive in their ship in four days time. As they set this up, the stranger discovers that the authorities instead plan to lay a trap to capture his people’s ship – something they do not realise could have disastrous consequences for Earth.
Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it.
The son of a college professor who turns to a life of crime after killing a pedestrian in an automobile accident.
People quietly or campily pass the time in an overgrown garden full of statues, while a puritanical, funereal gentleman posts bills prohibiting all leisure activities.
Henry Carson
'Rocks' Owen, the well-off owner of a car-hire business, is found murdered; the last place he was seen alive was the Blue Parrot nightclub. Scotland Yard go in to investigate, with the help of a visiting American detective and a nightclub hostess who may not be all she appears to be.
Divisional Superintendent Henley
During the early years of World War II, a bomb from a German airplane uncovers the corpse of a strangled woman.
Lefty Jones
Young Anthony Pendrell plays the precocious son of Scotland Yard inspector Norman Shelley. Pendrell's efforts to emulate his father usually results in nothing but irritation for his elders. But when a boarding house becomes the headquarters for a criminal gang, it is Pendrell who cracks the case.
Cedric, the butler
A young woman marries and moves into her husband's family mansion. She soon discovers that neither the house, nor her husband, is exactly what it seems to be.
An embezzler is implicated in his girlfriend’s murder.
Old Mother Riley becomes manager of a hotel - stolen diamonds, murder and pie fights follow.
A maniac killer returns to the scene of a ten-year-old crime, only to find the ghost of a murdered servant girl waiting to exact her revenge.
Jack Mottram
A pianist aboard a train reads the palms of passengers and predicts their deaths. Soon those deaths begin to happen.
Mr. Elvin
When the inland revenue gets an angry mistress's letter exposing a man named Toby as a tax cheat, they quietly put pressure on him. Toby panics, and hires an unscrupulous lawyer named Elvin, but he has a hard time taking his advice.